July 8th Mysterious Pragmatism Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 08, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is learning to switch off or relax

☆The way forward is to understand that regular down time is an essential ingredient for success, as it allows you to recharge your batteries and come back refreshed and re-energized.

The Birthday Of Mysterious Pragmatism, The Day Of The Dark Pragmatist

July 8th Mysterious Pragmatism Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 8th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: Strength (passion)

Favorable numbers: 6, 8

Lucky days: Monday and Saturday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, chocolate brown, white

Birthstone: Pearl

People tend to admire those born on July 8 for their impressive pragmatism, fixity of purpose and dynamic energy but the admiration they earn tends to be more of the respectful, awed variety rather than that born of affection. Such is their strength of will and uncompromising determination that they will stop at nothing to achieve their progressive aims.

They are often strong willed and motivated by the desire to make their mark on the world, tending to devote themselves to one single purpose and stick with it through thick and thin. Sometimes this one-track approach backfires, but more often than not they invest their time and energy wisely, bringing them considerable financial success. This sense of purpose can be so strong that it overrides their sense of right and wrong, so it is crucial for them to decide what their principles are and stick to them.

Despite their steadiness and fixity of purpose they are anything but an open book. Quite the opposite; they will often remain a mystery even to those closest to them. Of the many reasons for this one may be that they may have grown up never feeling quite good enough; because of this they may have grown emotionally defensive and doubly determined to achieve success in their career and relationships. This determination may lead to controlling or domineering behavior whenever they feel threatened or vulnerable. It is therefore important for their psychological growth that they get in touch with their emotions.

After the age of fifteen there are opportunities for them to use their talents and skills in a more confident way but they should ensure their driving interests don’t alienate those closest to them. After the age of forty-four practical considerations become more important and these are the years when they are capable of achieving great things professionally and personally. If they can become more aware of the forceful influence they have on others they can earn not just the respect but also the loyalty and affection of those they live and work with.

☆ On the dark side:Defensive, dark, smothering

☆ At your best:Steady, responsible, driven

Those born on July 8 are pragmatic in the extreme. Thus they are more concerned with results than with theories. As founders or originators they are not only capable of building an organization, family or business but generally stick around to run it as well; indeed, maintenance is a major theme in their life and work, and the efficient running of their home or business is of the highest priority.

Some July 8 people are interested in ideas, some not; ideals per se are not so important to these powerful people. Thus they run the risk of exploiting others for gain and perhaps heading in a sociopathic direction or manifesting an extreme mode of behavior, where the moral nature of actions is of little import and rarely considered. Generally speaking, religious matters are not of the greatest interest to them.

July 8 people are hard workers who are likely to give their whole life over to one absorbing concern which can range from making a lot of money to establishing and running an organization or institution. Naturally their mate and family will benefit financially from such efforts but may have to be prepared not to see them much or enjoy their undivided attention. If, however, it is family which is the principal fixation of a July 8 person, their children and spouse may suffer from what amounts to overprotective or controlling behavior.

July 8 people specialize in making themselves indispensable. Since their presence is so strongly felt by those around them during their lifetime, it persists long after their death as well. Death itself is often a theme in the lives of July 8 people, as either a powerful element in their work or something to prepare for in earnest. (The healthiest people born on this day maintain a sense of humor in dealing with such a serious topic.) Rarely will th? families of July 8 people face destitution upon their demise, since their investments in insurance or other funds are usually wisely considered, and legacies and heirlooms passed along well cared for.

More highly evolved people born on this day will also prepare their mates and children spiritually for such a time, being sure to leave behind good thoughts and memories, ideas and practical principles for guidance.

In regard to their work, July 8 people must mind their ego drives. In addition, they must beware of imposing an often impressive presence on those around them, particularly those of a more delicate nature. Being too grounded in the physical plane holds back their spiritual development. They should guard against greed, cruelty, revenge, extreme aggression and all gross forms of physical behavior, as well as distancing or becoming incommunicative.

Power Thought:I am a human being, not a human doing,One must open one's heart, even if surgery is required

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 8th day of the month are ruled by the number 8 and by the planet Saturn. Since Saturn posits responsibility, and a sense of caution, limitation and fatalism, the conservative tendencies of July 8 people are further enhanced in this respect. Those ruled by the number 8 generally build their lives and careers slowly and carefully, certainly true in career and finance for those born on July 8. Also since the number 8 can carry a saturnian coldness about it. April 8 people may give an impression of distance, while inside they really have a warm and giving heart; coupling the Moon's influence (as ruler of Cancer) with these saturnian tendencies lends July 8 people high seriousness and a tendency toward isolation.

