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June 10th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 10, 2024

In Tarot, the 10th card of the Major Arcana is The Wheel of Fortune, which indicates good times and reversal of good times. The plus factor is that bad times wont last either.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Venus; Numbers: 1, 7

June 10th Birthday Love Astrology

The temptation for June 10 is to do everything to excess. Lovely, extravagent and generous, these little pumpkins are always looking for love and really have no idea about how to choose the right person.

This is because many people born on this day are ruled, body and mind, by sex. There's nothing wrong with that, except it can become a kind of drug, and people who this creature finds attractive will not always treat them well. Essentially June 10 is looking for a good time. And if they don't make love at least five times a week they feel bad. What's moonshine - and indeed sunshine - for, but love?

At work they dream of love. If they haven't got a lover, the first question they ask about a stranger is: ‘Are they single? Are they available?' Quite often they can't concentrate on the job for thinking about sex, which is a way at least, of passing the time pleasurably. But June 10 never listens to advice about their love-life, frequently take up with the wrong person, and get let down more often than not.

This is a very physical creature, and when love comes, like Cinderella's pumpkin, it turns into a radiant vehicle for pleasure. But June 10 forgets that when midnight chimes, the magic may stop.

Those born on this date think underwear is more important than outerwear. Their drawers are always full of the most amusing knickers - for either sex, their bathrooms stocked with perfumed oils, and their beds are covered in gorgeously scented fresh sheets. Their fridges are packed with food for love, champagne, smoked salmon, chocolate yoghurt, honey and cream.

But when it comes to the more practical side of things, forget it. This creature would have baked you a cake if it had known you were coming, and if it knew how, but it didn't and it doesn't.

In Love

The person born on this date possesses tons of charm and a bubbling personality that exudes sparks of life. An unabashed optimist, you have an eternally youthful outlook that can be contagious. You’re such a delightful companion, you just can’t help attracting many friends, admirers, and suitors.

Because you prefer adventure and variety to safety and security, fidelity is not your strongest suit. You tend to fall in and out of love rather easily. You will stay in a relationship as long it remains fun and interesting. However, when the excitement leaves, so do you.

In Bed

You may be freedom loving and independent, but you are also extremely sociable. Since you realize that no one is an island, you want someone special in your life to complement you intellectually and complete you physically. On a physical level, you are considerably more ardent and sensual than most other Gemini natives. You love sharing your most intimate thoughts with your lover. In the bedroom, you avoid routine and repetition by employing a broad range of sexual techniques.


June 10 takes everything to excess and should be careful about drinking too much, smoking and in some cases, taking drugs. It's tempting to accept drugs at a party or club, in order to impress, and then find you want more. Try to regulate the desire to put something in your mouth when you have nothing better to do. Food is also a terrific temptation and sugary things are the worst for this birthdate. Whole packets of chocolate biscuits can disappear at one sitting. Three doughnuts may leave the plate in a matter of seconds. Greedy June 10 eats fast.


Sex is a fun-filled game for you. Your spontaneous, impulsive nature responds playfully to unexpected titillation at wildly inappropriate moments. A passionate kiss behind your boss’s back, an erotic suggestion whispered during the opera, or a look of naked desire flashed at a family dinner are all it takes to turn you on for a night of love.


In Tarot, the 10th card of the Major Arcana is The Wheel of Fortune, which indicates good times and reversal of good times. The plus factor is that bad times wont last either.

Reality Check

Endowed with the gift of gab, you are one of the zodiac’s great persuaders.

Your conversational skills allow you to dominate most conversations, but they can also get you into trouble. One of your weaknesses is a tendency to jump to conclusions and speak without thinking. You can avoid problems by double-checking your facts before sharing your story with others.

June 10 Date Share

Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth It's charming but ill-tempered consort. Judy Garland, lovely Hollywood actress, singer, dancer, sang ‘Over The Rainbow' as Wendy in The Wizard of Oz. Maurice Sendak, children's book writer and illustrator, In The Night Kitchen. Robert Maxwell, British newspaper owner, charming, devious, fell off his boat and brought his empire down.

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