July 29th Partisan Leader Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 29, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is using your own judgment

☆The way forward is to understand that subordinating your individuality to the needs of the group often leads to emotional problems and resentment.

The Birthday Of The Partisan Leader, The Day Of Cultural Assessment

July 29th Partisan Leader Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 29th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: The High Priestess (intuition)

Favorable numbers: 2, 9

Lucky days: Sunday and Monday especially when these days fall on 2 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, silver, milky white

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on July 29 tend to be energetic and positive individuals dedicated to fostering community awareness. Their ambitions are directed less toward achieving their own success and more toward benefiting the social group to which they belong, be this their family their local community, their work, their country or the world as a whole.

Within their own social group, these people tend to gravitate toward leadership positions and, because they are strong willed with clear-cut goals and the organizational talents to motivate others, they can be inspirational. Their willingness to nurture and assume responsibility for those around them--combined with the generosity, loyalty and pride they display toward those in their charge--generally earns them affection, respect and gratitude.

Although their dedication and commitment to the social group they belong to is nothing but admirable, their intense communal bias does not leave them much room for those closest to them, such as partners and family or for their own independent interests. This is ironic considering that many of these people like nothing better than to encourage self-reliance in others, even though this self-reliance does need to be within a framework of community awareness.

It’s important for them to make time for themselves and for their own psychological development, especially between the ages of twenty-four and fifty-four, during which their mental focus becomes more analytical and practical, and the desire to be of service to others takes center stage. These are the years when they are likely to make outstanding contributions to their community or even humanity as a whole, but they need to make sure they don’t regard their own personal needs and ambitions as less important than those of the community. This is because by demonstrating to others that their community supports their individuality rather than suppresses it, they can give their community the most powerful and liberating endorsement of all.

☆ On the dark side:Conformaist, restricted, generalizing

☆ At your best:Generous, loyal, cooperative

Those born on July 29 are highly adept at sizing up the characteristics, potential, morality and accomplishments of those around them. In addition, they are often able to make very impressive predictions about the outcome of dynamic processes within their family, society or organization. Those July 29 people involved in the competitive world of business, politics, government or the military also tend to be shrewd assessors of foreign entities and/or opposing forces.

One difficulty attendant to this birthday, of course, is that in making observations about cultures, ethnicities and nationalities, those born on this day may somehow contribute to stereotyping and prejudiced thinking. Many July 29 people tread a fine line in this regard.

Sometimes they have a blind spot concerning the group to which they themselves owe their allegiance; most often they are more correct about the other groups they observe than about their own. Their patriotism, it seems, can cloud their objectivity.

The metaphor of patriotism can. of course, refer to other loyalties, perhaps for a sports team, company, social set, etc . Within their circle, July 29 people function well as organizers and planners of events. Those born on this day usually take great pride in their children, mates and relatives, and place importance on social functions that involve the whole family.

They tend to be particularly protective of their own conjugal family unit, defending it against any threats to its integrity or material security.

Because of their knowledge of group character and relations, July 29 people may prove to be excellent arbiters in disputes. Understanding the culture of representatives and negotiators gives them an immediate insight into how to approach the parties concerned, including various protocol. As classroom teachers, social workers, labor mediators or political party workers, those born on this day can be extremely valuable.

Of course, since July 29 people have a tendency to place individuals in groups and categories, they can sometimes overlook important individual differences. As parents they must insure that they treat their children as individuals, and encourage individuality in general. Due to their exceptional group loyalty, those born on this day may forget that they too are individuals of free will who need to be decisive in their personal lives. Too often they relinquish responsibility and accountability for their mistakes, and in fairness, credit for their successes, to the group to which they belong; in doing so they may lose sight of their personal ideals and fail to develop their own ideology.

Power Thought:I ta ke my pow er ba ck. My destiny is up to me,Forget to remember; remember to forget

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 29th day of the month are ruled by the number 2 (2+9=11, 1 + 1=2). and by the Moon. Those ruled by the number 2 often make good co-workers and partners, rather than leaders, and this quality fits the more group-oriented values of July 29 people. However, it may also act as a brake on individual initiative and action, producing faistration. This may be further enhanced by the Moon having strongly reflective and passive tendencies, yet the active side of July 29 people is also emphasized by the influence of the Sun (Leo's ruler). The secondary number 11, (2+9=11) will give a feeling for the physical plane (bringing the concept- oriented July 29 person down to earth).

