July 7th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onJuly 07, 2024

Because you’re creative by nature, sensing what will be rewarding is of great significance. That may mean rethinking your goals as you focus on them. In some cases, these will last a week, in some a month, and in some cases they’ll last years. But in every case, if that goal comes from the center of your being, from your heart, then you will achieve it.

Nobody decides what kindness is. Only the recipient can say, and even then, it changes

July 7th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on July 7th

As a Cancerian, you seek security and stability. Yet at the same time, in life you need new challenges—not just to have things organized but something new to think about. On occasion, this will involve others and their support, which is important.

But what’s most significant for you is to put what you need to do and your own objectives first, then get others involved if you feel like it. Most of all, you need to recognize that what you learn from setting your own goals isn’t just about life itself, but constitutes an opportunity to review what’s worked and what hasn’t and what you want to leave behind.

As a Cancerian, you have an instinctive understanding of the cycles of nature. You are, after all, ruled by the Moon, the heavenly body that is known for its cycles. Yet sometimes you try to make your life fit into the kind of order that others follow.

Recognizing that there are times when, like the Moon, you have more energy, and other times when you need to be still will allow you to use these quiet times to reflect on what you’ve done, what you are happy about, and what you will want next. Do that, and when it comes time to make major decisions, you’ll already know where you stand and what and who is most important—and, even more than that, what brings you joy in life.

You and others

The thing for you is give and take. This is necessary when dealing with others. However, certain individuals are convinced that if you organize things in a way that makes them happy, then everything will work. The secret is to learn to say no, not to debate the rights and wrongs of it, but simply to do what you need to do and put that first. Not by arguing, but simply by putting one foot after the other.

Health and well-being

You’re sensitive by nature and need a break from the rigors of life every once in a while, including the rigors of eating well. Yet it’s important to balance taking care of yourself with indulgences. These may have to do with something you eat or something pleasurable, and are as important as the vitamins you take—in fact, in some instances, more important.

Goals and challenges

Because you’re creative by nature, sensing what will be rewarding is of great significance. That may mean rethinking your goals as you focus on them. In some cases, these will last a week, in some a month, and in some cases they’ll last years. But in every case, if that goal comes from the center of your being, from your heart, then you will achieve it.


You have tried a range of ways to say the single word “No” and achieved nothing. The fact is, the individual in question pays little attention to what anybody says, and this includes you. Making your point will require the variety of drama you do all you can to avoid. And nothing less.

Zodiac Sign

Cancer: JUNE 20 – JULY 21

Ruler: The Moon

Symbol: The Crab

Element: Water

Flower: Lily

The only sign ruled by the Moon, Cancer accents cycles —both nature’s rhythms, especially the oceans and tides, and those in our lives. The symbol, the crab, is linked to water, as are your sign’s flowers: the lily and the lotus. Your herbs are aromatic, tarragon and verbena, and your tree is the maple. Your jewel, the pearl, not only comes from the sea, it mirrors the Moon’s form.

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