June 13th Wild Dreamer Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJune 13, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is being sensible

☆The way forward is to understand that sensible does not always mean being boring; it can also mean maximizing your chances of success by being focused and realistic about your objectives.

The Birthday Of The Wild Dreamer, The Day Of Far-off Adventure

June 13th Wild Dreamer Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of June 13th Birthdays

Sun sign: Gemini

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Twins

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: Death (choices)

Favorable numbers: 1, 4

Lucky days: Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 4 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, amber, silvery blue

Birthstone: Agate

People born on June 13 live life according to their own rules and values. Often way ahead of their time, they can’t bear routine and the everyday, and their wild streak will take them to places no one else would dare to visit.

Although following their highly creative and vivid imagination can lead them into danger, it can also make them great innovators and pioneers. They love to travel and explore, both externally and internally; their thirst for adventure can take them all over the world to exotic places or it can manifest itself in total absorption in their intellectual discoveries. They truly believe that the world is theirs for the taking and that they can achieve virtually anything they set their mind and heart on.

Many of these people realize their wild dreams and become highly successful in their chosen field. Those who are less evolved, however, may struggle to translate their dreams into reality. It is important for them to get in touch with their intuition as this will tell them which risks are achievable and which are likely to end in frustration. They also need positive people who encourage them to dream but who provide a healthy dose of realism and objectivity. Until the age of thirty-eight they focus on emotional security and should take advantage of opportunities to develop greater self-awareness and understanding. After the age of thirty-nine they will have more self-confidence and a greater recognition of their capabilities. During this period they should ensure their appetite for adventure does not endanger them; they need to think long and hard about what their wild schemes really entail.

Above all, people born on this day are adventurers and they should never try to dampen their powerful imagination and boundless energy with routine and repetition. However, if they are to maximize their potential to not just dream but actually realize the impossible, they should weigh up the pros and cons, studying what is possible and what is not before they leap in at the deep end.

☆ On the dark side:Rash, unrealistic, dangerous

☆ At your best:Imaginative, intelligent, adventurous

June 13 people are seekers, absorbed in dreams of far-off places and adventures. Usually beginning in their youth, their readings and/or fantasies fuel a passion for exploration of foreign worlds that stays with them for a lifetime. These adventures may involve actual travel to distant lands or be an investigation of mythology dealing with metaphysical worlds, with the past, or with the future. More highly developed June 13 people often realize their fantasies, whether in business, scientific research or art; the less ambitious born on this day nurse Walter Mitty-like secret desires, and though they don't actually pursue them, such dreams bring color to their lives. They must beware, however, that acute frustration may build up due to the disparity between what they want to be and what they are.

For those born on June 13. "nothing is impossible'' could be a credo. They use their mind power to triumph over real obstacles, and are most fulfilled when doing so. Again, the danger for some born on this day is that such triumphs only take place in the mind, and are in fact a self-deluded and unreal state. If not jarred out of this condition, however, by being confronted with the truth, these dreamers can go along quite happily for years.

Those born on this day admire persons with the courage to attempt impossible feats— heroes past and present. Such hero-worship often fixates on one figure. Unfortunately, when this person happens to be the father of either male or female June 13 people, this god-like idol of their own making can come crashing down when he descends to less than god-like behavior. Being the idolized father, or for that matter the mate, friend or lover of a June 13 person, although initially flattering, is ultimately too heavy for anyone to handle. Those born on this day must thus be aware of their tendency to idealize, and control it, for the sake of everyone concerned.

Too often. June 13 people overlook the simple tasks of life, the daily maintenance that requires their attention, perhaps because they are so often off with their heads in the clouds, literally or figuratively. They love travel, climbing, walking, running—all forms of movement and long to overcome limitations of matter, space and time. For this reason, when tied down to the repetitive work of a factory, office or home, they may bear the sad demeanor of a captive.

It comes as no surprise that June 13 people are attracted to danger and risk-taking. It is not that they have self-destructive urges, but rather that activities like hang gliding, ocean sports or mountain climbing give them the opportunity to lay it on the line as far as technique and courage are concerned, and push themselves to the limit and beyond. In this respect, such rugged activities are actually metaphysical in nature.

Power Thought:My intuition is waiting for me to simply ask it for guidance,The grass is always greener on the other side

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 13th day of the month are ruled by the number 4 (1+3=4). and by the planet Uranus which is both erratic and explosive. Since June 13 people are so often involved in farreaching activities, whether of fantasy or reality, they must learn to keep the uranian part of themselves under control, following their logical Mercury (ruler of Gemini) instincts. The planet Uranus indicates change, often violent, and sometimes erratic, unconventional behavior, underlining the extreme nature of June 13 desires. Although the number 13 is considered unlucky by many people it is, rather, a powerful number which carries the responsibility of using its power wisely or inviting self-destruction.

