July 4th Dedication Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 04, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is staying objective

☆The way forward is to understand that when your dedication to a cause makes it impossible for you to listen to alternative viewpoints, you run the danger of fanaticism.

The Birthday Of Dedication, The Day Of The Group Representative

July 4th Dedication Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 4th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)

Favorable numbers: 2, 4

Lucky days: Monday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 4 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, cobalt blue, lavender

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 4 tend to identify strongly with groups and organizations, be they their family co-workers, local community country or even humanity as a whole. The creation of shared human bonds and goals is extremely important to them, and they will often dedicate themselves to defending people’s wider interests.

Whatever path in life they choose, they will be at their happiest when they are surrounded by those who are working toward a common goal. Ironically though, for those so focused on communal identification, they are also quite private individuals and prefer to keep their own feelings to themselves; opening up to others won’t be easy for them. Despite their reserve, it’s no coincidence that these people were born on US Independence Day. Their dedication and loyalty are matched only by their courageous spirit and desire to defend and protect those less fortunate. They are also extremely intuitive, but because this gift can make them feel as if they are different they may choose to repress it or only reveal it to those who know them well.

In the years leading up to the age of eighteen they will be concerned with home, family and security; after they age of nineteen they may find that they are increasingly drawn into public positions that require strength and confidence. During these years they should guard against inflexibility and uncritical belief in their cause. After the age of forty-eight they enter a new phase which brings practical issues to prominence, and they are likely to become more analytical, observant and methodical.

If they devote themselves to a cause that is worthy of them, they have the potential to rise all the way to the top, helping others rise to the top with them. The opposite is true if they make the wrong choice, so learning to make the right choices and decisions will be their major challenge. They will, however, be able to make the right choice with ease if they work with their intuition, investing time and energy to listening to their inner voice.

☆ On the dark side:Biased, demanding, stubborn

☆ At your best:Principled, courageous, generous

July 4 people feel most fulfilled when representing a group of which they are proud, be it familial, regional, racial, political, economic or social. Their roots are extremely important to them and they rarely let themselves or anyone else forget where they come from.

Thus, those born on July 4 are not satisfied when acting purely for personal gain, but like to make their mark as contributors to a larger effort. This is not to say that they do not like working or being alone. Long periods of solitude may be necessary for them to develop their projects or chart a course of action, but such work invariably functions within a wider social framework.

Characteristically, those born on this day will make a strong or renewed commitment to a well-defined group at some point in adult life: either they will strive to become its leading representative, or simply be content to function as a devoted member. In both cases July 4 people display with pride the distinct imprint of their earlier background.

Periodic family gatherings play an important role in the lives of July 4 people. In America, of course, July 4 is Independence Day, and thus birthday celebrations on this day have added significance. In fact, the patriotism displayed by July 4 people is rarely of the blind "my country right or wrong" sort but more often manifests as a desire to improve the nation, or offer constructive criticism. Rarely, however, do those born on this day take no interest in larger political and social events around them or remain apathetic politically.

Often gifted empaths, July 4 people are skilled at sensing the unspoken thoughts and feelings of others. Unlike more classic empathic types, however, they are better equipped to maintain objectivity in dealing with personal matters. Nonetheless, those born on this day do evidence certain unusual, even highly unusual traits which set them off from others. These may be obvious physical or psychological peculiarities or more subtle characteristics revealed only to those who know them at a much deeper level.

July 4 people generally appear, on the surface, far more simple and uncomplicated than they are. This is because they often neglect or suppress the human, emotional contradictions which they believe inhibit their ability to function effectively in the world. But, ultimately, if they seek success on a higher level, the extent to which they explore and develop their own inner psychological roots and complexities marks the limits of their endeavors. Those born on this day must guard against egotism, pride, arrogance and misplaced anger (even when manifested in the course of a selfless cause).

Power Thought:I bring good to others by discovering the good in me,Perhaps all events are ofequal value and none can be said to be more important than an) other

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 4th day of the month are ruled by the number 4 and by the planet Uranus People ruled by the number 4 have their own, often peculiar way of doing things. They can be difficult or argumentative, since they see the world differently from everyone else. Such aspects may be magnified in July 4 people. In keeping with those ruled by the number 4. it is generally of no great concern to July 4 people whether they make a lot of money or not. Through the influence of the planet Uranus, those ruled by the number 4 can be quick and explosive in their change of mood. This quality is also accentuated in July 4 people by the strong emotional influence of the Moon (Cancer's ruler) on Uranus.

