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July 29th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 29, 2024

There is never a time in your life when it's no longer appropriate to do things, if you feel like doing them and the person you feel like doing them with feels like it too.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Sun; Numbers: 2, 9

July 29th Birthday Love Astrology

Everybody born on this day takes delight in the opposite sex -or indeed their own - with tremendous abandon. Money is extremely important to July 29 and when they get it they spend it grandly on lavish holidays, fast cars and impressive presents for a lover. Nobody is more generous in love than this individual. He or she will work day and night to support their darling and be happy to spend too much money on them.

At some times in their lives, love and career can become incompatible. July 29 falls in love to such great depth that his office desk may be empty for weeks, with just a coating of Stardust he brushed from his winged shoulder as he flew by. He can just dump the job and may travel across the world to follow the babe who has his heart and it's to be hoped that any employer will show patience, because July 29 is a high flyer and worth waiting for.

Intoxicated as these space rangers are by love, it's not surprising that they can zoom through the universe from one delicious docking procedure to another without much heed for anybody else's feelings. With some it gets to be such a habit that they don't settle down until middle-age or even later. Either sex may marry someone a great deal older or younger, and in both cases this versatile, resourceful, emotional creature chooses right and makes it work. Naturally this can mean a late family.

Since both the men and women are physically vigorous, they can just as easily swirl a child around in their fifties as their thirties. It's likely to be more than one child, because this is generally a very fertile date. But if a baby doesn't come along in the normal way, it will arrive by another route. Babies are attracted to this bright creature, like moths to a light.

In Love

You view courtship as an ongoing ritual, and when you’re in love you’re exceedingly magnanimous in expressing your feelings. At times you may get so caught up in the glamour and romance of being in love that you forget about the nitty-gritty of the day-to-day relationship. You willingly give your all to your beloved, but you demand the same kind of devotion in return.

You expect constancy from your partner, yet your need for adoration makes you something of a flirt yourself. Be careful not to carry it too far, lest you become more involved than you care to be.

In Bed

A decidedly theatrical flair emerges in the privacy of your bedroom. Your sexual approach is a wonderful combination of fiery passion and languid sensuality. Because your pleasure-seeking instincts are so strong, you’re eager to experience all the joys of lovemaking. However, there is a touch of conservatism in your hedonism that prevents you from straying too far outside traditional boundaries. Even so, you possess an exciting, extensive sexual repertoire that you engage in with evident enthusiasm.


Love wreaks havoc with the face. Give reddened skin a calming massage. Apply a massage oil with gentle massage, using light, upward strokes, then leave it on to work while you sleep. Rejuvenating Blend For Thirty Somethings: 1 drop neroli, 2 drops lavender, 2 drops geranium, 3 drops sandalwood, 15ml vétiver base or plain camellia oil, 10ml jojoba, 5ml rosehip seed oil. If rosehip oil is not used, just add 5ml more of camellia oil. To soothe blemishes, put a drop of lemon, eucalyptus or tea tree oil on a cotton bud and apply directly to the spot.


You get off on being wooed luxuriously, as befits your regal leonine status. If your lover has the really big bucks, nothing less than caviar and champagne at the mansion or aboard the yacht will do. But his or her lack of wealth doesn’t mean that you can’t approximate the lavish life with less costly but equally sumptuous substitutions.


There is never a time in your life when it's no longer appropriate to do things, if you feel like doing them and the person you feel like doing them with feels like it too.

Reality Check

You adore the accoutrements of the good life. Yet despite your desire for money and the things it buys, your need for personal expression takes precedence over your need for financial security. You’re too creative to be content with just a fat paycheck. You probably won’t experience total fulfillment until you work at something you truly enjoy.

July 29 Date Share

Mikis Theodorakis, Greek composer; Zorba the Greek. William Powell, film actor. Bill Forsyth, Scottish film director, Local Hero. Benito Mussolini, Italian Fascist

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