June 13th Birthday Tarot Card

The most misunderstood card in the Tarot is the 13lh card of the Major Arcana. Death, which very rarely is to be taken literally but signifies a letting go of the past in order to grow beyond limitations, metamorphically. Both this card and the number 4 suggest that June 13 people must guard against discouragement, disillusion, pessimism and melancholy.

☆Luck maker:(Quieten down and slow down)Just a few minutes a day of quiet time when you are just "hanging around" not doing anything in particular can make ahuge difference in connecting with your intuitive power.

Love Surprise me!

You’re drawn to people born on January 21 to February 19:You share a passion for discovery and adventure, and this can create a surprisingly secure union.

People born on June 13 can get easily bored in relationships and hate to feel trapped or restricted in any way. If they do find themselves in a relationship that is too comfortable, they may want to end it. They need to find someone who is as unusual and as capable of surprise as they are.

Health Accident prone

People born on this day like to take risks and are often accident prone, suffering injuries to their arms and hands. They can also be susceptible to depression when their fantasies become so wild that they can’t be expressed in real life; if this is the case, some form of counseling or therapy is advised. As far as diet and lifestyle are concerned, they should steer clear of alcohol and recreational drugs, and put the emphasis on fresh, healthy produce rather than refined or processed foods. Regular exercise is extremely important to them and they love walking, running and climbing. There is a tendency for them to push their bodies to extremes, so again they need to exercise caution. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will encourage them to be cool, calm and collected in their approach.

From the foregoing character description one might guess correctly that June 13 people are prone to accidents. Most are aware of this fact and thus take necessary precautions. It may be more difficult, however, for them to protect themselves effectively in the psychological sphere, where they are prey to intense fantasies. In extreme cases, those born on this day can become psychologically unbalanced, the result of living in a dream world where frustrations are suppressed. Regardless of the degree of need, many June 13 people are ideal candidates for psychological counseling. They should avoid at all costs acting out on their children or parents, or the psychological stability of the family unit can be seriously undermined. Learning to cook various world cuisines can be a means of enjoying foreign cultures, when those born on this day are unable to travel.

Career Born meteorologists

These people have the curiosity and the determination to excel in any career but they thrive best in professions that involve study, travel and plenty of variety. Careers that might appeal include science, research, tourism, weather forecasting, journalism, writing, sales, media, and the world of entertainment.

Destiny To explore and uncover new insights

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to be more realistic and objective in their approach to life. Once they have learned to avoid extremes, their destiny is to explore and uncover new insights or universal truths.

Of course you should follow your heart, but do look to protect yourself on your quest. Be aware of acting out on others: remember that they may have their own problems to deal with.Keep your mind and house in order. Study what is possible and what is not at the present time.

Celebrities Born On June 13th

Malcolm McDowell(British actor), Mary-Kate Olsen(American fashion designer and actress), William Butler Yeats(Irish poet),

W.B. Yeats (Irish poet, mystic, Nobel Prize for literature), Luis Walter Alvarez (US Nobel Prize-winning physicist, radar, groundcontrol approach), Christo (Bulgarianborn conceptual artist, famous for wrapping landmarks), Paavo Nurmi (Finnish long distance runner, holder of twenty-two world records, 3x Olympic gold medal winner), C.J. Agncola (Roman commander, leader of numerous successful campaigns), Basil Rathbone (British film actor, famous Sherlock Holmes), Don Budge (tennis champion, first Grand Slam winner, led US to two Davis Cups), Red Grange ("The Galloping Ghost," football halfback, 3x All-Amencan, helped form AFL), Martha Washington (first First Lady, wife of George), Dorothy L. Sayres (British detective story writer), Doc Cheatham (jazz trumpeter, singer), Richard Thomas (TV, film actor, John Boy of The Waltons), Ally Sheedy (film actress), Karl Herrligkoffer (adventurer, physician, natural scientist, mountain climber), Dick Mann (race car driver), All Khan (Pakistani heir, auto racer, polo player, playboy, died in car crash), Paul Lynde (comic actor, TV personality), Fanny Burney (British c. novelist, fnend of Samuel Johnson), Elisabeth Schumann (German concert operatic soprano), Henry Crown (businessman, I billionaire)

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