July 8th Birthday Tarot Card

The 8th card of the Major Arcana is Strength or Courage, which depicts a graceful queen taming a furious lion. The queen symbolizes the female Magician who can master rebellious energies and stands for moral as well as physical strength. This card's positive attributes include charisma and determination to succeed; the negative qualities include complacency and the misuse of power.

☆Luck maker:(Take a natural break)When you feel pressured and tense, you block your chances of luck. A good way to calm your mind is to take a walk in the park or escape the city for a few hours.

Love Sincere concern

You’re drawn to people born on April 21 to May 21:You are both sensual, passionate individuals who need security and honesty, and this can be a stunning match.

People born on July 8 often have a wide circle of friends. In relationships they make devoted partners willing to make great sacrifices for those they love. Though others may appreciate their sincere concern there may also be times when they resent their interference. It is important for them not to treat their partners as children because it will block passion and spontaneity in the relationship.

Health Get up and move

People born on this day have controlling tendencies and may prefer to sit on the sidelines guiding and directing others rather than getting their hands dirty. As a result they may neglect physical exercise, so they should ensure that they get up and move about more in their daily lives, not sitting for long periods at their desk or in their favorite armchair. In addition to becoming more active in their daily lives, they should sign up for three or more vigorous exercise sessions every week to work off some of their pent-up energy. As far as diet is concerned, they should take a more active interest in buying, cooking and preparing food rather than just expecting it to be served. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the colors pink or green will restore natural healing and balance, and inspire harmony in others.

July 8 people must make an effort to get enough physical exercise. Too often they sit and rule their "empire" (home, business or organization) and forget the importance of remaining active. Not only will vigorous exercise keep down their weight and strengthen their circulatory system but also help them channel their aggression, instead of suppressing it. Both competitive sports (tennis, handball, even contact sports and martial arts) and achievement-oriented ones (running, gymnastics, swimming) are helpful in this respect. July 8 people should carefully adjust their diet to complement their work and exercise patterns

Career Born scientists

These people have the imagination and tenacity to excel in scientific or commercial careers, as well as in artistic careers that require detailed preparation and research. They may also be drawn to business management, teaching and counseling, or to work that is of benefit to the community. Alternatively, they may prefer to be self-employed.

Destiny To influence and improve the lives of others

The life path of people born on this day is to understand that their priorities may not always be the same as everyone else’s. Once they have learned to place equal value on their own interests and the concerns of those close to them, their destiny is to implement their progressive aims and improve the lives of others in the process.

Every so often, lighten up a bit and have fun with no practical goal in mind. Treat those close to you to a good time also, and not just as a reward either. Work out your aggressions in the context of fair play. If you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it. Being able to admit to your weaknesses is a sign of strength.

Celebrities Born On July 8th

Angelica Houston(American actress and director), Kevin Bacon(American actor), Giuliana Benetton(Italian co-founder of the United Colours of Benetton),

John D. Rockefeller (Standard Oil Company founder, monopolized and internationalized oil industry), Nelson Rockefeller (US vice president, New York governor, presidential candidate, heir to family fortune), Philip C. Johnson (architect, Lincoln Center), Elizabeth Kubler-Ross (psychologist, terminal patient researcher, author, On Death and Dying), Fritz Perls (German psychologist, co-founder of Gestalt school, Esalen founder), Angelica Huston (film actress), Sir Arthur Evans (British archaeologist of Knossus, Crete), Ferdinand von Zeppelin (German airship designer, manufacturer), Kathe Kollwitz (German woman painter, sculptress), Billy Eckstein (songwriter, arranger, pianist), Marty Feldman (British comedian, actor), Faye Wattleton (pro-choice leader, Planned Parenthood Federation president, writer, How to Talk with Your Child about Sexuality), Jack Lambert (football linebacker, 6x All-Pro, led Pittsburgh to four Super Bowl titles), Joseph Chamberlain (British 1 9 th c. statesman, imperialist), Harrison Dillard (only Olympic gold medal-winning hurdler and sprinter), Percy Grainger (Australian composer), Kevin Bacon(film actor), Roone Arledge (head of ABC sports, news), Ella Bloor (radical labor organizer, journalist, suffragist, founding member, US Communist Party), George B. Craig (entymologist. 350 papers on Aedes mosquito

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