July 4th Birthday Tarot Card

The 4th card of the Major Arcana is The Emperor, who rules over concrete and worldly things through wisdom, the primary source of his power. The Emperor is stable and wise; the force of his authority cannot be questioned. The positive associations of this card are strong willpower and steadfast energy: unfavorable qualities include being headstrong, tyrannical, even brutal. If leaders. July 4 people must beware of these latter tendencies.

☆Luck maker:(Trust your hunches)Your intuition is a gift that can bring you good luck, success and happiness. You owe it to yourself to listen to it and trust it.

Love Always knows best

You’re drawn to people born on September 24 to October 23:You share a passion for justice, harmony and progress, and this can be a respectful and supportive union.

The mild-mannered charm of people born on July 4 will often attract admirers but when in a relationship they need to watch their tendency to always know what’s best for everyone, especially as they tend to be attracted to enterprising, successful people who are determined to succeed. Once in a loving relationship, however, they can be extremely affectionate, generous, loyal, and loving.

Health Don’t neglect the gift of health

People born on this day have a tendency to neglect their own health and wellbeing for the sake of the family or the group they are working with, so it is important for them to make sure that their own personal well-being takes center stage. They would benefit greatly from scheduling regular exercise into their diary to make sure they don’t decide to give it a miss. Team sports and regular fitness classes are ideal ways for them to keep in shape, but they may also benefit from a running, swimming or cycling schedule. As far as diet is concerned, they need to increase their intake of fresh produce, in particular fruits and vegetables. Mind-body therapies that encourage them to get in touch with their intuition such as meditation, hypnotherapy and yoga would be extremely beneficial. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to focus more on their inner life.

July 4 people must not overtax themselves with exhausting projects. As representatives of a group, they often view themselves in an impersonal way and may neglect their individual concerns. This can have bad ramifications for their health. Those born on this day should make a concerted effort to improve their diet, insuring themselves proper portions of fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. Regarding physical exercise, July 4 people are best suited for regular and fairly strict regimens, rather than ad hoc activities. Frequent participation in team sports may be just the thing for maintaining their strength and coordination.

Career Born firefighters

These people will thrive in any job that involves people and an element of risk. They might make great firefighters, paramedics, police officers or emergency care workers. They may also be drawn to sales, negotiation, promotion, law, publishing, banking, or politics. Any occupation that deals with items for the home, food or caring would also be a possibility and their love of the dramatic may lure them to the world of art and entertainment.

Destiny To devote their talents to the common good

The life path of people born on this day is to understand that some of the answers they are looking for can only be found by searching within. Once they are able to connect with their intuition, their destiny is to devote their considerable talents to the common good.

Beware of chauvinism regarding your group's standing in society, or the world at large Try to maintain some objectivity and criticism in this respect. Beware of blanket endorsements.Remember that you are at times free to act as an individual, beholden to no one but yourself

Celebrities Born On July 4th

Stephen Boyd(Irish actor), Gertrude Lawrence(British actress), Giuseppe Garibaldi(Italian politician who contributed to Italian unification),

Nathaniel Hawthorne (New England short-story writer, novelistThe Scariet Letter), Stephen Collins Foster (songwriter, perhaps most popular of 19 th c. America, over two hundred songs, alcoholic, died in poverty), Giuseppe Garibaldi (Italian soldier, unification leader), Louis B. Mayer (film studio owner, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), Calvin Coolidge (US president, senator and governor of Massachusetts), Neil Simon (Broadway playwright), Ron Kovic (writer, Vietnam vet peace activist, subject of film Born on the Fourth of July), Abigail Van Buren (advice columnist, Dear Abby, Ann Landers' twin), Ann Landers (advice columnist), Geraldo Rivera (TV talk show host), Eva Marie Saint (film actress), Tokyo Rose (propagandist, traitor), Gina Lollobrigida (Italian film actress), Al Davis (general managercoach, managing partner of Oakland, LA Raiders. AFL commissioner), George M. Steinbrenner (industrialist)

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