June 11th Expansion Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJune 11, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is dealing with domestic responsibilities

☆The way forward is to understand that great fulfillment can only be found when all areas of their lives, including the domestic, are harmonized.

The Birthday Of Expansion, The Day Of The Limit Pushers

June 11th Expansion Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of June 11th Birthdays

Sun sign: Gemini

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Twins

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: Justice (discernment)

Favorable numbers: 2, 8

Lucky days: Wednesday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, buttermilk, beige

Birthstone: Agate

Disciplined, energetic, perceptive, and optimistic, the ambitious people born on June 11 will often push their way toward their goals with surprising force, tearing down any obstacles in their path. Their driving force is always to push ahead, test their limits and expand their knowledge and experience.

With the enviable ability to lose themselves wholly in their work, their aim is to learn as much as possible in one specialist area and then move the goal posts by pioneering a breakthrough. Their sense of fair play and willingness to get their hands dirty makes them a much-sought-after team player. Less evolved individuals born on this day who find themselves lacking the support of others may find their self-absorption has slipped into arrogance or egotism. If they can change their approach to one of sensitivity and humility, they may find that others are more willing to seek them out.

Their remarkable zest for life and outstanding potential to make the important breakthrough means they have little time for those with less energy or enthusiasm. They despise being around negative or depressed people because they instinctively understand that a positive attitude increases their chances of success. But happiness and success are not always enough for them because their greatest desire is excellence; this is why they will often be found pushing their work or lifestyle to new heights. Although this winning attitude can take them to the very top, it can lead to emotional isolation when co-workers or friends find their constant pushing to be exhausting.

Fortunately, before the age of forty-one there are opportunities for them to develop a sense of emotional security. They should ensure they take advantage of these and don’t neglect their friends and family. After the age of forty-two they become more confident and aggressive in their approach; if they have learned to recognize the damaging effect their obsessive tendencies can have on themselves and others, this is the period when they have the potential to achieve truly great breakthroughs not just in their careers but in their lives.

☆ On the dark side:Stubborn, forceful, arrogant

☆ At your best:Progressive, positive, disciplined

Those born on June 11 have the courage to push beyond boundaries imposed by either society or nature. Their will to overcome, to go one step further, to break out of limitation is marked. Therefore, those born on this day may be called expansive and somewhat aggressive personalities.

In order to overcome limitations, however, one must recognize them for what they are.

To this end, successful June 11 people are students, even scientists, well-versed in their field or speciality. They wish to know their subject well and achieve technical mastery of it.

Instead of fearing danger, June 11 people often recognize it as a necessary stimulus. Once they have progressed to the limit others have reached, it only remains for them to push on.

This exploration can manifest in any area: business, sports, cooking, sex, drugs, emotional and psychological areas, frightening or criminal experiences, even in raising a family to newheights of excellence.

The elements—earth, air, fire, water—are often central themes in the lives of June 11 people, whose explorations are themselves elemental. Of course, those who live with June 11 people may share in their trials but mostly are concerned spectators, for the experiments of those born on this day are a process of self-realization and ultimately it is their own limits that they are pushing.

June 1 1 people generally do not have the confusing variety of interests and lack of specialization typical of many Geminis. They are most often grounded and studied in one discipline to which they devote all of their energy. Those born on this day are markedly intense, highly competitive people. Their will to win is strong and rarely do they back down, give in or desist from the struggle for any reason. They are not types given to early or inactive retirement but "bop til they drop," and would rather go out in a blaze of glory than fade away. For those born on June 11, there are no guarantees of success nor does insurance against failure really mean much. For them it could be said that "the play's the thing," and since they compete with abandon, the question of winning or losing is somehow secondary. "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing" thus takes on new meaning.

Successful June 1 1 people function well as team members but are more often found at the helm. They recognize both the importance of individual effort and the subjugation of ego for the common good. Perhaps this is why they are so often highly admired, even worshiped by members of their group.

Nonetheless, June 11 people must beware of overstepping the bounds of society. They not only have a habit of arousing enmity and jealousy but can also appear downright arrogant to some people. Those indeed guilty of such hubris can become truly tragic victims, stmck down by their social group, ostracized, even incarcerated. Those born on this day, particularly, have a need for humility7 that guards their goodness from conceit or extreme egotism.

