July 27th Director Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 27, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is finding peace of mind

☆The way forward is to be as honest with yourself as possible, because this will help you find inner peace and realize your full potential.

The Birthday Of The Director, The Day Of The Decision Makers

July 27th Director Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 27th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior

Tarot card: The Hermit (inner strength)

Favorable numbers: 7, 9

Lucky days: Sunday and Tuesday especially when these days fall on 7 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Yellow, orange, red

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on July 27 are blessed with energy, passion and authority as well as highly developed practical and organizational skills--a formidable combination which often casts them in the role of linchpin around which others revolve. In fact, these dynamic individuals can often be found successfully organizing, managing or directing others in some way.

They make wonderful directors of those around them, in command both of the bigger picture needed for victory and of the strategies that will make it possible. Fueled by the desire to make progress, they rarely do things by halves and will throw themselves into the pursuit of their professional and personal vision with single-minded determination and dedication. Their style is often so authoritative and powerful that it can mislead others into assuming that they are as tough as nails; but the truth is they are not.

Underneath they are actually quite vulnerable and this will manifest in their inability to make decisions on their own behalf. While they are superb at managing what is best for others, when it comes to their own concerns they can be hesitant and indecisive. They may, for example, be able to advise others on the best career strategy but be unable to decide which direction their own career should take.

After the age of twenty-six they often become more analytical, practical and efficient; it is important for them to make sure they channel this emphasis positively and don’t procrastinate in an unworthy career or lifestyle that does not utilize their full creative potential. They are natural leaders, and others tend to do things the way these people want, but for their own psychological growth and emotional fulfillment it is vital that they focus their energies on making the right decisions for themselves. This is because with a little more self-awareness and honesty these creative and determined thinkers can produce original thoughts and, with a clear personal vision, they will be able to turn their wonderful ideas into a tangible reality that guarantees both personal and professional success.

☆ On the dark side:Insecure, distant, procrastinationg

☆ At your best:Authoritative, generous, confident

Those born on July 27 often find themselves in the position of making decisions for others. This may involve setting up theoretical structures, working organizations, social groups or leading a family. Those born on this day can become highly adept at handling schedules, deadlines and personnel arrangements of all types.

Difficulties may arise, however, when these dynamic planners attempt to make personal or emotional decisions for themselves. Because they so often devote themselves to organizations or perhaps their own career or business, they may have paid too little attention to ordering their own inner "house," much like the plumber who does perfect work for others but whose own home plumbing is a jury-rigged hodge-podge of improvised parts.

Sometimes the single most difficult decision for July 27 people to make concerns leaving the very entity which they excel at organizing and serving. Not the least of their problems is their own success (as measured by society's standards) in this area. Perhaps another organization or company, recognizing their value, seeks to woo them away; more often the crisis arises when a secondary activity begins to assume primary importance in their life. Not uncommonly this activity has a strongly emotional admixture—it often demands passionate commitment. It is here that these decision makers may find themselves beset by an unfamiliar ennui or even paralysis. Fear of giving up or losing the primary activity, or doubts about whether they can perform satisfactorily in the secondary activity keep them from acting.

Many July 27 people, both men and women, have a problem with anger and aggression.

Not infrequently they are physically formidable, even intimidating people. Either they are able to channel such forcefulness. driving their group or solo endeavor to new heights of performance, order and discipline, or they repress aggressive impulses, which then emerge periodically in a host of sublimated or eruptive forms. Curiously, behind the self-assured exterior of many born on this day lies a secret timidity, and with it a reluctance to let go of deep-seated fears.

Thus the most important decision July 27 people ever make will not be for others, but rather for themselves: that of simply making a realistic career decision which guarantees both happiness and success and/or being honest about what type of person they want to meet or remain involved with. Until they acknowledge their true passions in life, both public and private, and make the tough choices necessary to devote their considerable energies to these, they may be fated to stoically hold on to a secure occupation or living situation—procrastinating, rationalizing, and trying to make it work—while secretly dreaming of leaving it.

Tremendous strength will indeed be required for them to summon up the courage to follow their heart and be honest with themselves, but if they are able to do so the rewards will be correspondingly great.

Power Thought:I am willing to face up to my feelings,I exist only for the world—I belong to no one,least of all to myself

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 27th day of the month are ailed by the number 9 (2+7=9). and by the planet Mars. The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that number: e.g., 5+9=14. 4+1=5, and any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9: e.g., 9x5=45, 4+5=9), and July 27 people are similarly able to influence those around them. The planet Mars is forceful and aggressive, embodying male energy (underlined by the Sun, Leo's ruler); thus July 27 women may seem overly domineering to those with traditional ideas of femininity.

