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June 12th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 12, 2024

Fave saying for this individual is: ‘If you want something done properly you have to do it yourself Complete nonsense which often leads to appalling self-pity because this individual always - unnecessarily - does too much.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Uranus; Numbers: 3, 9

June 12th Birthday Love Astrology

June 12 has a passion for making lists and rearranging things. Perfect if those around this creature want to be rearranged. Disturbing if they don't.

This individual is always on the move. If they don't change houses every few years, they think they've got middle-aged. Each time they swear is the last, and each time they see another perfect home they must have. This is expensive and disturbing for partners and children, unless June 12 can make the sort of profit to improve on the last buy. But all too often it's not a case of better or grander, just different.

This is the creature who drops in half-way through the cooking and redoes it. When the glasses are washed up, June 12 goes over them again, complaining that they are cloudy. Every book on the shelves is alphabetically arranged, with titles kept in a notebook so that borrowers can be asked to return them. There will be a first aid kit in the car, but only to be used in dire emergencies. This creature hates having to replenish the Walt Disney elastoplast and reminds everybody it's not a toy, which of course, it is.

Most people born on this day have excellent memories, will remember a promise you made or an opinion you expressed days or even years ago, and if the promise is broken or the opinion changed, will query it. They pride themselves on not writing down telephone numbers and being able to remember directions. They think paperwork in the office is a waste of time, prefer e-mail to memos and letters. If they can there will be a rearrangement of the office furniture, of everybody's working day, and a new rota for lunch breaks. Sometimes their need to exercise petty power over others borders on the psychotic. The best thing is to ignore them, but if you can't, try a punch on the nose.

In Love

Outgoing, gregarious, and communicative, you love to party, socialize, and flirt. In a close alliance, however, you can be rather changeable and moody.

Although you probably have an active sex life, you are somewhat ambivalent regarding your intimate relationships. You love both the sex and the sensation of being in love. But romance is rarely the most important thing in your life. You find the physical intimacy extremely pleasurable, yet you desire it more for the intense experience than because of emotional or physical needs. Actually, the idea of lovemaking often attracts you more than the act itself.

In Bed

When the mood comes upon you, you will make love just about anywhere, and you’re glib enough to talk your partner into going along with virtually any idea you come up with. You’re often in too much of a hurry to bother with courting rituals, but when you do take the time to sweet talk your beloved, you will say whatever you think he or she most wants to hear.

Moreover, you mean whatever you say, even if only for the moment.


June 12 lives by his or her spectacular memory. Be careful to maintain it. Everybody knows that alcohol undermines the memory but few realise that many foods can addle this precious asset. Overwork and overstudy can fuddle mental function. It's as if everything is wiped except the matter in hand. A poor diet full of chemicals and additives, excessive spices and caffeine dont do it much good either. Other memory reducers include refined sugar. Try malt as a natural sweetener and reach for fruit rather than sugary foods when you have a relentless sugar craving. Dairy allergy also reduces memory energy.


You are energetic, curious, and have a wonderful way with words. Pillow talk turns you on. As far as you are concerned, you can banter, laugh, joke, and play flirty little games all night long. You enjoy exchanging stories and rumors of other people’s scandalous exploits almost as much as sharing the details of your own secret desires.


Fave saying for this individual is: ‘If you want something done properly you have to do it yourself Complete nonsense which often leads to appalling self-pity because this individual always - unnecessarily - does too much.

Reality Check

Fidelity is foreign to the Gemini temperament. However, most twins will stick with a basically good relationship unless it becomes hopelessly dull and boring. Despite your love of variety and tendency to shy away from commitment, if you are involved with the right person you can be as faithful as any individual in the zodiac.

June 12 Date Share

Anthony Eden, British prime minister. Brigid Brophy, British writer, The Snowball.Charles Kingsley, British clergyman, writer. Westward Ho!. Anne Frank, Jewish girl who died in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp aged fifteen. Her famous diary was published after her death.

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