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July 30th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 30, 2024

Sometimes you can be rather relentless in pursuit of your own interests. A rich interest in yourself may also encourage you to show no interest in others, which manifests itself in forgetting everything they have told you.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Sun; Numbers: 1, 3

July 30th Birthday Love Astrology

This is a sporty day and indeed, July 30 excels in all physical pursuits, such as dancing, riding, swimming and athletics. Where they don't do it, they delight in watching. People married to July 30 men resign themselves to life without Saturday afternoons. Practically every traumatic life event takes second place to Match of the Day, or anything that is remotely categorisable as sport. Some July 30 men have been known to conceal a radio beneath their pillow so they can listen to Test cricket from the other side of the world. During the most intimate moments between woman and man, a favourite batsman hits a six and they cry out ‘YES’ - rather puzzlingly to a companion - not at the right time during those moments.

The women go in for less extremely passionate interests, but nevertheless many are keen athletes and swimmers, and a growing number regularly attend football and rugger matches.

This person can have a curiously idiosyncratic habit with words, which others around find catching especially if July 30 is in any position of authority, and many are, because this is a leader's birth date. Club owners, team leaders, newspaper editors, television producers and factory managers all employ a customised mode of address to anyone around them, from the girl on reception to the head of sales and marketing. Varieties include, to both sexes, ‘Doll', ‘Lover', ‘Chuck', ‘Matey', ‘Lovely One', and to girls only, mostly anyway, ‘Sweetie Bottom', ‘Petal', ‘Pretty One', ‘Sweetbriar' and ‘Babe'. There's no offence meant and they do it as much at home as at work or in team sports. You can often tell where they've been, because their colleagues start to do it too.

Many individuals born on this day are too busy to worry overmuch about the niceties of decor in their houses. Functional is what they like, nothing challenging. Rich July 30s hand the job over to an interior decorator. Poorer ones plump for safe and pleasing creamy white.

In Love

Yours is a loyal, loving, romantic nature, and relationships mean a great deal to you. Intellectually, you need to be able to admire and respect your significant other. Because you’re bright and outgoing, your best possible mate is someone who is friendly and easygoing and doesn’t mind sharing you with your many acquaintances. A brilliant conversationalist, you’re never dull or boring. The image you project is magnetic, exciting, and lively. You live to flirt, and you’re not in a hurry to make a firm commitment. You’re a hard person to pin down, let alone catch and hold on to.

In Bed

Your way with words extends into the bedroom. Less dramatic than other members of your Sun sign, you have a relaxed and laid-back approach to lovemaking. Your frolicsome nature virtually guarantees you and your partner a fun time between the sheets. You’re more cerebral than emotional, and the ongoing exchange of witty sexual banter with your lover adds to the atmosphere of lighthearted amusement. However, once you get down to it, your strong sex drive takes over and the fun and games give way to passion.


If it was safe, July 30 would lie in the sun all day. This sun-lover should always use a powerful protection cream. But it's worth noting that medical experts now say that incidence of melanoma is ten times higher in the rainy north of Scotland than in the sunny Mediterranean. And melanoma occurs more frequently on parts of the body rarely exposed to the sun, such as the hack and feet, than areas like the face and hands. Nor does ultra violet therapy increase the risk. So judiciously enjoy the sun and discourage others from treating it like a contagious disease.


The freewheeling, spontaneous part of you is rejuvenated by unplanned erotic moments that you and your partner manage to steal when no one is looking. A bit of impromptu, devil-may-care lovemaking can serve as a real turn-on and keep your love life fresh and new. Sexy comments that only you two can hear inflame your lusty libido.


Sometimes you can be rather relentless in pursuit of your own interests. A rich interest in yourself may also encourage you to show no interest in others, which manifests itself in forgetting everything they have told you.

Reality Check

You’re gregarious and enjoy being the center of attention. Nevertheless, you’re no mental lightweight. You’ve a deep understanding of what’s important in life, and the ability to communicate your insight to others. Other people and the details of their lives fascinate you, but your nose for news may sometimes turn into a nose for gossip.

July 30 Date Share

Peter Bogdanovich, film director, The Last Picture Show. Kate Bush, singer, songwriter. Paul Anka, singer. Emily Bronte, British novelist, Wuthering Heights. Arnold Schwarzenegger, film star. Daley Thompson, British Olympic gold medal-winning decathlon champion. Henry Moore, British sculptor.

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