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July 26th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 26, 2024

To gain success, July 26 is prepared to slim, have plastic surgery, give up drinking and smoking and generally horsing around. Fine. But there is no reason why everybody else should, and anyway, that'd be more competition for you.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Sun; Numbers: 6, 8

July 26th Birthday Love Astrology

The golden necklet of fortune is clasped around children born on this day. These self-made men and women find it easy to gather riches. Simply hold out your hand and the pearls which make up the Milky Way will slide down the sky into your grasp. Most fortune and position is gained more or less conventionally. Both sexes quickly rise to the top of their chosen industry with a combination of hard work, flare and enormous dedication. So much so that many people, rightly, accuse July 26 of narrow interests, because they eat, drink and sleep their work.

Career women born today are impressive public speakers, usually tall, make friends easily and inspire positively canine admiration. They choose the male sex for their henchmen. This leaderene likes - desires - masculine talents she misses in herself. She learns from them power mongering, judicious brutality and studious aggression, then maybe allows one or two the privilege of escorting her on business functions. But a July 26 babe is not interested in sex outside her own marriage. In fact she's often too tired for more than a kiss within her own marriage.

The prime interest of both sexes is the commercial uses of lust. Many run media and creative businesses. Their skill is the cutting-edge of public life, to be at the centre of affairs, manipulating them if at all possible.

Adoring followers and dazzled bosses should beware the golden spikette in this lion's tail. They always said they were just in it for the money and they meant it. Once proper money is in their grasp, this individual lopes off without looking back. Theirs is not attachment to business, only the benefit. Others who are emotionally attached can be hurt by such desertion. But in the end, July 26 is working for family. Securing its future, which includes parents, is the prime drive. The rest is having lavish fun and probably never working again.

In Love

The magnetic charm and wonderfully dry wit of those born on this day can make people forget about the proud, ambitious nature underneath the sunny façade. You have great respect for traditional ideas, and you want permanence in an intimate relationship. Although you can be a rather demanding partner, when you feel secure you’re also caring, dependable, and loyal.

Your fragile ego demands continued reassurance in the form of admiration and appreciation. In a secure and loving union, you are passionate, romantic, and extremely generous. Your standards are exceedingly high, and you expect your mate to live up to them.

In Bed

In the privacy of the bedroom, you are a fiery, dramatic lover with an exceedingly physical approach to lovemaking. When your passions are ignited, you reveal the red-hot desire that lies smoldering beneath your controlled demeanor. Casual alliances don’t really appeal to you, and you prefer saving your ardor for a grand affair of the heart. In the right situation, however, you dazzle your bedmate with a combination of aggressive moves and slow-moving, lingering, sensual caresses.


Its important for women and men to understand their face istheir fortune. Essential oils penetrate through the skin to the dermisy and travel through the interstitial fluids, the bloodstream and the lymphatic system. You can effect a remarkable change by applying a treatment oil each night before bed. Apply with gentle, upward strokes and leave on while you sleep. Beautifying Blend for Normal Skin: Mix 2 drops ylang-ylang, 2 drops rosewood, 2 drops lavender, 2 drops sandalwood, 10ml jojoba, 15ml camellia oil, 5ml rosehip seed oil. (Rosehip seed oil is excellent for dry or mature skin, not suitable for greasy, blemished skin.)


You’re usually so focused on “making it” professionally, you don’t have a lot of time or mental energy left for romance. As a result, when you’re alone with your lover, you want to make the most of every moment. Wearing (and removing) sexy attire in a luxurious, romantic setting puts you in the mood for an exciting night of fun and games.


To gain success, July 26 is prepared to slim, have plastic surgery, give up drinking and smoking and generally horsing around. Fine. But there is no reason why everybody else should, and anyway, that'd be more competition for you.

Reality Check

Although you’re relatively serious compared to others of your Sun sign, you have a great sense of humor. You enjoy a good joke as much as anyone, so long as the joke is not on you. You absolutely cannot stand being made to look like a fool or hearing other people laugh at your expense.

July 26 Date Share

MickJagger, lead singer Rolling Stones, won fame, fortune, women, keeps on rocking. Salvador Allende, Chilean Marxist president, assassinated. Aldous Huxley, British novelist, Brave New World. Blake Edwards, film director, The Pink Panther. George Bernard Shaw, Nobel Prizewinning Irish playwright. CarlJung, Swiss psychologist psychiatrist.

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