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July 6th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 06, 2024

July 6 works and worries so hard that they lose the talent for relaxation, some even feel uncomfortably useless if they take time to chill out. This attitude dulls the mind.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Pluto; Numbers: 4, 6

July 6th Birthday Love Astrology

July 6 spends a great deal of time talking abut the inner workings of his or her mind, sometimes perceptively and sometimes as if they were talking about another person altogether. So July 6 will often say something like Tm the sort of person who always keeps a promise' or ‘I always remember a good deed', unfortunately, an observation which is rarely true.

Poor memory is sometimes a problem for this individual, particularly with the males who can never remember where they have put keys and wallets. Both sexes can make a habit of failing to settle their bank account so that cashpoint cards are swallowed, usually on Saturday night when extra money is particularly vital, because somehow there wasn't time to get to the bank on Friday.

Generally this date tends to worry about finances more than is necessary. So much so that they leave bills unopened because any demand for money always seems too great. Watch out therefore for the telephone to be cut off and the electricity too. It's worth remembering with the latter that some electricity boards make a point of cutting the electricity off just as their office is closing on Saturday in order that the luckless and lightless punter has sufficient time over the weekend to consider the error of their ways and have a few major rows.

Other people born on this date are free of this problem-provoking behaviour and merely careful with their money, or in some cases, clever with it and can make excellent investments in property and a killing on the stockmarket. Some go to the other end of the spectrum and become inveterate gamblers, frequently extremely lucky as this is a particularly optimistic birthday to have.

In spite of this strong, very personal and perhaps inward psycheology, this person is often blessed with a true sweetness of character and can attract loyal affections in others.

In Love

You are a wonderfully caring and protective lover. Because you think in terms of “we” and “us,” intimacy plays a major role in your life. As an idealist, you tend to be rather fanciful when it comes to love, and your notions about romantic partnerships can be overly sentimental. The desire to live in a fairy tale prompts you to do whatever it takes to make a close relationship fit your dream of love. Moreover, you possess a crab’s reluctance to let go of anything or anyone and an inclination to hang on long after a romantic alliance has outlived its worth.

In Bed

Romance and sex are entwined in your mind, and you bring elegance and refinement into your relationship. Your sensual desires are heightened by a strong intuitive connection to your lover. Without an emotional bond, the initial attraction quickly loses its luster. It’s important to you to be able to gratify your partner’s needs in the bedroom. Although your tastes in lovemaking tend toward the traditional, you’re perfectly willing to put your own feelings aside in order to please your bedmate.


Both sexes can suffer from urinary tract problems and should always consult a doctor. Minor disturbances can be remedied by avoiding alcohol tea and coffee, all fizzy drinks and concentrated orange and lemon squashes. Instead drink plenty of water, alternating this with barley water and the occasional cup of herbal tea made from camomile, or rasberry leaves, available at health food shops. Avoid commercially bought bath essences or oils. Some people find great comfort however from natural oils and aromatherapists recommend dropping four drops of bergamot and two drops of lavender, or six drops of tea tree oil into the bathwater.


Beauty, harmony, and comfort gratify your refined sensibilities. A romantic ambiance with flowers, music, and candlelight turns you on, whereas crude remarks or boorish behavior turns you off. Affectionate gestures and loving words can do more to put you in the mood for loving than the kinky porno that others seem to find so exciting.


July 6 works and worries so hard that they lose the talent for relaxation, some even feel uncomfortably useless if they take time to chill out. This attitude dulls the mind.

Reality Check

You have a chameleonlike quality that allows you to blend in no matter where you are. Basically amiable and tactful, you refuse to run roughshod over someone else’s feelings to get what you want. Nevertheless, you always seem to know exactly the right thing to say to get others to go along with your plans and ideas.

July 6 Date Share

Dalai Lama, Tibetan religious and political leader. Andrei Gromyko, Soviet foreign minister. Bill Haley, rock and roll star. Sylvester Stallone, macho film star. Candy Ban, stripper and poet Nancy Reagan, first lady to President Ronald Reagan.

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