July 7th Beautiful Dreamer Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 07, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is dealing with criticism or rejection

☆The way forward is to take on board what is being said and learn from it. Criticism and rejection are simply stepping stones on the way to success.

The Birthday Of The Beautiful Dreamer, The Day Of Imaginative Revelations

July 7th Beautiful Dreamer Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 7th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Chariot (resilience)

Favorable numbers: 5, 7

Lucky day: Monday, especially when it falls on 5 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, sea green, emerald

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 7 are the type of individuals whose soaring imagination will cause them to support projects deemed unfeasible and then surprise and confuse others showing that they are indeed feasible. The key to their ability to achieve the impossible is their rare combination of imagination and fierce determination.

They are beautiful dreamers in every sense, blessed with the creativity and idealism that many others lose when they become adults. People may describe them as na%20ive, not because they are unintelligent but because any form of deception is alien to them. Their openness and honesty is touching and endearing, but it will limit their rise professionally and socially. This is unlikely to bother them, however, because for them a life that isn’t honest or where they can’t be creative is a life not worth living.

Shyness and sensitivity may become less of a problem for them after the age of sixteen, when there are opportunities for them to become bolder and more assertive in all areas of their lives. At the age of forty-five they are likely to become more analytical and discriminating. They will never lose their remarkable imagination but these are the years when they are likely to finetune their creative talents, using their creative approach to life to lift others out of the mundane. Crucial to their success or failure, however, will be their willingness to step out from their dreams every now and again and see the world for what it really is.

The big threat to their happiness is the way they react to criticism or to those who misunderstand them. Instead of accepting that there will always be differences of opinion or learning from feedback, they may react strongly by crawling into a shell of resentment, self-pity and defeatism that is not conducive to psychological growth. However, once they develop the emotional maturity to be more objective, they have all the potential and passion not only to generate ambitious plans and see them realized, but to earn the support and admiration of others.

☆ On the dark side:Disturbing, naive, self-pitying

☆ At your best:Imaginative, determined, creative

Revelation is a recurrent theme in the lives of July 7 people. The urge to uncover or hold up to scrutiny the inner visions, feelings and thoughts of themselves or others is marked. Perhaps those born on this day could be called exhibitionists, but not in any superficial sense of the word. By revealing so much of themselves, July 7 people can effect anything from mild shock to disturbance in others, sometimes even an awakening.

Those born on this day have a way of sounding a common chord in their colleagues, family and friends. They may be considered more than a little strange, yet their fanciful thoughts and endeavors rarely miss the mark. A July 7 person's link to the subconscious is very strong. Therefore they have the ability to understand many of the perverse twists and turns that the human mind can take. Little that is bizarre or unusual surprises them, since they have encountered much of it before in themselves.

No matter what their career, those born on this day manifest a desire to simplify through exposure, and because they are so intent on revealing their own inner process they see nothing wrong in revealing those of others, too. Unfortunately they may come to be accused of meddling in other people's affairs, getting involved in matters that do not really concern them. In fact, July 7 people themselves have quite a secretive private life, as it is more often their ideas and opinions which they exhibit than their dirty laundry. Thus what they reveal, in general, is not so much what they do but what they think—often in regard to the world of dreams, fantasies and human emotions.

July 7 people are generally rather difficult to live with. They demand a great deal of understanding and acceptance from their partners. They may be known by their children as dreamers, by their friends as unrealistic and by business partners as less than reliable. Indeed, they are most often misunderstood by others. Yet, in a competitive world, they can actually function very well, and become a successful driving force in their business or social sphere.

Their highly demanding subconscious drives, however, will always place a strain on their "straight" job responsibilities or image. The happiest July 7 people are those who can integrate their fantasy life in the commercial world, without sacrificing their integrity.

Although they occasionally get uptight and even dictatorial, for the most part July 7 people have strongly developed human instincts. They may, however, be bewildered when confronted by a stronger personality, particularly if taken to task over the quality of their work.

This confusion can later give way to anger and resentment, sometimes resulting in those born on this day withdrawing into a shell. July 7 people must overcome a tendency to fall into selfpits' when they feel misunderstood.

Power Thought:From now on I will look at every obstacle as an opportunity,Painting requires space and music time, yet the act ofseeing is indeed temporal, and the concept of music spatial

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 7th day of the month are ruled by the number 7 and by the planet Neptune. Because Neptune (the watery planet ruling visions, dreams and psychic phenomena) can be associated with the Moon (which rules the sign of Cancer and the inner emotional state), July 7 people are highly attuned to the feelings of others, sometimes overly so. The number 7 traditionally imparts a desire for change and travel; this may be true of July 7 people during certain necessary periods of their lives but, as Cancers, those born on this day must establish a secure and stable home sooner or later.

