July 26th Self-assurance Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 26, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is not being overconfident

☆The way forward is to understand that for self confidence to work it needs to be appealing, not overpowering. People need to feel motivated by you, not cornered or embarrassed.

The Birthday Of Self-assurance, The Day Of The Symbolic Herald

July 26th Self-assurance Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 26th Birthdays

Sun signs: Leo

Ruling planets: Sun, the individual

Symbols: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: Strength (passion)

Favorable numbers: 6, 8

Lucky days: Sunday and Saturday especially when these days fall on 6 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, maroon, brown

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on July 26 tend to be charming and strong individuals with an almost unshakable belief in themselves. Without doubting their ability to judge situations and people, they will offer their opinions unstintingly as fact, expecting others to agree and acknowledge them as such.

Other people tend to listen when these dominant personalities speak because they have an air of authority and experience about them which others respect and admire. They also don’t speculate widely and pointlessly on a wide variety of subjects but focus their energies on one particular field of interest in which they have immersed themselves and about which they have earned the right to speak with authority. They don’t believe in fabricating the truth, and others can be sure that what they are saying is the honest and blunt truth, however painful it may be to hear.

They can also display incredible moments of insight; this can be reflected in a humorous outlook that expresses profound wisdom behind the joker’s façade. Such is the astuteness, wit and insight of their pronouncements that others sometimes put them on a pedestal and more often than not they are very happy sitting there. Unfortunately, their elevated status can come at a cost; they may find that they lose touch with their spontaneity and feelings, becoming isolated from the very group whose admiration, affection and respect they crave.

From the age of twenty-seven they have an increasing desire for more practical order, efficiency and analysis in their lives. In the years that follow, it is important for their psychological growth that they don’t become overconfident and should be more sensitive not just to their own feelings but to those of others. This is because once they can accept that they are a part of the world and not removed from it, and that others have feelings just like themselves they can use their formidable intelligence insight and passion to formulate spectacular and authoritative strategies for success in all aspects of their lives.

☆ On the dark side:Over-confident, tactless, uncompromising

☆ At your best:Honest, authoritative, confident

July 26 people are strongly dominant personalities. However, the authority they wield is rarely of a physical or financial nature, but rather lies in understanding the truths of their times, not only understanding them but also personifying them in their activities and actions. When July 26 people comment on the state of things, they usually know whereof they speak, for their authority is deeply rooted in experience (and often a profound knowledge of their discipline as well). Exceptional people born on this day may be regarded as prophets of a kind, trumpeting their message to all that will heed it.

July 26 people may appear a bit one-dimensional, for rather than seeking widely varying forms of experience they usually limit themselves to one important field of endeavor. In this specialized area they bring to bear everything that they know about life. Many born on this day come to hold extensive influence in their family, social circle, or society at large. This is because they have a way of expressing what those around them are feeling, perhaps even becoming living symbols of unconscious social attitudes which have lain dormant. This may have the unfortunate result of them so completely filling a role that they become unable to make contact with the deeper, more feeling parts of themselves necessary for creating a wellrounded personality. At some point in their lives they may have to make a firm decision to come down off their pedestal and refuse to allow others to put them up there again.

July 26 people are anything but conservative in their outlook. They often espouse quite outrageous viewpoints which can arouse antagonism from those who uphold the status quo.

Fortunately, they display a self-confidence that rarely wavers, regardless of the opponent.

Not surprisingly, those born on this day are gamblers by nature. Often fatally attracted to difficult and even dangerous situations, they tend to lay it on the line when the going gets tough and hang on until a satisfactory resolution or conclusion has been reached. With their combination of stamina and strength they are well equipped to get their way.

July 26 people make little effort to sugar-coat the pill of truth. They tell it like it is— straight out and blunt, sometimes displaying more concern for the safeguarding of "truth" than for the feelings of their fellow man. However, individuals born on this day who take the time and trouble to get to know themselves as flesh and blood people, develop greater empathy and tame their aggressions, will be better equipped than most to express the best they have inside them.

Power Thought:Compassion brings me deeper into life,A tree has many leaves and branches, but only one trunk

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 26th day of the month are ruled by the number 8 (2+6=8), and by the planet Saturn. Saturn carries strong feelings of responsibility and an accompanying tendency to caution, limitation and fatalism—thus the more traditional tendencies of July 26 people are favored. Those ruled by the number 8 may be actually quite warmhearted, but can present a cold or detached exterior. They also tend to build their lives and careers slowly and carefully, particularly true for July 26 people in regard to money matters. The combined influence of Saturn and the Sun (ruler of Leo) grants intensity but also a curious lack of true self-confidence, a fact sometimes hidden behind external bravado.