July 29th Birthday Tarot Card

The 2nd card of the Major Arcana is The Priestess, shown seated on her throne, calm and impenetrable. She is a spiritual woman who reveals hidden forces and secrets, empowering us with that knowledge. Favorable qualities of this card are silence, intuition, reserve and discretion: negative values are secretiveness, mistrust, indifference and inertia. These latter qualities emphasize the passive tendencies found in July 29 people, who may prefer discussion to action.

☆Luck maker:(Let go of your past)Hereditary patterns, cultural codes and social beliefs can be limiting, so when appropriate you need to break free. Lucky people understand they are the only ones whose power can create the life they deserve.

Love Don’t overlook the individuals

You’re drawn to people born on October 24 to November 22:You have much to learn from each other, and this can create a fulfilling and intense union.

People born on July 29 are attracted to people who fit in with their community but they would actually benefit more from potential partners who are more individualistic in their outlook. Once in a relationship they can be positive and thoughtful lovers, and their wonderful way with words can quickly dissolve tension and create harmony

Health The placebo effect

People born on this day should do some research about the placebo effect and the relationship between mind and body This is because they tend to believe either that they will inherit illnesses from their parents or that when they reach a certain age they will be prone to age-related illnesses. It would benefit them enormously if they freed themselves from culturally accepted beliefs about aging, and focused instead on health and eternal youth. As far as diet is concerned, they should aim for variety and not be afraid to experiment with new tastes. When it comes to exercise, variety is again essential, but this time their structured approach may work for them; once they find an exercise routine that works for them, they are likely to stick with it. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color yellow will encourage them to focus more on their own needs.

Some born on July 29 are overconcerned with hereditary illnesses suffered by their parents or siblings and are unfortunately convinced that they too are bound to a similar fate. They may also perceive their addictions, psychological instabilities or deficiencies as familial. Many diseases are indeed genetically transmitted but July 29 people must recognize that even in such cases lifestyle and health choices are a factor and that treatment, rehabilitation and overcoming disabilities are not a matter of genetics but active processes. Being structure-oriented. July 29 people usually subscribe to the wisdom of a particular diet and sleep pattern, and generally have a sound idea of health care.

Career Born charity leaders

These people make excellent teachers, and social, charity or political party workers, but they may also be drawn toward the world of entertainment, teaching or writing. Their leadership skills may make them sensitive and successful directors and businessmen. With their natural sense of authority they don’t like to be in a subservient position and are at their best when working selflessly for a cause or group they believe in.

Destiny To dedicate themselves to the common good

The life path of people born on this day is to remember their own individuality and the individuality of others. Once they are able to serve their community without losing themselves in it, their destiny is to become a living and inspiring example of how dedication to the common good can nurture and inspire true individuality.

Try not to overgeneralize; remember that each person is an individual. Do not neglect your own personal process. Be proud of your heritage but don't wrap yourself in it.

Celebrities Born On July 29th

Benito Mussolini(Italian dictator), Alexandra Paul(American actress), Fernando Alonso(Spanish F1 racing driver),

Mikis Theodorakis (Greek nationalistic composer of song cycles, film music, Zorba the Greek), Benito Mussolini (Italian fascist dictator, "II Duce," assassinated by partisans), Alexis de Tocqueville (French 18th c. statesman, political scientist, historian, Democracy in America), Dag Hammarskjold (Swedish economist, UN secretary general, Nobel Peace Prize winner, killed in plane crash), Charlie Christian (first jazz electric guitarist, Benny Goodman Band), Elizabeth Hanford Dole (US Transportation secretary, Consumer Affairs director), Booth Tarkington ( 1 9-20th c. playwnght novelist Penrod and Sam), Ken Bums (documentary filmmaker. The Givil War), Don Carter (bowler, 6x Bowler of Year, voted greatest all time), William Powell (film actor, teamed wrth Myma Loy in Thin Man senes), Clara Bow (film actress), Jenny Holzer (New York conceptualist artist), Paul Taylor (dance company founder), Bill Forsyth (Scottish film director, Local Hero), Owen Lattimore (Sino-Soviet expert, McCarthy victim), Harry Mulisch (Dutch novelist, The Attack), Nancy L Kassebaum (US senator, Kansas), Melvm Belli I (defense attorney), Manlyn Quayle (wife to US vice-president Dan), Roger Butterfield (writer, The American Past)

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