July 31st Descriptive Artist Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 31, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is not being cynical

☆The way forward is to understand that the pessimistic approach to life is just as unrealistic and unreliable as the optimistic because it means you focus too much on one perspective.

The Birthday Of The Descriptive Artist, The Day Of The Human Portrait

July 31st Descriptive Artist Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 31st Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)

Favorable numbers: 2, 4

Lucky day: Sunday, especially when it falls on 2 or 4 of the month

Lucky colors: Yellow, mauve, gold



People born on July 31 are eloquent observers of the human condition. They always seem to be researching or digging around for information, possessing the ability to share or describe people and situations with remarkable accuracy and insight.

Nothing seems to escape their attention, even their own faults, which they are quick to correct. Their communication skills are superb and their insightful observations are often laced with a keen sense of humor. Those less comfortable with social interaction may prefer to use the medium of writing, music, art, or painting to make their contribution, but whether they become artists or not they often have a well-developed esthetic sense, loving to surround themselves with beautiful objects and attractive people.

Their highly developed concern for exploring, describing and occasionally idolizing aspects of human existence, combined with their logical train of thought, tenacity and devotion to their work, suggest that these people can make significant contributions to the store of human knowledge. They are not, however, the types to allow their observations to isolate them from the world around them; if they do make a breakthrough, they are often eager to share their insights and their triumphs.

Work matters greatly to them and they may throw themselves so whole-heartedly into it that they have little time to spare for friends and family. If they are to become emotionally fulfilled, they need to strike a better work-life balance. They also need to watch their tendency to think negatively. Their observations of the harsh realities of life may have led them toward pessimism but they need to ensure this does not become a destructive force in their lives, especially between the ages of twenty-two and fifty-two when there is an added emphasis on practicality and realism. If, however, they can keep their generous spirit alive with uplifting thoughts and compassion, they may be able to transform their high ideals of emotional fulfillment and dreams of beauty into reality.

☆ On the dark side:Work obsessed, anxious, detached

☆ At your best:Articulate, artistic, hard working

Those born on July 31 take a special interest in what it means to be a human being.

Philosophical and moral questions concerning the nature of humanity absorb them, especially where unusual and abnormal aspects of people are concerned. Consequently no question concerning the behavior of mankind is off limits to them, and rarely will a subject be too upsetting to examine and discuss. Stories of persecution, imprisonment, tyranny and torture may hold a fascination for those born on this day. as do martyrs, saints and other highly spiritual figures, and their acts of kindness and courage. This is not to suggest that those born on this day reserve their interest in humankind to the exceptional alone; on the contrary, they are also absorbed with the everyday life, customs and habits of people.

July 31 people have a great need to share and communicate what they have learned.

The more introverted personalities born on this day often record their impressions in writing (diaries, letters, essays) or fine arts, particularly drawing and painting; extroverted July 31 people may wish to make their contribution through direct social interaction. In either case there is a marked descriptive or visual talent associated with those born on this day. Both the introverted and extroverted types often display an interest in promoting their notion of the ideal man or woman, or the ideal society.

Most July 31 people put their work ahead of all else, which may not always make them the favorite of their family and friends. As family members they are not infrequently the subject of controversy and the object of criticism. Some July 31 people may even choose to live alone precisely for this reason; it is as if they are too much involved with mankind in general to have time for a great deal of personal interaction.

Those born on this day generally have a practical, realistic outlook but may tend at times toward the pessimistic. If their assessment of life around them becomes overly negative and then gets turned inward, it can make for true unhappiness. Thus the realism of July 31 people can be valuable and healthy but must never become a destructive negativity. Those born on this day must remind themselves that the immediate world around them can be greatly improved through their efforts, and that their dedication to more universal social issues may be of less usefulness. Perhaps practicing daily acts of kindness themselves constitutes their best chance of becoming the ideal human being they so greatly admire.

Power Thought:My beautiful, loving thoughts create my beautiful, loving world,All words are lies

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 31th day of the month are ruled by the number 4 (3+1=4). and by the planet Uranus. Since only seven months have a 31 st day, it is an unusual number for a birthday, and people born on the 31 st are often difficult for others to understand. Those ruled by the number 4 can also be opinionated and rather argumentative. Though they may present a forceful image, they are actually very vulnerable to emotional hurt and rejection. The planet Uranus indicates explosiveness and changeability, qualities heightened in July 31 people by the strong influence and hot energy of the Sun (ruler of Leo).

