July 2nd Emotional Intensity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 02, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is addressing your own deepest needs

☆The way forward is to understand that while the love of others may temper feelings of insecurity the way to feel really fulfilled is to address your deepest needs.

The Birthday Of Emotional Intensity, The Day Of The Disconnected Unconscious

July 2nd Emotional Intensity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 2nd Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: The High Priestess (intuition)

Favorable numbers: 2, 9

Lucky day: Monday, especially when it falls on 2 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, silver, rose

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 2 are deeply intuitive and imaginative individuals with the ability to utilize their marked determination, organizational skills and tenacity to great effect. They may however, have often felt overwhelmed by their own emotional intensity and the key to their success or failure is the way they choose to deal with it.

They are also defined by their extraordinary sensitivity, a quality that leads them to empathize with those around them--especially those less fortu nate--and which arouses in them strong feelings of natural justice that they are inclined to champion. They have a knack of reaching out to others and making them feel like family, but although their public persona is often colorful and capable, they may be plagued by private insecurities. They also constantly support friends and co-workers but find it hard to accept the support and praise they richly deserve from others.

It is important for them to get to grips with their fragile feelings and understand what motivates their self-sabotaging behavior; building their self-esteem is a crucial requirement for their psychological growth. Until the age of twenty they may be reserved but after the age of twenty-one they have opportunities to become more dynamic, positive and self-assured. They need to take advantage of these; if they do, their confidence will extend over the next thirty years, helping them achieve the positions of leadership or authority for which they are well qualified. After the age of fifty they become more discriminating and may desire to be practically useful and inspirational to others.

People born on this day can get carried away with unfounded emotions and fantasies either leading to introversion and an inability to express themselves, or to an exuberance that sometimes alarms others with its intensity. If, however, they can devote more time and energy to self-examination, looking at the effect their behavior has on themselves and others, they will find ways to balance their emotions, and this new-found stability will bring them greater happiness, success and fulfillment.

☆ On the dark side:Insecure, touchy, uncertain

☆ At your best:Capable, intuitive, exciting

July 2 people, like all empaths, are strongly emotive and receptive to the feelings of others.

Those born on this day generally fall into two main types: those that keep such intense feelings to themselves, and those that flamboyantly express them. The more repressed July 2 person must learn to loosen up, while a flamboyant July 2 person may have to temper the abundance of his/her emotional output.

July 2 people are often assailed by personal doubts and a lack of self-confidence. Such insecurity may not be apparent to others, especially when those born on this day are wellaccomplished.

Part of the reason for this is that most July 2 people do not wish to burden others with their problems. Overcoming doubts for them can be a private matter and they are not quick to seek positive reinforcement from others.

July 2 people lead a very active fantasy life, but of course much of this activity remains relegated to the unconscious world of dreams or daydreaming, never to be considered in an active light. Nonetheless, the key to self-understanding for a July 2 person is in recognizing the effect of unconscious fantasies on the emotional life and self-image. Thus, in a sense, their conscious and unconscious minds have to get to know each other better. Self-examination of this kind requires time and mental energy, which, in the case of July 2 people, may be largely spent on daily concerns. But if those born on this day make an investment in personal development, it may pay practical dividends in improved health and work performance or even lead to major life changes. Indeed, a socially successful July 2 person is often able to put a well-integrated fantasy life direcdy in the service of their career.

Love partners of July 2 people may play an important role in encouraging such psychological work. Those born on this day have an emotional richness and depth of feeling which is well worth the effort to bring out. However, July 2 people are also extremely sensitive and do not react well to what they perceive as confrontation, accusation or blame; because they are so sensitive, their armor must be dismantled rather than pierced, and this takes a great deal of patience and understanding, indeed.

Extroverted July 2 people can be confused when their well-meant but overly emotional expression is misunderstood: a July 2 introvert may be unable to handle the aggressiveness of others and in confrontational situations is likely to either explode or, more often, withdraw.

When July 2 people succeed in balancing their emotional and fantasy life, they exude a stability that elicits more desirable responses from others.

Power Thought:I am as fulfilled, successful and self-confident as I decide to be,The shadow in each of us is not to be feared,but to be better known

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 2nd day of the month are ruled by the number 2 and by the Moon. Since those ruled by the number 2 often make good co-workers and partners, rather than leaders, this attribute complements the more passive qualities of the introverted July 2 type. However, for the more extroverted July 2 person, it may also act as a brake on individual initiative and action, producing frustration. This is further enhanced by the Moon (also Cancer's ruler) having strongly reflective and passive tendencies. These Moon and Number 2 qualities can be still stronger in a July 2 person who was a second child—such children often grow up being subservient to an older sibling.

