July 9th Lovable Opportunist Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJuly 09, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is accepting the word "no"

☆The way forward is to understand that "no" can be an awful word to hear but the only way to move onward is to find ways to turn rejection into direction.

The Birthday Of The Lovable Opportunist, The Day Of Wonder

July 9th Lovable Opportunist Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of July 9th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior

Tarot card: The Hermit (inner strength)

Favorable numbers: 7, 9

Lucky days: Monday and Tuesday especially when these days fall on 7 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, cherry red, white

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on July 9 are often a powerhouse of energy and enthusiasm. They love to taste all that life has to offer and put their heart and soul into everything that they do, whether it is work or a relationship. Endearingly curious and eager to learn, their wide-eyed wonder has an energizing and motivating effect on everyone they deal with.

The opportunist streak that they possess, when combined with their questing imagination and boundless energy, gives them great creative and innovative potential. Indeed, their conviction that there is so much yet to be discovered may lead them to explore concepts that others may dismiss as totally unfeasible or unacceptable. Despite their fierce originality, however, they are not unrealistic about the possibility of success and are able to supplement their intellect and intuition with persistence and effective practical skills. When their optimism and charisma are added to this combination, it’s no surprise that they are often attractive and popular individuals.

Although they do tend to have a healthy self-esteem, they are not always so good at dealing with rejection or setbacks and they can also suffer from exhaustion. When they are feeling low, they may withdraw into bitterness, frustration or disillusionment; it is vital for their self-image that they find more constructive ways to deal with disappointment, using it as an incentive or a learning experience. When they hit their teenage years they will be presented with opportunities to develop more confidence to display their talents and skills; it is important for them to take advantage of these, ensuring that they believe in their potential for success, regardless of the setbacks they encounter. After the age of forty-three they are likely to become more discriminating, practical and perfectionist.

These people really do believe that anything is possible; if they can just learn to try another approach if the first fails, their enduring interest in investigating, exploring and pushing the boundaries of human knowledge gives them outstanding potential to blaze truly innovative trails throughout life.

☆ On the dark side:Disillusioned, unrealistic, withdrawn

☆ At your best:Vital, imaginative, persistent

Those born on July 9 have both the imaginative power to dream up unusual working hypotheses and the practical ability to see them through. Thus they have a marked effect on the world around them. Many July 9 people wish to better understand the process of life and creation, delve into how things work, take ideas and objects apart and put them back together again. A mastery of technique based on experience is usually essential to their success.

Throughout their lives, those born on this day are fascinated by coincidences, hidden powers and the ways of nature for which there is currently no explanation. Most July 9 people may be content to read about what is in fact known about such mysteries, but some born on this day will go so far as to personally attempt to solve them. Presented with any serious opportunity at discovery they rarely let it pass. Thus they are opportunists in the best sense of the word—lively, directed people, who readily get involved in events and concerns.

Women born on July 9 are highly independent, most often breadwinners, but if working at home probably direct the family from behind the scenes. When and if the time comes for them to take over the family business due to the illness or death of their husband, they do not hesitate to assume such a role. As partners, July 9 women seem to have a natural ability to observe and offer constructive suggestions on how something can be done better.

Often, July 9 people suffer a series of disappointments and can go unrecognized for years. Throughout such a difficult period most retain an inner feeling of their own worth, but if repeatedly rejected or frustrated in their endeavors, less highly evolved individuals born on this day may give up, or withdraw into a highly fanciful, unrealistic inner world, possibly becoming bitter or frustrated. On the other hand, more determined July 9 people keep to their path no matter what, even using rejection as a stimulus to redouble their efforts.

Those born on this day want to investigate, describe, write about or discuss practically every area of life which interests them. Their never-ending curiosity leads them to strange and out-of-the-way places, both figuratively and literally. To them, what others call bizarre is perhaps of healthy interest and worth looking into. July 9 people may appear normal or conventional, but nonetheless carry a kind of interesting air about them which tips others off that their thoughts and concerns are hardly of the garden variety. Those born on this day are in fact highly accepting and rarely dismiss or put down a human being or an idea due to prejudice or preconceived ideas. This is not only due to open-mindedness but also a sense of pride that demands that they see for themselves and make up their own mind in any given situation.

