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June 11th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 11, 2024

You are excellent at talking your way out of a crisis and when a friend is in trouble you can help by speaking for them. You talk sense when others panic. You're a star.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Uranus; Numbers: 2, 8

June 11th Birthday Love Astrology

June 11 will have a lifelong battle with weight. They swear that they eat very little yet still pile on the pounds, and this may be true. There are those who only have to look at a strawberry tart and their buttons burst, while other, luckier dates can eat as much as they like and stay slender.

It's unfair. But then life is unfair. The trick is to cope. First, June 11 should consider if they have a medical problem (rare) or if it's really that they like to eat. Probably the answer will be the latter.

Then it's really a matter of not giving in to somebody's else's fish and chips. And those people who have children must avoid at all cost, nicking something from the leftovers on their child's plate.

Part of the problem with weight is that June 11 has an unreal idea of what life should be like. A grass is greener on the other side of the fence mentality. Many look very nice the size and shape they are, and will never attain the sort of skinny body you see in the movies - which anyway is frequently the result of diet pills. Unless June 11 is positively wedged in the door, it's wise to get used to it.

When his mind is not on fat problems, this individual is capable of academic brilliance. He and she were in the top section at school and today this cleverness is useful both at home and at work. The June 11 brain is capable of storing vast knowledge and the memory is excellent for minute detail.

As a child, this person - who probably came into the world dramatically - was always the ringleader, and so it is with adulthood. They are the leaders at work, reorganising with charm and efficiency. And in private they use this talent to create fun for those they love.

In Love

Individuals born on this date tend to think in pairs and usually prefer sharing life with another person to going it alone. In an intimate union, you are more sensual and passionate than other members of your Sun sign. Even so, you need a significant other with whom you have a mental affinity as well as a physical one. Emotionally, you can flip back and forth. Less adventurous than other Gemini natives, you like it when things are safe and serene. Yet there is an independent side to your character that yearns for diversity and the freedom to pursue personal goals.

In Bed

In the bedroom, your innate sensuality makes you eager to explore new ways to prolong and heighten the shared ecstasy. A sophisticated lover with refined sensibilities, you lure your bed partner with an elegant courtship that builds slowly toward a peak of pleasure. You tantalize your partner with whispered promises of unimagined delights. The duality of your nature prompts you to keep your lover guessing as lighthearted verbal teasing turns to smoldering physical passion.


Sometimes drinking herbal teas can take your mind off hunger, and anyway they make you feelbetter. Delicious teas areavailable in health food stores, so experiment. Parsley, lemongrass and hibiscus teas arediuretic, relieving fluid retentionand cellulite. Parsley is apowerful diuretic herb andcalming to the stomach. Lemongrass is helpful in theelimination of cellulite. Hibiscusis often an ingredient incommercial teas, along withrosehip. Both are a good sourceof vitamin C, provided youmake the tea with water thathas not come to the boilVitamin C is destroyed at100°C.


Both sensual and curious, you are turned on by sexual experimentation.

You’re particularly delighted when your partner comes up with novel tricks and innovative ways to enhance your lovemaking. The very idea of trying out an aphrodisiac or searching through a book of erotica for inspiration appeals to your craving for change and variety.


You are excellent at talking your way out of a crisis and when a friend is in trouble you can help by speaking for them. You talk sense when others panic. You're a star.

Reality Check

There are a number of incompatible elements in the way you relate in an intimate union. Although physical closeness presents you with little difficulty, emotionally you are less accessible. Despite your deep-seated need for freedom and independence, the desire for security can cause you to stick with the “safe” love relationship that has gone sour rather than risk having to endure a solitary existence.

June 11 Date Share

Jackie Stewart, Scottishracing driver, three timesworld champion, winner of27 Formula One races. Gene Wilder, actor, comic. John Constable, British landscapeartist, painter of churches andhaywagons. Richard Strauss, German composer, famous foroperas.

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