July 2nd Birthday Tarot Card

The 2nd card of the Major Arcana is The Priestess, shown seated on her throne, calm and impenetrable. She is a spiritual woman who reveals hidden forces and secrets, empowering lis with that knowledge. Favorable qualities of this card are silence, intuition, reserve and discretion: negative values are secretiveness. mistmst. indifference and inertia, emphasizing certain passive tendencies found in introverted July 2 people who may wait too long before taking action.

☆Luck maker:(Stop doubting yourself)When you feel bad about yourself you block luck, attracting people and situations that will continue to make you feel bad about yourself.

Love Just the way you are

You’re drawn to people born on October 24 to November 22:You are both big on feelings, and a match between you is likely to be deep and intimate.

Though people born on this day can effortlessly attract potential partners, they never feel sure that their partner loves them for who they are. Whoever falls in love with them needs to be able to handle their fragile feelings and offer them plenty of reassurance, but they will be rewarded by deep devotion and romance.

Health Nervous tension

People born on this day don’t just feel things, they feel them intensely and as a result they may be prone to stress, anxiety and nervousness. Those who are more introverted can damage their emotional well-being by suppressing their emotions; if this is the case, counseling is recommended. Those who are more extroverted need to make sure that their desire for intensity does notlead them to recreational drugs and alcohol. As far as diet is concerned, the emphasis should be on consistency and balance; eating on the run or skipping meals should definitely be avoided. Moderate to mild exercise, in particular brisk walking, is recommended to boost their physical health and also to give them much-needed time to gather their thoughts. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color green will restore their balance and help calm their frayed nerves.

Many extroverted July 2 people have a propensity for hysterical behavior and tend to wear themselves down in expressions of anxiety and nervous energy. Introverted July 2 people often promote chronic illness through suppressing emotions. Both types must beware of seeking a drug-induced state of balance, as it is of course a temporary and perhaps harmful solution. The expression of love (both physical and spiritual) is very important to the continued health of July 2 people. A calm, understanding and patient partner may aid greatly in their development, particularly a partner not highly reactive to their moods. Moderate exercise and a regular, carefully controlled diet are recommended for July 2 people.

Career Born psychiatrists

These people are well suited to careers in psychiatry therapy counseling, and similar branches of medicine, as well as the arts, writing, drama, or music, in all of which they can find a creative outlet for their emotional intensity. They may also have a talent for business and do especially well in management positions, particularly in areas such as real estate, media or advertising.

Destiny To support, inspire and motivate others

The life path of people born on this day is to examine their internal conflicts to discover what their motivations are. Once they are able to work on their own self-development, their destiny is to use their formidable practical skills, energetic determination and powerful imagination to support, inspire and motivate others.

Gel in touch with your fantasy life. Examine how it conflicts with your emotional nature, then put it to work for you. Balance your inner and outer worlds. Try to meet the needs of others more effectively.

Celebrities Born On July 2nd

Olav V(Former King of Norway), Hermann Hesse(German writer and artist), Imelda Marcos(Former First Lady of the Philippines),

Hermann Hesse (German 20th c. visionary novelist, Steppenwolf, Siddhartha), poet committed suicide), Thurgood Marshal! (first African-Amencan Supreme Court justice), Richard Lee Petty ("King Richard," auto racing legend, 7x Daytona 500 winner, 7x NASCAR champ, first stock car driver to win a million dollars), Selman Abraham Waksman (Russian microbiologist soil research lead to discovery of antibiotics), Imelda Marcos (wife of Philippine dictator, presidential candidate), Carlos Menem (Argentinian president), Ahmad jamal (jazz pianist), John Sununu (Bush's White House chief-of-staff, TV issues program host). Ron Silver (movie actor), Dan Rowan (comedian, Rowan and Martin), Jose Canseco (baseball outfielder, AL Rookie of Year, MVP), Jerry Hall (model, Mrs. Mick Jagger), Pavel Kohout (Czech writer, theater and film director, political activist), Patrice Lumumba (Congolese prime minister), Olav V (Norwegian king). Emmanuel Neumann (Zionist leader). Brock Peters (film actor). C.W. von Gluck (German composer). Archbishop Cranmer (Henry VIII churchman, Queen Elizabeth's tutor. burned at stake as heretic). Fredenck Theophilus Klopstock (German poet)

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