July 3rd Surveyor Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 03, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is not feeling lonely

☆The way forward is to understand that you are in charge of the way that you feel. Other people are not excluding you, you are excluding yourself by holding back.

The Birthday Of The Surveyor, The Day Of The Commemorator

July 3rd Surveyor Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 3rd Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher

Tarot card: The Empress (creativity)

Favorable numbers: 1, 3

Lucky days: Monday and Thursday especially when these days fall on 1 and 3 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, amethyst, lavender

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 3 are keen observers of everything that is going on around them. Their approach to life, however, is not that of the critic but of the philosopher or judge surveying what they see and coming up with an authoritative conclusion.

People born on this day have a very rational mind that helps them manage their emotions effectively. They want the world to be a better place but they usually conclude that emotions tend to hinder rather than help people progress, so they prefer to hide theirs. Although endlessly fascinated by people and the workings of the world, they tend to keep themselves detached because without emotions to cloud their judgment they think they can be more effective. They can charm virtually anyone with their calm, mild manner, and when they believe in a cause their progress is virtually unstoppable.

They are always curious to discover something new, but they should ensure this doesn’t earn them the reputation of being interfering or nosy. Their curiosity may also lead them toward dubious or questionable people or causes but their rationality will help them steer clear of any wrongdoing or extremes of behavior. Until the age of nineteen they may focus on security and family but after the age of twenty they may be offered opportunities to develop in confidence and to strengthen their performance in their chosen field. This can be an exciting time for them but they should remember that they belong to the same species as the creatures whose actions they love to survey. After the age of forty-nine they are likely to develop a more discriminating attitude and although service to others is highlighted they should make sure they don’t become cynical or superior in their approach to others.

Once these people have been able to find a balance between detachment and involvement they will find that their intuitive and intellectual talents combine to endow them with outstanding potential to become effective instruments of reform and progress.

☆ On the dark side:Nosy, detached, superior

☆ At your best:Observant, insightful, committed

July 3 people are born chroniclers, diarists and commemorators of events and tradition.

Many born on this day think of themselves as upholders of the rights of the common man/woman. True champions of the strangest and most wayward individuals, they themselves may just as likely be of conservative appearance and habits.

Many July 3 people seem archly cynical. Yet on closer examination, one finds that their cynicism is a facade sent up to hide a marked sensitivity; thus they build a protective shell around themselves. From inside their fort they survey the world around them, missing very little of what goes on. Frequently commenting on what they see, they lay bare the little foibles and quirks of those they pass time with. Those born on this day are not only interested in strange people but in the peculiar traits of normal people as well, and with unerring accuracy assess the eccentricities of the creature known as a human being.

July 3 people tend to be highly philosophical or even removed from life, surveying it as a judge might from his bench. They can also wield the gavel well, putting an end to extraneous, discursive or pretentious talk with quick dispatch. Friends and family of July 3 people may find them alternately amusing and imposing, but perhaps take them less than seriously.

This can hurt July 3 people who need the support of others but are often afraid to make a direct appeal for it. Sometimes they can go along for years hoping to find someone who really appreciates their thinking.

As it is human character that interests July 3 people beyond any technical, scientific or natural phenomena, they not only observe what others do and say, but also try to discover what they feel. Because of this last trait, those born on this day run the risk of earning a reputation as "Nosey Parkers." In fact, there is a bit of the voyeur about July 3 people, so curious are they to discover what is going on behind closed doors.

Those born on this day may go so far as to be interested in those areas which society regards as perverse. This can cause them trouble if they become known as practitioners rather than observers. Due to their sensitive and empathic nature, they may be attracted to questionable activities for a time, but usually reestablish their equilibrium and ready themselves for their next adventure. July 3 people are rarely bored, as they find something interesting to observe in practically everything around them. Later in life, however, they may become overly discriminating, even jaded, and risk appearing snobbish to others.

Power Thought:I am loving, warm and beautiful, and the contribution I make is valuable,All the multiplicities of spaces and times exist in one Space and one Time

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 3rd day of the month are ruled by the number 3 (3+0=3). and by the planet Jupiter. Those ruled by the number 3 try to rise to the highest positions in their particular sphere, and are highly independent. Jupiter lends an optimistic and expansive social outlook to July 3 people (made still more idealistic under the influence of the Moon, ruler of Cancer), tempering their more detached and cynical side.

