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July 27th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 27, 2024

July 27 often adores gardening from early youth, largely to do something practical while thinking. Plant rosemary, mint, thyme and basil, aromatic plants which please the senses and have that attractive duality

- invaluable culinary uses.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Sun; Numbers: 7, 9

July 27th Birthday Love Astrology

This person is a good host, so brilliant at dreaming up great wheezes to entertain others, that many companions forget the formidable brain lurking beneath the wit. Which is exactly what July 27 wants.

It's a shrewd creature, capable of profound thinking, but while he is doing so he likes the sound of music and wine corks popping. Both sexes are fabulous cooks, with a taste for experiment which never seems to end in disaster. When July 27 mixes rose petals with crushed fresh ginger and chicken pieces marinated in rosewater, all stir fried in sesame oil, it will be a success. He puts purple pom-pom chive flowers into coleslaw, instead of onions. Everybody murmurs praise. Other birth dates can't pull this off. That's the way it goes and it goes July 27's way.

And when the party is over and friends sit with a last glass of chilled wine, discussing who got off with who, this individual mentally puts the finishing touches to the plan he was working on. It's a Leo characteristic. Doing two things at once, the one benefiting from the other, because while July 27 is cooking she can concentrate on thinking.

So we have creativity, versatility, a creature bound for the top or at least to get what it wants in life. The downside may be that where love is concerned, inspiration is taken and pleasure is given, but the heart stays untouched. Out on the bleached grasses of the Masai Mara, the lion hunts and usually wins, but is itself notoriously difficult to hunt and catch. And that's the way with love.

There's always a spin off too. July 27 will have a long, startlingly provocative telephone conversation with a lover - lust on the phone pleases them- but they are also testing the range of their mobile as they murmur. The good news is that they tend to marry for life and make great parents.

In Love

You project a magical allure that draws romance into your life. It’s a lucky thing you do, because you regard love as absolutely vital to personal happiness. Fiercely loyal, ardent, and sensitive, you pour your whole heart and soul into an intimate union. Your idealistic attitude toward romance leads you to expect a lot of give and take in a loving relationship, and you’re as sensitive to your mate’s needs as to your own. A nurturing, attentive, and compassionate partner brings out the best in you. However, if the alliance should end badly, your joy can quickly turn into despair.

In Bed

Your strong sex drive demands expression, and you like drama and excitement in the bedroom and elsewhere. Nevertheless, the physical side of love by itself doesn’t do it for you. Without a feeling of emotional intensity in your lovemaking, you may not be totally satisfied. When you feel appreciated and admired, you make an innovative and creative bedmate. The lover who reassures you of your desirability will reap the rewards of your generosity and legendary sexual prowess.


July 27 people are blessed with luxuriant hair. Both sexes frequently keep it long and take good care of it. Naturally, fab hair adds to physical attraction, first used to allure, and then in lovemaking. The Kama Sutra acknowledges the eternal fascination that a woman's hair has for a man, stating that among the lessons she must learn, her duty is to ‘dress the hair with unguents and perfumes and braiding it'. In the author Vatsyayana's time, long hair would have graced the male sex too. He instructs stroking a lover's shoulders and chest with handfuls of silky hair. Try it. Short hair? Grow it.


Taste and class are a turn-on for you, and you appreciate sophistication and elegance in a suitor. You like dressing up, going out on the town, and being wined and dined in opulent surroundings. But when it comes to sex, you want to be swept away on a wave of passion. You long to forget about propriety and live out your erotic dreams.


July 27 often adores gardening from early youth, largely to do something practical while thinking. Plant rosemary, mint, thyme and basil, aromatic plants which please the senses and have that attractive duality

- invaluable culinary uses.

Reality Check

You’re a very complex mixture of confidence and uncertainty. While the lion in you continually seeks the spotlight, another part of you yearns for occasional moments of privacy and quiet. Yet just when you begin to think you prefer a serene existence, your fiery Leo nature demands an increase in action and adventure.

July 27 Date Share

Christopher Dean, BritishOlympic gold medal-winning figure skater. Peggy Fleming, world champion figure skater, Olympic gold medallist. Anton Dolin, British ballet dancer, co-founder London Festival Ballet. Hilaire Belloc, British writer.

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