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July 7th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 07, 2024

To be concerned and helpful isadmirable. To be inquisitive and nosey-parkerish is tiresome. Others merely judge you to be without a sufficiently interesting life of your own and a bit pathetic.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Pluto; Numbers: 5, 7

July 7th Birthday Love Astrology

July 7 is unconventional, even intimidating on first meeting. Quite often their verbal dexterity is disquieting for more conventional, less self confident types. They just take a bit of knowing, but ifs worth it, because these individuals have a fantastic talent for bringing happiness.

They see far beyond what others see, and are completely devoid of snobbery, taking people as they find them and never demanding something which a companion is reluctant to give. Ruled by the moon, this creature likes to delve deep into his and her own psycheology, and do the same with companions. No shadows are left unlit, no secrets unprobed, difficult for those who enjoy keeping secrets.

Sex is the polish which makes moon people shine. They they see it as the root of everything. At work, our zodiac investigator interprets colleagues1 actions to be based on sexual motivation. If someone is bad tempered, July 7 judges him or her to be temporarily deprived of passion and if they are permanently bad tempered then they must have a serious dearth of romance - which needs fixing. So this creature sets out to fix, questioning, probing and, of course matchmaking. It can be irritating. But when July 7's judgement is correct, a lot of people are grateful for some help.

When July 7 becomes a boss, they usually manage to put away their addiction to other peopled sex lives and use the swift Cancer intuition to remarkable effect when making deals, seeming to know what the opponent is thinking before they know it themselves.

Moonshine babes are pretty challenging lovers. They suggest things most people have never heard of. At the conventional end of the sex-adventure spectrum they adore making love in water. A swimming pool will do, but something natural is better - the sea or a crystal spring in some secret valley. The unconventional end is impossible to describe in a family birthday book.

In Love

Your charming, personable façade attracts people to you, and your quirky eccentricities and air of mystery draw them in. In an intimate union, you are sensual, affectionate, and responsive. However, you need a partner who makes you feel cherished and appreciated. When things don’t go your way, you become as moody and brooding as any other Cancer Sun native. If real life doesn’t live up to your idealistic view of how things ought to be, you turn despondent or depressed. You’re happiest with a mate who understands your moods and occasional craving for the solitude of your crab shell.

In Bed

There is nothing boring or routine about your approach to lovemaking.

Creative and a tad mysterious, you keep your sexual relationship fresh and alive with moves that are both innovative and unexpected. With a little bit of encouragement from your mate, your ardor ignites with rapid intensity.

You’re always ready to try new things, either in the bedroom or elsewhere.

You have a rather goofy sense of humor, and making love in unusual places gives you an added thrill.


Because July 7 is so interested in sex it might be fun to try some of the famous old aphrodisiacs. In particular ginseng, known as the king of herbs in oriental medicine, and one of the best known to westerners, is thought of as an effective sexual tonic. Ginseng means ‘sacred person’ and is estimated to have been known in China for 5, 000 years. Both men and women can use it with energy-enhancing effects. Western scientists have researched it and found it improves brain cell function, stimulates the endocrine system and contains steroids similar to the human sex hormones, testosterone and oestrogen.


You’re unpredictable yourself, and you need an imaginative partner who keeps you on your toes. You are most likely to be turned on by a far-out idea, such as a sexy scavenger hunt for two. A clever lover will leave clues for you to follow, leading to a torrid tryst in a hidden place that is protected from prying eyes and frequent interruptions.


To be concerned and helpful isadmirable. To be inquisitive and nosey-parkerish is tiresome. Others merely judge you to be without a sufficiently interesting life of your own and a bit pathetic.

Reality Check

You possess a vivid imagination with possibly clairvoyant or psychic abilities.

Everything unusual, mystical, occult, or secretive interests you. A natural detective, you love a mystery, and you’re absolutely fascinated by puzzles and puzzling people. However, your overly suspicious nature can eventually make you feel unnecessarily paranoid and distrustful of everyone around you.

July 7 Date Share

Pierre Cardin, Italian-French designer, famous for zoot suits. Joseph-Marie Jacquard, French silk weaver, inventor Jacquard bom. Marc Chagall, Russian-Jewish painter. Ringo Starr, drummer with the Beatles. George Cukor, film director, The Philadelphia Story. Vittorio de Sica, Italian film director, actor.

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