July 3rd Birthday Tarot Card

The 3rd card of the Major Arcana is The Empress, symbolizing creative intelligence. She is the perfect woman, the ultra-feminine. Mother Earth nurturer, who is our dreams made real, our hopes and aspirations embodied. This card represents positive traits of charm, grace and unconditional love, and negative aspects of vanity and affectation, as well as intolerance for imperfection.

☆Luck maker:(You are what you think)When you want to attract luck and happiness into your life, make sure your thoughts, words actions and surroundings don’t contradict your desires.

Love Don’t play games

You’re drawn to people born on August 24 to September 23:You both have a need for honesty security and passion, and this can be an intense and fulfilling relationship.

People born on July 3 rarely jump head first into a relationship and they may keep potential partners on hold until they determine what they really want. Anyone who tries to sweet talk them or play games with them is more likely to earn their contempt rather than their respect, but when they do find lasting love they accept both their partner’s gifts and flaws, and don’t try to change them.

Health Getting involved

People born on this day have a tendency to withdraw from social interaction or to cast themselves in the position of observer or commentator on the action. For their psychological growth it is important that they overcome their reluctance and participate more fully in what is going on around them. If they don’t seek human contact, they are likely to feel unfulfilled, lonely and insecure. Spending plenty of time with family and friends is beneficial for them, as is getting involved in charity work or humanitarian causes. As far as diet is concerned, cooking for or eating out with loved ones and friends is highly recommended. Exercise that is socially orientated, such as dancing, competitive sports or joining a gym, will also be beneficial. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color orange will help lift their social life and increase feelings of physical enjoyment, warmth and security.

July 3 people must work against their tendency to isolate themselves from the world; their sensibilities must find expression in some creative pursuit or other. Furthermore, they should actively seek real human contact rather than only observing and critiquing people. The support and appreciation of family and friends is the best prevention here for illnesses of all sorts, particularly psychological ones. Cooking regularly for loved ones is a wonderful way for July 3 people to allow for such contact. As far as physical exercise is concerned, walking, swimming and team sports such as volleyball are particularly recommended.

Career Born psychologists

These people are well suited to careers in psychology and psychiatry as well as medicine and education. Their imaginative powers also augur well for careers in art or entertainment. They are likely to shine in positions of authority as they can be fair and just, and this makes them excellent managers or administrators. Other careers that might interest them include charity work, labor unions, antiques dealer, chef, caterer, art dealer, or administrator.

Destiny To inspire others with their visions of progress

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to engage emotionally with the world around them. Once they are able to participate fully their destiny is to influence and inspire others with their talents and their visions of fairness and progress.

Try to enter more wholeheartedly into the social life around you; take part, rather than only observing. Don't be afraid to let others see into your inner life—avoid adopting a double standard concerning observation and privacy. Don't give up on your efforts to be recognized.

Celebrities Born On July 3rd

Tom Cruise(American actor and producer), Julian Assange(Australian publisher and founder of WikiLeaks), Vince Clarke(British musician and songwriter),

Franz Kafka (Czech-Jewish short-story writer, The Metamorphosis, novelist The Trial, The Castle), Tom Cruise (film actor), George M. Cohan (songwnter, playwright, actor, producer, director), Ken Russell (British TV, film director, Women in Love, The Devils), Tom Stoppard (Czech-born playwright), Michael Burton (film director, Batman), Leos Janacek (Czech composer), Stavros Niarchos (Greek shipping magnate, Chassis' brother-inlaw, owner of world's largest private tanker fleet), Jean-Claude Duvalier ("Baby Doc," Haitian dictator, succeeded father, fled popular revolt), John Klemmer (jazz tenor saxophonist), George Sanders (film actor), Gloria Allred (lawyer, women's rights activist), Lamar Alexander (Education secre- tary), Carlos Kleiber (conductor). Ruth Crawford Seeger (composer, folk music scholar, stepmother of Pete, mother of Peggy), Pete Fountain (New Orleans clarinetist). Alberto Leras Camargo (Colombian president), Louis XI (French king), Corneille (20 Dutch painter), Dorothy Kilgallen (columnist)

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