July 27th Birthday Tarot Card

The 9th card of the Major Arcana is The Hermit, who walks carrying a lantern and a stick; he represents meditation, isolation and silence. The card signifies crystallized wisdom and ultimate discipline. The Hermit is a taskmaster who uses conscience to keep others on their path. The positive side of this card is stick-to-it-iveness, purpose, profundity and concentration; negative meanings include dogmatism, intolerance, mistrust and discouragement. July 27 people should learn from the Hermit the value of withdrawal from the world and periodic examination of their values.

☆Luck maker:(Discover what you really want)Lucky people are convinced and committed about what they want from life. It is this certainty which gives them the strength and determination they need to achieve their dreams.

Love Can-do attitude

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 20:You are both colorful and creative, and this has the potential to be an intense and passionate union.

People born on July 27 show their love to others by doing rather than by talking; although partners may yearn for them to be more open, they will love their can-do attitude and willingness to offer practical help and support. Ambitious and self-motivated, they are usually attracted to hardworking and independent individuals. For happiness and long-lasting relationships they may need to overcome a tendency to be too possessive and temperamental.

Health Your personal schedule

People born on this day are happiest when their life is structured or organized in some way but although they recognize this need they may find it hard to implement by themselves. Taking charge of their personal schedule to make sure they have regular meals and time for exercise will be a positive step for them as it will help them feel more in control. As far as diet is concerned, they need to make sure they eat a varied but balanced diet. Regular exercise is highly recommended to boost their health and body image. They may also suffer from sudden and unexplained bouts of depression; seeking the advice of a friend, loved one or counselor may help them get in touch with their feelings. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color yellow will encourage them to focus more on their own needs.

Because they so often work with organizations, July 27 people are likely to have a fairly structured life and thus it is possible for them to schedule regular meals, exercise and sleep. Vigorous exercise is recommended for these highly physical people; this can range from hiking and climbing to achievement-oriented activities and competitive team sports. Ordinary wellbalanced meals will help maintain their general good health. Those born on this day may be prone to periodic psychological crises which they have trouble handling on their own, particularly if they have not dealt with emotional problems before. Seeking the advice of a therapist, advisor or a close friend who is able to be both caring and objective is advisable.

Career Born corporate players

The inclinations and talents of these people augur well for success as corporate players but their hidden creativity adventurousness and love of color and beauty also equip them with outstanding artistic potential. Other careers that might appeal include sales, public relations, education, administration, management, law, counseling, and design. They also rarely miss an opportunity to keep up with the latest information and may become a collector or expert in books, magazines or computer technology.

Destiny To realize their progressive ambitions

The life path of people born on this day is to be honest with themselves about what they want from life. Once they have become more self-aware, their destiny is to marshal their considerable energy and creative talents, and realize their progressive personal and professional ambitions.

Face up to your real needs and wants. Don't agonize over personal decisions too long. Try to be honest with yourself, beware of repressing your true feelings. Mental control can only take you so far. Learn to let go.

Celebrities Born On July 27th

Jo Durie(British tennis player), Roxanne Hart(American actress), Indiana Evans(Australian actress and singer-songwriter),

Pina Bausch (German dancer, choreographer), Leo "The Lip" Durocher (baseball manager, over 2,000 games won in twenty-four years, 3x pennant, Ix World Series winner, j autobiography, Nice y**• y ' Guys Finish Last). Martin Ennals (British human rights activist, Amnesty International head), Peggy Fleming (world champion figure skater [3x], US Olympic gold Durocher argues call medalist), Christopher Dean (British Olympic gold medal-winning figure skater), Sir Joshua Reynolds (British portrait painter), Norman Lear (TV producer), Anton Dolin (British ballet dancer, co-founder London Festival Ballet), Bharati Mukherjee (Indian- American novelist, jasmine), Charles Vidor (Hungarian-American film director, Cover Girl, Gilda), Bobbie Gentry (country singer), Maureen McGovem (singer, film actress), Enrique Granados (Spanish composer), Keenan Wynn (film actor), Tom Kono (US Olympic gold medalist, weightliftmg), Alexander Dumas, Jr. (French writer, La Dame aux Camellias), Hillaire Belloc (British poet, novelist, essayist), Troy Perry (minister of gay Los Angeles congregation), Robert Marjolm (French economist), Emo von Dohnanyi (Hungarian pianist composer, conductor)

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