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July 3rd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 03, 2024

Big heads often mean big talent. While the average brain weighs 1, 400 grams, Oliver Cromwell's and Lord Byron's were 2, 200 grams each, Otto Von Bismarck's 1, 900 grams. But not always. Dante Alighieri's was 1, 420 grams.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Pluto; Numbers: 1, 3

July 3rd Birthday Love Astrology

Those born on July 3 are introspective and interested in how others tick, both powerful characteristics of the crab. Psychiatry, poetry and scientific philosophy may be their passion and many happily pursue these interests, showing no real need for wordly success. Some may have sufficient talent to become famous in the creative arena, but wül usually be attracted to the cutting edge of new ideas, rather than traditional areas.

At work, July 3 listens to woes, usually giving good advice and acting as peacemaker and problem-solver. Unfortunately, they may be so empathetic that they become overwhelmed by others' miseries, so a measure of self protection is advisable if there is a resident fountain of tears in the office. Equally unfortunately, some also suffer from a nosey-parkerish need to know and should resist reading memos upside-down on colleagues' desks.

These individuals are intensely stirred by the beauty of Nature, need little money and are often sparing in their appetites. Love must be based on shared interests and they are passionate, committed and rarely unfaithful. They keep careful watch over their partner's and any children's health, diet and happiness, but can also be tiresomely faddy, imposing barmy opinions on their unfortunate nearest and dearest. Because they don't adore eating, or have a flutter on the lottery, or flirt with as many people as possible, means they can't imagine why others should.

Single July 3 people could easily become hermits and must remember, or be reminded to keep in touch with family and friends. They are capable of showing astonishing bravery and bringing immense good to the world, make excellent physicians and can be found in organisations which work for the care of mankind.

Those who are less dedicated to the good of others have extremely good taste and make their homes lovely, choosing pale, watery colours, shimmering pearly-whites. Walking into their houses is like taking a step inside a delicate, alluring water lily.

In Love

Sometimes it’s hard for you to reconcile your lighthearted, flirtatious nature with your deep emotional need for the security of a permanent love relationship. The coolness of your freewheeling, chatty intellectuality is continually at odds with the intensity of your emotions. Although inherently cheerful and a great deal of fun, you are quite touchy and your sensitive feelings are easily hurt. When this happens, your typical reaction is to internalize your anger and slip into a dark mood. Even when your mate or partner is not the cause of your pain, your negativity tends to spill over into your time together.

In Bed

With your seductive aura and sensitivity to your partner’s thoughts and feelings, you can be truly irresistible in the bedroom. Your approach to sex is generally less conservative than most Cancer natives. Although you value emotional security in some life areas, you don’t always play it safe where love is concerned. You prefer acting spontaneously, following your heart rather than your head. You think that lovemaking is meant to be fun, and you fully expect to have a good time under the covers.


They have fine, delicate skin, subject to spotty problems in adolescence. Some potions from the chemist may work, but it's best not to use too much. It's often disappointing, no miracles here, and some of the creams may set up their own reactions. Experts are divided in their advice and of course it's different for each individual. But too much hair washing with harsh, chemical shampoos is often the culprit for acne. Just hot water can be best for hair and skin.


Good communication is important to you in an intimate relationship. You enjoy expressing your lusty desires verbally, with sexy banter and flirty words, and also less directly with seductive looks and gestures. The lover who can pick up on your various sexual signals, and respond to them in kind, is the one with the key to turning you on.


Big heads often mean big talent. While the average brain weighs 1, 400 grams, Oliver Cromwell's and Lord Byron's were 2, 200 grams each, Otto Von Bismarck's 1, 900 grams. But not always. Dante Alighieri's was 1, 420 grams.

Reality Check

Because of an inner restlessness, you require more variety in your life than other crabs. You like talking about your feelings, and you encourage others to share their emotions with you. Although you are sensitive to everything going on around you, your innate rationality keeps you from overdramatizing most situations.

July 3 Date Share

Franz Kafka, author, The Trial. Tom Cruise, US movie star. Tom Stoppard, Czech-born playwright. Ken Russell, British TV & film director, Women In Love. Leos Janacek, Czech-horn composer. Jean-Claude ‘Baby Doc' Duvalier, Haitian dictator, succeeded his tyrannical father. George Sanders, film actor.

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