July 28th Independent Spirit Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 28, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is asking others for help

☆The way forward is to understand that working cooperatively toward a goal with people you trust does not weaken your position, it strengthens it.

The Birthday Of The Independent Spirit, The Day Of The Winner

July 28th Independent Spirit Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 28th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Magician (will-power)

Favorable numbers: 1, 8

Lucky day: Sunday especially when it falls on 1 or 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, orange, yellow

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on July 28 are fiercely independent and competitive. They love to work independently and although they have superb communication skills they prefer to lead by example than by hollow words. They relish testing themselves against challenges and their urge to win is so powerful that they find it almost impossible to admit defeat.

The dominating characteristic of these people at first appears to be an urge to win at all costs, but this competitive streak is fueled by their intense desire to appear self-reliant. From an early age this independent spirit will probably have manifested itself in a refusal to conform or acknowledge authority they do not respect, and throughout their lives they will always value independence of thought and action above all else.

Other people tend to be awed by this self-assurance and although it can lead people born on this day to considerable achievements it can also lead to loneliness and, ultimately, disappointment. This is because the admiration that these people earn for their courage, confidence and willingness to break new ground is merely admiration; what they crave is the affection of others. There is often a reason for this lack. The single-minded, independent and combative approach that they are characterized by is, unfortunately, more likely to alienate those they seek to impress, who perceive them as being selfish or lacking in consideration for others. This is unfair as they can be kind, generous, intuitive, and warm; but until they forge lasting emotional connections with others, their creativity and potential may be misunderstood.

Fortunately, from the age of twenty-five there are opportunities for them to become more discriminating, practical and thoughtful with their time and energy, as well as the image they present to others. If they can take advantage of these opportunities to let others see what a modest, thoughtful and generous person they are, this will assure them the popularity and affectionate recognition they need to truly enjoy their undoubted talents and seemingly endless winning streak.

☆ On the dark side:Insensitive, detached, selfish

☆ At your best:Resolute, independent, dynamic

Those born on July 28 often manifest a strong desire to be first in their social or occupational sphere. Their form of authority is literally embodied in their person. More important than what they say or think is what they are. Those who come in contact with even the mildest of persons born on this day will soon learn that occupying a secondary position is not what a July 28 people has in mind. Those born on this day are real survivors who are not content to just weather the storm but to come out on top.

In every realm of life, from the game room to the bedroom, to the inner sanctum of the corporate board room those born on this day seek to prevail. Of course, such driven personalities face great emotional challenges. Others may find them unresponsive, or accuse them of being insensitive when they go for their objectives at all costs. Furthermore, July 28 people are apt to arouse resistance to their plans when others realize how determined they can be to get their own way.

Certain "people skills" must be cultivated by July 28 people which can make their way in the world easier—among them diplomacy, patience, and understanding. If those born on this day come to see that their interests are often intimately tied in with those of others, if they come to feel a part of a larger group, they will graduate to a more highly evolved state. If those born on this day are resistant to such growth, and insist on pursuing an isolated course, they will eventually alienate even their closest friends.

Learning to lose gracefully is another important lesson for July 28 people. They must eventually see that a desire to win at all costs is counterproductive to most forms of human interaction. It may take a string of defeats to bring them to such a realization, but because they are so often attractive and dynamic people, they may never come to such an understanding.

Ultimately, those born on this day are faced with issues involving trust, acceptance and love. This last-named area is certainly the one in which the hardest earned but most rewarding personal development may be achieved. Learning to give love unconditionally and to accept it from others with few reservations is certainly an integral part of such growth. But for July 28 people, this may first involve reorienting their mindset to see love relationships less as a competition, a passionate battle of the sexes where power and control are central issues, and instead shifting emphasis to a more lasting, sharing and pragmatic way of relating. After they have undergone such positive changes in themselves, finding the right partner, one worthy of trust and devotion, is the next step.

Power Thought:My compassion produces positive energy in the world around me,Communicable disease is an expression of humanity's need to share

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 28th day of the month are ruled by the number 1 (2+8=10, 1+0=1), and by the Sun. Those ruled by the number 1 like to be first, are of a definite viewpoint and eager to rise to the top. Because July 28 people already tend to be strongly dominant types, doubly emphasized by the Sun's rulership of their astrological sign Leo, they must beware of being overcome by their power drives and drowning everyone around them in their energy.

