July 6th Passionate Attachment Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 06, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is avoiding tunnel vision

☆The way forward is to understand that human beings have complex emotional, physical, and intellectual needs; happiness and fulfillment can never be found through one avenue alone.

The Birthday Of Passionate Attachment, The Day Of Magnetic Desire

July 6th Passionate Attachment Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 6th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover

Tarot card: The Lovers (intuition)

Favorable numbers: 4, 6

Lucky days: Monday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 6 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, pink, crimson

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 6 are filled with infectious energy, vibrant optimism and dedicated enthusiasm about every aspect of their lives. It is impossible for them to be anything but passionate and intense about their relationships, responsibilities or career.

Compromise just doesn’t make sense for these people. More than anything else they yearn to achieve their ideals and will dedicate themselves pas sionately to their personal quest, be it for the perfect love, career or lifestyle. Although they are reliable and dedicated, the passionate attachment that they have to their own ideas and plans can lead to problems with others. In some cases they can become so single-minded in their pursuit of their dreams that work may take over their life, their love life may dominate all their decisions, or they may devote every ounce of their energy to a cause. This is potentially dangerous as their happiness may depend on just one thing; if that is unachievable or there are setbacks, their behavior may become needy or obsessive. It is extremely important therefore that they learn to be less obsessive, broadening their interests and horizons to include not just one, but several potential sources of fulfillment.

After the age of sixteen they may have opportunities to become bolder and more self-assured; they need to take advantage of these to broaden their perspective. After the age of forty-six they are likely to become more health conscious, precise and discriminating; during these years it is important for them to manage their financial assets well as their passionate nature means that they may have a tendency to spend money faster than they make it.

Above all, people born on this day need to learn not to devote all their energy and enthusiasm to one area of their life. This is because when they finally manage to cultivate a more well-rounded approach to life they will find that they have all the talent and personal magnetism they need to see most of the passionate dreams that inspire them transformed into reality.

☆ On the dark side:Obsessive, blinkered, needy

☆ At your best:Passionate, attractive, intense

Those born on July 6 are invariably involved in relationships and careers where there is a mutual attraction/magnetism working with the object of their desire. There is a fatalistic cast to the lives of July 6 people in that life decisions sometimes seem less like choices than inevitabilities for them.

The passion shown by July 6 people toward their fixation, whatever it happens to be. may seem unalterable once set, particularly in their younger days. Indeed, for July 6 people, the emotional motivation to do something can override consideration of an endeavor aforethought and make for a kind of fait accompli. For example, they may get it into their mind that they must have another person as a lover or friend. Or perhaps they are possessed of a desire for a prize, award, career or office. It is also possible that they are magnetically drawn to money or sex, independent of any specific object or person.

The dangers of these magnetic desires to the July 6 person are manifold. The shock, disappointment and grief attendant to losing the object of their desire can be catastrophic, and if, indeed, they have put all of their eggs in one basket, they may have ignored or overlooked some more obviously sensible object for their affections or ambition, even for years. Later they may become bitter on the subject and be filled with regret. If more general areas (like sex and money for example) are the object of their desire, they will of course come into contact with all kinds of human energy, both positive and negative. Those born on this day who surrender body and soul to desire may compromise their ideals, self-interest and even selfrespect as they become entangled repeatedly in unhealthy relationships.

Though maturity may come at a considerable cost, most born on this day eventually learn through experience to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of an endeavor or conquest before setting their sights on it. More highly evolved July 6 people realize that desire in itself can be positive but that attachment to objects and a refusal to let go can be very destructive.

These more advanced individuals understand that one must keep moving on in life, not getting stuck, obsessed, dependent, and mired in one's emotions. They will use their magnetic abilities to further their personal growth, learning, consciousness and spiritual outlook.

Having the inside track on magnetic desire, July 6 people face great challenge and responsibility. The principal lesson they must learn is to treat each day, each moment, each person with whom they interact, with care and kindness, rather than devoting all their energy to a single object of desire (which ultimately leads to jealousy, envy, possessiveness and all sorts of frustrations). Best of all, those born on July 6 may find that dropping obsessiveness for a lighter, more well-rounded approach to life can prove to be like trading in a heavy burden for new-found joy.

