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July 8th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJuly 08, 2024

This birthday is a generous and imaginative present giver. Thoughtful July 8 chooses a piece of coral for someone they love, which brings with it the calming sweet vibrations of the sea.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Pluto; Numbers: 6, 8

July 8th Birthday Love Astrology

Women born today may not be, physically, the star-spangled conventional figure-of-eight, but under the well-cut jacket, many hide their secret and perfect bosom. These babes may walk in the modest shadow of the moon, but they glimmer with promise. Great breasts are as much a Cancerian characteristic as the Pisces drown-in-me eyes and Taurus's solid waistline.

Many also have smooth, creamy skin and flat stomachs, at least in youth, attractions shared by both sexes. Many men born on this day are noted for their evenly textured skin and slender waists and hips.

Gratifyingly, we don't have a preener here. They are more interested in mind than body, and wish everybody else could keep their attention focused on the brain rather than elsewhere. So strong is the intimidating willpower of this creature, that many find themselves, unwittingly, doing what they are told by July 8.

In private there is almost no self-doubt. Many like to travel long distances, and certainly not with package tours, which are far too conventional. Some will take off to see the world for a year, working their way across continents, or seek a job abroad for a few years, before moving on. There are no obvious nerves about taking up a new way of life, none learning new languages, or fitting in. Nor is there homesickness. It's a pragmatic date and those who love this person must quietly accept that they rarely look back and that includes on their nearest and dearest. Fortunately July 8 quickly makes a new place look like home, which is certainly comforting if they are carting children about. They know that a home is where it smells good and even the dullest little space will soon be perfumed with a warm, herby fragrance. In winter they keep an open fire if they can, partly for warmth and partly for the delicious smell of woodsmoke.

In Love

A close, loving relationship is central to your life. You thrive in a secure union where you can share intimacy and affection with your beloved.

Because you work really hard, you may be away from home a lot. However, you are happiest when you know that the one you love is there, awaiting your return. You are not interested in living your private life in the fast lane.

You’d much rather use that energy to fuel your climb up the ladder of public success. Love and trust don’t come easily to you, but once your confidence is gained, you remain loyal forever.

In Bed

You want more out of your love life than mere fun and sexual gratification.

For you, lovemaking is part of a lifestyle that includes all the elements of a stable, committed relationship. In the bedroom, you make a tender, passionate, yet controlled lover. Despite the depth of your feelings and the strength of your desires, you never let yourself be swept away by emotion. Proud of your sexual prowess and expertise, you take great pleasure in your ability to satisfy your bed partner.


July 8 people are as experimental with medicine as they are with life. Many people have adopted hits of alternative therapy into their lives today. Acupuncture is one route which can often simply melt away aches and pains, strained legs and neuralgia. Check on the practitioner's training and credentials, in particular that no needles which have been used on another person, even though properly sterilized, will be used on you. (Because of AIDS, reusable needles are anyway becoming a thing of the past.) But most acupuncturists keep a set of needles for each client, only used for them, which is OK too.


It doesn’t take flashy theatrics or elaborate fantasies to turn you on. You get off on the simple, meaningful feelings that come from the real thing. All that is required to awaken your down-to-earth passion is love and a touch of romance. A slow, sensuous massage stimulates your desire as it releases you from the stress of everyday concerns.


This birthday is a generous and imaginative present giver. Thoughtful July 8 chooses a piece of coral for someone they love, which brings with it the calming sweet vibrations of the sea.

Reality Check

Yours is a paradoxical nature that is outwardly strong, but fragile within.

Although empathetic and understanding with regard to other people’s problems, you have an inner defense system that springs into action when you are feeling insecure. Whenever things don’t go as planned, you retreat into your protective shell.

July 8 Date Share

Angelica Houston, Hollywood star of the Adams Family movies. JosephChamberlain, British 19th century politician. Percy Grainger, Australian composer who frequently chose to be dressed entirely in towelling wraps. Philip C Johnson, architect Lincoln Centre. Sir Arthur Evans, British archaeologist of Knossus, Crete. Ferdinand von Zeppelin, German airship designer. Marty Feldman, sweet, wild comedian.

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