July 26th Birthday Tarot Card

The 8th card of the Major Arcana is Strength or Courage, which depicts a graceful queen taming a furious lion. The queen symbolizes the female Magician who can master rebellious energies and stands for moral as well as physical strength. This card's positive attributes include charisma and determination to succeed; the negative qualities include complacency and the misuse of power.

☆Luck maker:(Demonstrate a willingness to learn)Lucky people understand that nobody really likes or wants to help a know-all. Demonstrating a sincere and humble willingness to listen and to learn will draw people to you and they will want to help you.

Love Strong and self-assured as you are

You’re drawn to people born on December 22 to January 20:You both share a love for the good things in life, and this can be an intense and passionate relationship.

Romantic partners tend to be in awe of the self-assurance that people born on July 26 tend to be blessed with, but they thrive better with those who are not afraid to puncture their ego every now and again. Behind their authoritarian façade there is a youthful and playful spirit that others find highly attractive and once in a relationship they enjoy sharing with those they love.

Health Dynamic in every way

Just as people born on this day tend to be dynamic and authoritative in their professional and personal lives, when it comes to their health they may be impressively fit and active. Their natural vitality and shine draw them to sports, games and social activities of all kinds, and if they are not exercising regularly they should start immediately as their energetic nature requires it of them. Sex is extremely important for them and celibacy may cause great frustration. They are also extremely social and if they find that their authority alienates them from those they love, for their emotional fulfillment they need to find ways to climb down from their pedestal. As far as diet is concerned, they should not go overboard with animal and dairy products, as this can lead to digestive upsets; a diet which is rich in whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, oily fish, nuts, and seeds is recommended. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color green will help them feel more connected to those around them.

Due to their dynamic nature, July 26 people have to keep in good physical condition or they will burn out. Getting regular sleep and adequate nutrition may be difficult with their often frenetic schedules. Regular sexual gratification and expression is important to both men and women born on this day; lack of it may produce psychological frustrations as well as minor physical ailments. Rarely voracious carnivores, July 26 people do surprisingly well on vegetarian diets. Moderate physical exercise such as walking and swimming generally suits such diets perfectly. Above all. being able to share affection with a few close friends is vitally important to the preservation of their psychological health.

Career Born performers

Natural performers, these people are especially suited to careers in the arts or in other creative areas such as media or advertising. Their excellent communication skills may also draw them to promotion, sales, writing, lecturing, psychology, counseling, public relations, and business. In the entertainment world or the film world, the director’s chair may appeal to them.

Destiny To arouse strong responses in others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to get to know themselves and others a little better. Once they have got in touch with their humanity and their humility their destiny is to arouse strong responses in others.

Take a resl from yourself occasionally and let others do the same. Remember you are jusl another part ol everything around you. Cultivate humility and humanity.

Celebrities Born On July 26th

Jacinda Ardern(New Zealand prime minister), Sandra Bullock(American actress), Carl Jung(Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst),

Car) Gustav Jung (Swiss psychologist, psychiatrist, writer, Psychological Types, broke with Freud, postulated archetypal unconscious), George Bernard Shaw (Nobel Pnzewinning Irish playwright, novelist, music critic, socialist, lived to ninety-four), Salvadore Allende (Chilean Marxist president assassinated), Aldous Huxley (British novelist, Brave New World), Mick Jagger (British singer, songwriter, entertainer, Rolling Stones, film actor), Stanley Kubrick (master film director, Dr. Strangelove, 2001, A Clockwork Orange), James Lovelock (British scientist, writer, The Ages of Gaia), Blake Edwards (film director, Pink Panther series, Breakfast at Tiffany's), jean Shepherd (New York multi-media performer), Andre Maurois (French biographer, Ariel: The Life of Shelley), Joanne Brackeen (jazz pianist, composer), Dorothy Hamill (US Olympic gold medal-winning figure- skater), Gracie Allen (comedienne, wife and comic partner of George Burns), Louis Grosz (German painter. I dadaist), Estes Kefauver (US senator, Tennessee. enme investigator), Hoyt Wilhelm (baseball knuckleball pitcher, first Hall of Fame reliever, all-time leader in appearances. games finished and won in relief). Moms Hirshfield (naive painter), James Waterfall (California astrologer)

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