Power Thought:I am always willing to experiment and explore new possibilities,I am the point at which two lines intersect

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 6th day of the month are ruled by the number 6 and by the planet Venus. Because those ruled by the number 6 are magnetic in attracting love and admiration, and since Venus is strongly connected with social interaction, it is often a struggle for July 6 people to get the privacy and seclusion they need for their work, as well as the emotional space necessary for the above-mentioned personal growth. Romantic love is often the dominant theme in the life of a person ruled by the number 6.

July 6th Birthday Tarot Card

The 6th card of the Major Arcana is The Lovers, symbolizing the love that unites all of humanity through integration of masculine and feminine polarities. On the good side this card indicates affections and desires on a high moral, aesthetic and physical plane; on the bad side, unfulfilled desires, sentimentality and indecisiveness. Since the astrology of Cancer lends strongly magnetic Moon influences, and both the Tarot and the number 6 show the primary7 influence of Venus, there are few brakes available to July 6 people to slow the magnetic desires outlined above.

☆Luck maker:(Don’t rely on one thing)Lucky people never allow their happiness to depend on one person or thing alone because they know that the more broad and well rounded their life is, the greater their chances of success and happiness.

Love Don’t fall in love too easily

You’re drawn to people born on

April 21 to May 21:You are both passionate and sensual, but also have a need for security and trust within a relationship.

People born on July 6 are passionate and loyal romantic partners but they need to be a bit more cautious and give themselves plenty of time before pledging their love. They can also be a little too needy and should give their partners enough room to breathe. When they are able to let go in this way, they will find love a much easier game to play.

Health Avoid dependency of any sort

People born on this day have a tendency to be addictive or intense in their approach to life, so it is very important for them to avoid dependency on alcohol, cigarettes, recreational drugs, sugary or fatty food and any other substance that can temporarily induce a high. Cultivating a well-rounded approach to life with a number of potential sources of fulfillment rather than just one will help manage that potential problem. As far as diet is concerned, the emphasis should be on a balanced diet with plenty of variety so that they don’t get stuck in a particular food routine. Regular exercise, especially cross-training where a variety of disciplines are combined, is recommended. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color yellow will encourage them to feel more creative and open-minded.

July 6 people periodically need time off from their work and relationships to be alone, in order to develop self-control and awareness. As described, those born on this day manifest a kind of addictive behavior to life in general, so of course they must avoid habit-forming drugs of all sorts. They must also beware of food and drink addictions, or worse yet harmful starvation diets in which they deny themselves essential nutrients. If possible, they should eat a well-rounded, balanced diet and not get stuck in any food obsessions or fetishes.

Career Born image makers

These people have the intellectual insight, determination and focus to succeed in any career, but they may find themselves drawn to teaching, lecturing or self-employment where they can have the freedom to work in their own way. Other career options might include banking, business, the stock market, show business, the arts, charity work, image making, the healing professions, or work in the community.

Destiny To raise standards

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to find fulfillment in all areas of their lives, not just one. Once they learn to be more open-minded and realistic, their destiny is to use their remarkable charisma to recruit others to their own highly idealized standards.

Learn to move on. Keep your mind open to new experiences and change Develop your willpower and insight in order to withstand addictive or harmful temptations. Enjoy yourself in an easy way. Keep it light.

Celebrities Born On July 6th

Sylvester Stallone(American actor and director), Janet Leigh(American actress), Nancy Reagan(American actress and former First Lady of the United States),

Dalai Lama (Tibetan religious and political leader), Vladimir Ashkenazy (Russian pianist, conductor), Frieda Kahlo (German-bom Mexican symbolic realist painter, married Diego Rivera), James B. Wyeth (20 th c. representational painter, member of famous painting family), Sylvester Stallone (film actor), Delia Reese (singer), Janet Leigh (film actress), Katie ter Horst (Dutch WWII resistance figure, "The Angel of Arnhem"), Andrei Gromyko (Soviet foreign minister), Merv Gnffm (singer, TV host, producer, game show creator), Ned Beatty (film actor), Bill Haley (rock & roll star, 8/7/ Haley and the Comets), Nancy Davis Reagan (singer, dancer, actress. First Lady), Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico (Austrian archduke, executed), Candy Barr (stripper, poet), Louise Erdrich (novelist, Taylor), Conrad "Nicky" Hilton (hotel chain heir, oldest son of Conrad Sr., married Elizabeth Taylor), General Wojaech jaruzelski (Polish premier, Communist Party head), Eleanor Clark (short-story writer, reviewer, novelist The Hitler Sox), Shusaku Arakawa (Japanese conceptual artist)

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