July 31st Birthday Tarot Card

The 4th card of the iMajor Arcana is The Emperor, who rules over concrete and worldly things through wisdom, the primary source of his power. The Emperor is stable and wise; the force of his authority cannot be questioned. The positive associations of this card are strong willpower and steadfast energy; negative indications include stubbornness, tyranny, even brutality.

☆Luck maker:(Keep believing in yourself)Keep believing in yourself, especially in times of misfortune, as this will inspire others to believe in you also. In this way you attract the help that can turn misfortune around and bring good fortune your way.

Love Shared goals

You’re drawn to people born on January 21 to February 19:Although different in many ways, you share a love of communication and this can create a union of surprising compatibility.

Physical beauty is a high priority for people born on July 31, but for long-term satisfaction they should seek someone who shares their strong work ethic and artistic sensitivity. With their charm and ability to radiate warmth they can be attractive to others but need to be careful that their restless nature does not involve them in power plays with partners.

Health Don’t sit on the sidelines

People born on this day love to watch and learn but they need to be careful that this doesn’t leave them sitting on the sidelines or with little time for social interaction. Social interaction and participation are important for their psychological growth, helping them manage their thoughts in a more positive, uplifting direction. They also have a tendency to worry endlessly, sometimes in the small hours of the morning, and learning to make decisions about things they can change and letting go of things that they can’t will benefit them enormously. As far as diet is concerned, they need to make sure that they don’t neglect the importance of eating a healthy, nutritious diet because it will help boost their mood and their powers of concentration. Regular moderate exercise and sport are also highly recommended, especially those which involve social interaction such as dancing, fitness classes or team sports. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange will encourage them to be more upbeat.

Those born on July 31 must beware of neglecting their health. They may be so taken up with the welfare of others or in intellectual concerns that they forget about the importance of a balanced diet, healthy sleep patterns and constructive physical exercise. A well-balanced diet, with a high proportion of grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and a moderate but regular protein intake is suggested. Endless ruminations may cause insomnia if July 31 people are unable to "clear their screen" at bedtime. Any healthy pursuit that helps take them out of such a pattern, such as reading, meditation, or perhaps sex or conversation, is a good idea. The abovementioned interest in human behavior and interaction makes team sports attractive to many July 31 people but unless professional athletes, those born on this day should keep their involvement at a moderate level.

Career Born investigative researchers

The love of observation and description that defines these people may draw them toward investigative careers such as forensic science, detective work, journalism, law, or science. They may also gravitate toward teaching. Other careers that might appeal include management, administration, politics, charity work, medicine, and art.

Destiny To utilize their findings to help others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to make their thoughts work for them, not against them. Once they have managed to control their tendency toward negativity, their destiny is to make great discoveries and utilize their findings to help others.

Don't let pessimism occupy a central position in your life and work. Your realism should not Ix1 a prescription for unhappiness. Share your knowledge and bring insight to those around you.

Celebrities Born On July 31st

Wesley Snipes(American actor), J.K. Rowling(British writer), Geraldine Chaplin(American actress),

Primo Levi (Italian-Jewish writer, the Periodic Table, WWII concentration camp survivor, later committed suicide), ^^ I Milton Friedman (US Nobel Prize-winning economist free-market advocate, Money Mischief), Jean Dubuffet (sophisticated pnmrtive painter), Jacques Villon (French cubist painter, brother of Marcel Duchamp), Constant Penmeke (Belgian expressionist painter, sculptor), George Baxter (British painter), Gerrit Benner (self-taught Dutch landscape-abstract painter), Eric Heckel (German expressionist painter, graphic artist), Evonne Goolagong (Australian tennis champion, 2x Wimbledon, 4x Australian Open winner), Arthur Daley (New York Times Pulitzer Pnze-winning sports columnist writer, Times at Bat), Kenny Burrell (jazz guitarist), Stanley Jordan (jazz guitanst innovator, approaches guitar like piano), Whitney M. Young (social worker, civil rights leader), Geraldine Chaplin (film actress), Hank Jones (jazz pianist), Curt Gowdy (radio and TV sportscaster), Jorge Sangmes (Be film director, The Principal Enemy), William Bennett (Education secretary, director Office National Drug Control), Lynn Reid Banks (British novelist The LShaped Room), Jonathan Dimbleby (British journalist, biographer of father Richard Dimbleby)

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