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June 14th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 14, 2024

Walnut salad is easy and will clear June 14's head. Use walnut halves and crumbled cooked bacon. Toss into lettuce leaves, sliced mushroom and diced mild cheddar cheese with a well-flavoured vinaigrette dressing.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Uranus; Numbers: 2, 5

June 14th Birthday Love Astrology

This is another day with obvious talent, and again the Gemini determination dominates. Take a pleasing manner, courtesy, a good body, add a touch of loner and a sprinkle of travel bug and you get the recipe for a popular dish.

Those born today have a problem with commitment, simply because they love to travel, often living in different countries and this doesn't lend itself to domesticity. There's a strong likelihood they'll be bachelors or spinsters because of this. But hey, this character won't necessarily think that's bad. Just as long as enough effort is made to keep a good circle of close friends going.

People born on this day can do without sex for periods of time, but again it's necessary to remain receptive. Because solitude doesn't suit.

Although June 14 makes an excellent parent, often becoming their adult child's best friend, many will be happy without children. It always means they are better off, for starters. And they can set up a business, or try financial speculation without worrying. The prospect of wealth is very real.

Money usually comes from personal interests. A talent for computers may bring success - ifs where fast fortunes are currently made. But this character needs to sit down, and concentrate hard on a window in this market. Fortunes can also be made in retail - Gemini's talent for pleasing people again.

Great cooks have been born on this day and we all know that a winning personality combined with a fetching recipe, say for walnut salad, something which catches the fancy, can put you amongst the current crop of high society chefs. Remember, nobody needs a high society background to learn how to please the moneyed and titled. In fact it's preferable not to have one, so that you can't feel bullied by the little signs of class these people swear by - because you don't know what they are in the first place.

In Love

People celebrating birthdays today are sociable and gregarious, with the ability to get along with everyone. Naturally loving and affectionate, you are liable to jump in and out of romantic relationships. Although you may not admit to being fickle, there is a decided fear of intimacy in your basic makeup. Still, you can’t abide a jealous partner who attempts to curb your personal freedom. Your ideal relationship is with someone whose life is as busy as your own. If you decide to settle down, you’re likely to choose someone who shares many of your interests and is as much a friend as a lover.

In Bed

In the bedroom or elsewhere, you avoid anything you consider dull, boring, or commonplace. Consequently, you are among the most daring of the Gemini lovers. Your open-minded approach to lovemaking makes you an innovative and exciting bedmate. However, it takes more than just sex to catch and hold your attention. If your partner is not able to hold an intelligent conversation, you quickly lose interest. You also like to share a few laughs and do fun things together.


The key to success for June 14 is to eliminate uncertainty which can cause genuine woe. Dr Edward Bach sought flowers in the hedgerows of England and Wales during the 1930s and the result was his Bach flower remedies, now widely available and widely used. If they don't work for you, it hardly matters as they are inexpensive. But they may be just the ticket and you'll be hooked for life. For uncertainty try a few drops of gentian (Gentianella amarellaj in a glass of water. Gentian is for those who are easily discouraged, in whom small delays may cause hesitation, despondency and self-doubt.


With your busy lifestyle, you may not always find time to relax and enjoy private moments with your lover. You like it when your partner initiates a clandestine meeting in some out-of-the-way place, where you can be together without interruptions. A fragrant bath or shower or a sensual massage will put you in the mood for a night of steamy sex.


Walnut salad is easy and will clear June 14's head. Use walnut halves and crumbled cooked bacon. Toss into lettuce leaves, sliced mushroom and diced mild cheddar cheese with a well-flavoured vinaigrette dressing.

Reality Check

Your inner world is composed of thoughts and ideas. After pondering the meaning of what you’ve learned, you reorganize and reprocess it.

Naturally self-expressive, you proceed to share your knowledge with others.

Unfortunately, not everyone appreciates these efforts and some may even consider you a “know-it-all.”

June 14 Date Share

Boy George O'Dowd, Britishsinger, Culture Club, songwriter, transvestite.Donald Trump, owner of Trump Tower, New York, which has housed Sir AndrewLloyd Webber and Madonna.Steffi Graf, German tennischampion, many times USOpen and Wimbledon champion. Harriet Beecher Stowe, New England anti-slavery writer, Uncle Tom's Cabin.

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