July 7th Birthday Tarot Card

The 7th card of the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which shows a triumphant figure moving through the world, manifesting his physical presence in a dynamic way. The card may be interpreted to mean that no matter how narrow or precarious the correct path, one must continue on. The good side of this card posits success, talent and efficiency; the bad side suggests a dictatorial attitude and a poor sense of direction.

☆Luck maker:(Turn rejection into direction)When lucky people are confronted by something that seems bigger and tougher than they are, they look to their ingenuity to find creative ways of turning rejection into direction.

Love Give everything

You’re drawn to people born on February 20 to March 20:Equally sensitive and creative, you share an almost telepathic bond and this can create an intense and fulfilling relationship.

People born on this day have a tendency to fall in and out of love quickly and they need a partner who can maintain their interest and keep them feeling grounded and secure. Since they attract partners easily they need to become aware of becoming too demanding or emotional in their love life, but once in a steady relationship they give everything to the one they love.

Health Calm down

People born on this day have a low stress threshold so they need to make sure they give themselves plenty of rest and relaxation. A happy home life will be extremely beneficial to their emotional health and well-being because it will give them a place to shelter when they feel vulnerable, and a place to sit and dream. Music and spending time by the sea or sailing are particularly good healers for them, but they may also find that other stress-management techniques such as aromatherapy massage and meditation work wonders. As far as diet is concerned, they need to be careful with fatty and heavily processed and refined foods high in additives, because these can trigger digestive disorders. Mild to moderate exercise, preferably outdoors to give them more freedom and plenty of mood-boosting sunshine, is also recommended. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color yellow will help boost their self-confidence.

Because of the strain that can be placed on them by the demands of their profession and due to the criticism to which they are so often exposed, July 7 people must actively seek to reduce stress. Problems with the heart, blood pressure and stomach must be guarded against and regular checkups by a general practitioner are recommended. A stable and secure home is essential as a protected refuge where those born on this day are free to dream. Regular physical exercise may not be of great importance to July 7 people and therefore should not be forced; those born on this day should allow themselves great freedom in the kitchen, both as cooks and eaters.

Career Born painters

People born on this day are often drawn to careers in the arts such as music, painting and acting but they can also use their energy and intuition effectively in the business world or the world of science and technology. Other possible career options include law, banking and publishing.

Destiny To touch the lives of others with ingeniousness and creativity

The life path of people born on this day is not so much to toughen up emotionally but to become more objective and realistic in their approach to life, without losing their wonderful creativity. Once they are able to do this, their destiny is to touch the lives of others with their ingeniousness and creativity.

Your attempts at disclosure are not always appreciated. Try to be sensitive to the feelings of others on this point. Remain true to your visions and relentless in your efforts. Don't let the world beat you down: you will be appreciated sooner or later.

Celebrities Born On July 7th

Ringo Starr(British member of The Beatles), Jeremy Kyle(British TV presenter and journalist), Shelley Duvall(American actress),

Gustav Mahler (Czech-bom Austrian- Jewish symphonic and song composer, conductor of Vienna and New York Philharmonic Orchestras, titanic works of searing emotion and fantasy), Marc Chagall (Russian- Jewish painter, illustrator, rendered dreamlike, symbolic paintings of village life, monumental murals and stained-glass windows, died at age ninety-seven), Pierre Cardin (Italian-French fashion designer, from airplanes to zoot suits to haute couture), Robert A. Heinlein (science-fiction wnter, Stranger in a Strange Land), Satchel Paige (baseball pitcher, fifty-five no-hitters in Negro Leagues, entered major leagues at age forty-two), Ringo Starr (drummer, singer, songwriter, Beat/es, film actor), Vittorio de Sica (Italian film actor, director, The Bicycle Thief, Umberto D), George Cukor (film director, The Philadelphia Story, My Fair Lady), William Kunstler (defense attorney), Shelley Duvall (film actress), Joe Zawmul (Austnan keyboardist, composer, Weather Report), Doc Severinson (trumpeter, bandleader), Ezzard Charles (world heavyweight champion boxer), Nicholas I ( 1 9 th c. Russian tsar, emperor), Hank Mobley (jazz tenor saxophonist, composer), Joseph-Mane Jacquard (French silk weaver, inventor of Jacquard loom), Jessica Hahn (Jim Bakker scandal figure), Gian Carlo Menotti (Italian-American opera composer, librettist), Felicien Rrops (Belgian symbolist painter), Vince Edwards (TV actor)

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