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June 13th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 13, 2024

Some may warn June 13 that they are generous to a fault and should watch out for charlatans. Don't underestimate this good star. Generosity doesn't go hand in hand with stupidity.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Uranus; Numbers: 1, 4

June 13th Birthday Love Astrology

Gemini is often prone to snobbery, but fortunately this individual is free of such petty little restrictions to the soul. They can soar in any society and are likely to be a great success, make heaps of money and live a pleasing life. When they do make money they invest wisely and with the greatest of ease and enthusiasm.

Men and women born on this date are never hamstrung by money. If they are born to it, they don't neurotically wonder if people only like them for it. They simply assume, rightly, that most people like them because they like most people.

They like to spend, and will buy comfort rather than art, although some do collect. What this individual prefers are expensive toys - snazzy cars, boats and swimming pools. They adore music and will buy the best sound system upon which to listen to their favourite Bach, or jazz. They prefer spiritual music, rather than a heavy base beat.

In private this bright star devotes energy to pleasing others. Presents are their joy. A leopard broach if you like cats. A mermaid rose if you like gardening. A silk rug to remind you of your travels. If a friend has money worries, June 13 will offer to help, and not necessarily ask for it back. If the debtor insists on paying back, they will accept with grace so there is never an awkwardness.

At work expect June 13 to pull the company out of trouble with an educated financial wheeze. They will be the one to collect for a colleague's present, arrange a birthday lunch, the office party. And they'll add a touch of their own brand of fun, a magician or a fire-eater. Something to make the occasion memorable.

It's important for June 13 to have a strong social circle, preferably a family. They are not happy alone for long and they don't work at their best in isolation.

In Love

On the outside you appear to be a high-spirited, lighthearted extrovert.

However, within yourself you are more stable and responsible than most people realize. In a love relationship, the same holds true. Emotionally, you are more than a little insecure and long for the security of lasting commitment. But because you have a flirtatious manner and a roving eye, others may assume that you are not serious about settling down. Although you crave the type of variety and change sought by most members of your Sun sign, strong family feelings ultimately outweigh your desire for freedom and independence.

In Bed

You truly believe that love and romance make the world go round, and you have an idealized notion of what an intimate union should be. You can be rather shy in the bedroom, so you like having a bold, lusty lover who knows how to melt your inhibitions. Even more important, you want a partner you can talk to, someone who understands your plans and dreams. Once you feel comfortable with your mate, there is no limit to what you’ll do to keep him or her happy.


This day has delicate skin prone to allergies, which are not major enough to be a health hazard, but sufficiently irritating to be a drag. You can go the route of proper medical investigation, but for many people born on June 13 this is too tedious. Instead, try to discover the causes yourself and eliminate them. Common skin rashes can be caused simply by a too abrasive washing power, or washing your hair with a heavily medicated shampoo. Some pop stars who have to wash their hair a lot donyt use shampoo but stick to hot water with good results. %


You have a tendency to swing back and forth from cool detachment to fiery ardor, depending upon your mood at any given moment. In public you may insist on reserved expressions of love and affection. But behind closed doors you long to be seduced by a partner who knows how to unleash your pent-up passions and soothe your sexual tensions.


Some may warn June 13 that they are generous to a fault and should watch out for charlatans. Don't underestimate this good star. Generosity doesn't go hand in hand with stupidity.

Reality Check

Your realistic view of the world grounds you and heightens your sense of purpose. Yet like other members of your Gemini Sun sign, you sometimes have great difficulty reaching concrete decisions. Still, in an emergency you can usually be counted on to respond with swift, appropriate action.

June 13 Date Share

Fanny Burney, British 18thcentury novelist friend of Samuel johnson. WB Yeats, Irish poet and mystic Basil Rathbone, British actorfamous for his interpretationof Sherlock Holmes. Dorothy L Sayers, British detectivenovelist. Martha Washington, first US firstlady, wife of George.

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