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July 31st Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 31, 2024

In numerology, those born on July 31 are ruled by the number 4 (3+1=4). People ruled by four are opinionated and argumentative, and although they make good leaders there is a vulnerable side to them which emerges when exhausted.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Sun; Numbers: 2, 4

July 31st Birthday Love Astrology

Some people born on this day have a psychic gift, unusual in a Leo, and because they are often temperamentally unsympathetic to this area of the psycheology, the gift may be surpressed. This is as foolish as it is to ignore any talent. Spot the tendency early in youth with the usual signs - thoughts of someone you haven't seen for a long time, the telephone rings and it's them, or, with children, second guessing their opponent in snap to an unusual degree.

It will rarely develop to its full degree in people born today, but sensible individuals hone their psychic talent and make use of it. July 31 is particularly interested in money. Both sexes get over anxious if they feel they haven't got enough, or can't treat themselves, or somebody they love, to something they feel they deserve. Yet July 31's clever hunches are often famous, and particularly useful in making deals, laying bets on horses or even just having a go in the lottery or at bingo. Never use it to take a big risk or when you feel desperate, because these emotions will muddy the clarity of your talent. But if you stick to little things, you will be pleased at what comes your way.

Both at work and in private July 31 is characterised by marked generosity of spirit. This, coupled with great charm, makes both sexes sought after companions, lovers and colleagues, although they can make it hard for unpleasant bosses, because another marked part of this psycheology is an extreme sense of honour. Anyone transgressing is likely to be taken to pieces very thoroughly, and without fear.

If such confrontations result in the departure of this creature for another job or way of life, so be it. These people, more courted by the world than courting, have no difficulty finding other jobs, changing careers, or establishing a completely new, enjoyable way of life.

In Love

The fiery, energetic lions celebrating birthdays on this date are proud, res-olute, and dedicated to attaining their personal goals. Despite a powerful independent streak, you want and need the safety and security of a settled home life. In a close, loving union, you are generous, warmhearted, and passionate. A romantic idealist, you’re intensely protective of your loved ones.

You thrive on intimacy and the feeling of being part of a couple or family group. You believe in the inviolability of true love. Once you give your heart, your mate may depend on your continued loyalty and devotion.

In Bed

Inherently sexy and passionate, you’re driven by a lusty libido and strong sense of the dramatic. You are exceptionally intuitive where your partner’s feelings are concerned, and his or her pleasure is as important to you as your own. You anticipate your bedmate’s wants, often before he or she is even aware of them. This ability to provide what the other person desires gives you a measure of control in the bedroom. It also makes you virtually irresistible as a lover.


Leos are great animal lovers and July 31 in particular is a doggy sort of person. People born on this date often have iron constitutions and new medical research now shows that pets actually contribute towards good health. Latest studies have established that stroking or cuddling an animal reduces health risks by lowering heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol levels and boosting immunity to illness. Even watching goldfish reduces blood pressure by up to 15 per cent. Medical workers at Buffalo University, New York, have discovered that when dog owners solve mathematical problems and give public speeches, their heart rate and blood pressure rises less than when non-doggy people do the same.


Your mind conjures up an endless string of erotic fantasies and romantic dramas for you to star in as the sexy hero or heroine. Your ideal lover understands that acting out some of your torrid scenarios excites you physically and mentally. Engaging in an exotic, innovative role-playing game together serves as an aphrodisiac that turns both of you on.


In numerology, those born on July 31 are ruled by the number 4 (3+1=4). People ruled by four are opinionated and argumentative, and although they make good leaders there is a vulnerable side to them which emerges when exhausted.

Reality Check

You are quietly ambitious and determined to make your mark in the world.

Although you present a confident image, you often appear more self-assured than you actually are. Eventually, however, your flair for the dramatic and craving for recognition and approbation overcomes any inner hesitation you may feel and impels you to seek the limelight.

July 31 Date Share

Jonathan Dimbleby, British journalist broadcaster. Lynn Reid Banks, British novelist, The L-Shaped Room. Géraldine Chaplin, film star. Hank Jones, jazz pianist. Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor.

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