Power Thought:Every step forward in my life fills me with gratitude and respect,In his arrogance, man thinks he is capable of destroying nature

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 11th day of the month are ruled by the number 2 (1 + 1=2). and by the Moon. Those ruled by the number 2 often make good co-workers, partners and team players, and the explorative nature of June 1 1 people may well be tied in with the concerns of their family, work or social group. June 11 imaginative powers are enhanced by the influence of the Moon, which also conveys strongly reflective and passive tendencies. The number 11 lends sensitivity for the physical plane which complements well the mental concentration of the sign of Gemini (ruled by Mercury).

June 11th Birthday Tarot Card

The 11th card of the Major Arcana is Justice, a serene seated woman holding the scales in one hand and a sword in the other. She reminds us of the order of the universe and that balance and harmony will be maintained in our lives as long as we continue on our path. The positive aspects of this card are integrity, fairness, honesty and discipline; the negative aspects are low initiative, impersonality, fear of innovation and grievances.

☆Luck maker:(Diversify your goals)Studies have shown that happiness is greater among those whose lives are generally positive in many areas rather than in simply one area.

Love Personal charm

You’re drawn to people born on September 24 to October 23:You share a passion for progressive ideas, but also a need to feel nurtured and secure within a relationship.

People born on June 11 have great personal charm, and a desire to protect and nurture those they love. Having said that, they can also find it hard to sustain their family life. It’s not that they don’t care; it’s simply that the lure of outside interests draws them away from domestic chores and responsibilities. They need an intelligent partner who can give them a sense of security but also plenty of personal space.

Health Work to live

People born on this day tend to live to work, not work to live, and this can lead to obsession if taken to extremes. Fortunately, they often enjoy their work so the negative effects of being a workaholic are limited. Even so, they do need to establish a more healthy work-life balance, because if they don’t they will end up feeling emotionally isolated. As far as diet is concerned, more time and care need to be taken in its preparation as they tend to eat on the go. Regular exercise will be beneficial since it will encourage them to have a more balanced perspective on life. Too busy to be ill, they may also neglect the importance of regular health check-ups and are advised to see their doctor if anything concerns them. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange will increase feelings of warmth, physical enjoyment and emotional security.

Because June 11 people are often on the move, maintaining a stable diet may be problematical; if fast food or snacks come to be the rule, the health of those born on this day will eventually suffer. Regular meals, regular exercise, regular physical checkups—a consistent approach to health is what is called for. June 1 1 people are often workaholics, but since they enjoy their work, this is not so unhealthy as it might sound. However, they must not look on vacations as a frivolous luxury, but an integral and necessary part of life.

Career Born marathon runners

These people are attracted to the realms of scientific research, artistic innovation and sport. They are bright and versatile, with excellent communication skills, so could thrive in any career; but they may find themselves drawn toward social work, politics, business, law, and the civil service. If they develop their innate creativity, they may also be drawn to film, painting or music.

Destiny To pioneer significant breakthroughs

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to sustain a settled and happy family or social life. Once they have learned not to sacrifice their personal to their professional lives, their destiny is to push the boundaries and pioneer significant breakthroughs.

Be aware of the feelings of others, try to be more sensitive to the wants and needs of your family and friends. Cultivate humility; don't get so carried away with yourself. Your aggressiveness can attract powerful enemies.

Celebrities Born On June 11th

Gene Wilder(American actor and comedian), Hugh Laurie(British comedian), Richard Strauss(German composer, pianist and violinist),

Jacques-Yves Cousteau (French oceanographer, writer, film producer, captain of Calypso), Jeanette Rankin (first US congresswoman, Montana, suffragist, pacifist), Vince Lombardi (Green Bay Packers football coach, led team to five NFL titles, won Super Bowls I, II, supreme motivator), Joe Montana (football quarterback, 2x NFL MVP, NFC 5x passing leader, # I alltime passing efficiency, led San Francisco to four Super Bowls), Jackie Stewart (Scottish auto racer, 3x World Champion, winner of twenty-seven Formula One races, sportscaster), Ben Jonson (British 1 7 th c. playwnght, poet, wit), Athol Fugard (South African actor, playwright), Richard Strauss (German composer), William Styron (novelist, Sophie's Choice). Gene Wilder (film actor), Rise Stevens (operatic mezzosoprano), John Constable (British landscape painter), Irving Howe (literary critic, Dissent co-founder, writer, Worid of Our Fathers), Shelly Manne (jazz drummer, bandleader, clubowner), Richard Loeb (Nietzsche-inspired killer of young boy, wealthy Harvard student, murdered in prison), Michael Cacoyannis (Greek stage, film director, Zorba the Greek), Gary Fencik (Chicago Bears football defensive back), Hazel Scott (jazz singer, pianist). Nina Timofeyev (Russian ballet dancer), Adnenne Barbeau (TV actress)

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