Power Thought:Every obstacle in my life is an opportunity for me to learn and grow,The phrase "I don't know" is important in any language

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 9th day of the month are ruled by the number 9 and by the planet Mars. The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that number: e.g., 5+9=14, -4+1=5; any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9: e.g., 9x5=45, 4+5=9). and July 9 people are similarly able to influence those around them. The planet Mars is forceful and aggressive, embodying male energy; thus July 9 women may be taken for pushy by those with traditional ideas of femininity. The connection of Mars and the Moon (Cancer's ruler) for July 9 people could indicate financial prosperity and power.

July 9th Birthday Tarot Card

The 9th card of the Major Arcana is The Hermit, who walks carrying a lantern and a stick; he represents meditation, isolation and silence. The card signifies crystallized wisdom and ultimate discipline. The Hermit is a taskmaster who uses conscience to keep others on their path. The positive side of this card is stick-to-it-iveness. purpose, profundity and concentration; negative meanings include dogmatism, intolerance, mistrust and discouragement. July 9 people should learn from it the value of withdrawal from the world and periodic examination of their values.

☆Luck maker:(Ask why)When they hear "no," lucky people do everything they can to find out why. They focus on the reasons they didn’t get what they want, and learn to move on from their mistakes.

Love High expectations

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 20:You are both expressive and energetic, and this can be a passionate and stimulating relationship.

People born on July 9 are blessed with natural charm and this makes them extremely popular. They have high expectations of relationships and give a lot to those they love, but they do need to be loved and appreciated themselves in return. Their choice of romantic partners tends to be those who share their curiosity and who come from different backgrounds to their own.

Health Energy dips

For the benefit of their emotional and physical health, people born on this day need to learn to pace themselves because they have a tendency to throw themselves wholeheartedly into whatever they do and this can lead to energy dips and exhaustion. Making sure they have plenty of time for rest and relaxation is recommended, as are periods of solitary meditation. They may not like to spend time alone but the need to recharge is part of their nature and they will damage their health if they don’t. As far as diet is concerned, they are likely to go for variety so their nutritional intake is probably sound, but they might benefit from daily multi-vitamins and minerals as an insurance policy. Extreme forms of exercise should also be avoided although moderate-intensity exercise, such as jogging, dancing, or cycling, should not. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the colors orange and yellow will give them a confidence and energy boost when they feel low.

Less fulfilled July 9 people may find themselves suffering from ailments such as low energy, depression and various chronic diseases. More highly empowered July 9 people must also guard against accidents of all sorts (largely due to their curiosity and inventiveness). Many July 9 people have a habit of experimenting on themselves, whether trying simple home remedies, new diets and drugs, or unusual forms of physical exercise I if they wish to take off weight). They are interested in all new approaches, but should avoid fad diets and extreme forms of physical exercise and yoga, though limited dietary experimentation is healthy when kept within the bounds of "good taste."

Career Born pioneers

These people are innovators and they will often be found pioneering artistic or scientific theories, or even psychic phenomena, mysticism and spirituality. Their gift with people also makes them ideal for working with the public and their interest in humanitarianism may lead them to the healing professions, law, social work, and counseling. Other careers that might appeal include writing, public speaking, sales, promotion, publishing, interior design, or theater, art, and music.

Destiny To blaze an innovative trail through life

The life path of people born on this day is to learn how to handle rejection and setbacks positively. Once they have learned how to deal with challenges, their destiny is to blaze an innovative trail through life.

Don't get discouraged. Keep true to yourself and your dreams. Try to be more selective in your interests, focus your energy and avoid being <..irried away by unrealistic schemes Keep your feet on the ground and maintain your emotional balance

Celebrities Born On July 9th

Tom Hanks(American actor), Kelly McGillis(American actress), David Hockney(British artist),

Nikola Tesla (Croatian-US physicist, electrical engineer, inventor, electronics pioneer, developed alternating current, induction motor), Elias Howe (sewing machine inventor, manufacturer), Barbara Cartland (British poet, playwright, one of world's most prolific authors), Tom Hanks (film actor), Oliver Sacks (neurologist, writer, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat), Michael Graves (architect, designer), David Hockney (British pop-art painter), O.J. Simpson (Buffalo Bills football running back, Heisman Trophy winner, 4x AFL rushing leader, 5x All- Pro, sports commentator, film actor), Edward Heath (British prime minister, conductor, writer, Our Europe), John Wheeler (physicist, Manhattan Project member, Journey into Gravity and Spacetime), Frank Wright (jazz tenor saxophonist), Mervyn Peake (writer, illustrator, The Gormenghast Trilogy), Brian Dennehy (film actor), Jimmy Smits (film, TV actor, L.A. Law), Richard Roundtree (film actor, played Shaft), David Jones (US Air Force general)

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