July 28th Birthday Tarot Card

The 1st card of the Major Arcana is The Magician, who symbolizes intellect, communication, information, as well as magic. Over his head is an infinity symbol, which in some Tarot decks takes the form of a hat, in others a halo. Many interpretations may be drawn, one of which is that the Magician recognizes the cyclical and unending nature of life and is empowered by this understanding. The positive traits suggested by this first card include diplomatic skill and shrewdness but, negatively, lack of scruples and opportunism. The choice rests with the July 28 person whether to use his or her power for moral or immoral ends.

☆Luck maker:(Seek the right advice)Lucky people who are great at setting aside their egos and sharing credit are good at pinpointing smart, hard-working people who can improve their luck. Not only do they seek their advice, they give everyone a stake in their achievement.

Love Don’t hide your loving nature

You’re drawn to people born on November 23 to December 21:You are both adventurous and determined, and this can be an exciting and fulfilling relationship.

People born on July 28 are effortlessly charismatic and will often be surrounded by admirers or even followers; in a close relationship, however, romantic partners may feel alienated by their reluctance to appear needy or reveal their loving nature. With their passionate temperament they may experience love at first sight but to make sure that love is long lasting they need to balance their need for independence with the necessity of cooperation.

Health Born survivor

People born on this day are incredibly independent and may therefore find it hard to accept the advice of their doctor but it is important for them to understand they have occasionally to relinquish control to someone with greater knowledge. They don’t tend to get ill often but when they do they can be surprisingly needy of attention and affection. As far as diet is concerned, they need to make sure they eat sensibly and healthily avoiding over-indulgence in foods high in saturated fat, salt, sugar, additives, and preservatives. Regular exercise is recommended, but not of a competitive nature; they are competitive enough already. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange can encourage feelings of warmth and security and inspire affection in others.

As mentioned above, July 28 people are survivors. Therefore, they possess a great capacity to overcome illnesses and rehabilitate after accidents and injuries. They must learn however that not all handicaps can be conquered and that certain chronic difficulties or diseases are better prevented than treated. Their refusal to accept what is wrong with them can sometimes make things worse, in rare cases catastrophically so. July 28 people also have a habit of resisting dietary limitations. Seeking the advice of a good dietist, family practitioner or homeopath and following their recommendations can prove highly beneficial. Because of their intensely competitive nature, those born on this day are attracted to sports, but should not go overboard or become obsessed.

Career Born fighters

These people are admirably equipped for professions in which confrontational tactics are important such as the military politics and commercial enterprises, as well as the sporting or artistic spheres. They may excel in the theater as an actor or director, and with their leadership potential will rise to positions of power. Other careers that may appeal include writing, lecturing, publishing, sales, social reform, health, and charity work.

Destiny To be the best at everything they accomplish

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to reach out to others and share the spotlight. Once they understand that winning entails that someone loses and that trusting others does not weaken their strength but increases it, their destiny is to inspire others by being the best at everything they accomplish.

Learn to give unconditionally. Cultivate affection and kindness. The best interests of others may well be your own. 'Winning'' can sometimes be losing.

Celebrities Born On July 28th

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis(Former First Lady of the United States), Barbara La Marr(American actress and screenwriter), Sally Struthers(American actress and activist),

Marcel Duchamp (French modern artist, object, language and concept art forerunner, New York Dada movement founder, gave up art for chess), Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (socialite, married John F. Kennedy, Aristotle Onassis), Beatrix Potter (British children's books writer, created Peter Rabbit, Mrs. Tiggywinkle), Alberto Fujimori (Peruvian president), Bill Bradley (US senator, New jersey, lawyer, US Olympic basketball captain, helped New York Knicks win two NBA titles), Riccardo Muti (Italian conductor, Philadelphia Orchestra, violinist, pianist), Sally Struthers (film actress), Gerard Manley Hopkins (British poet), Bruce Gould (co-editor Ladies Home Journal), Vida Blue (baseball pitcher, MVP, Cy Young Award winner), Malcolm Lowry (British novelist Under the Volcano), Mike Bloomfield (rockblues guitarist), Rudy Vallee (entertainer, singer), Jacapo Sannazaro (Italian 1 5 th c. poet strong influence on English poetry), Ludwig Feuerbach (German philosopher), Ignaz Bosendorfer (Viennese piano maker), Joe E. Brown (comedian, film actor), Joseph I (German I7-I8,h c. emperor). Ballington Booth (Salvation Army head, son of William), Peter Duchm (pianist)

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