June 15th Irresistible Charm Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJune 15, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is believing in your own desirability

☆The way forward is to understand that however many people you charm into loving or flattering you, the only way to feel truly desirable is to believe in yourself first.

The Birthday Of Irresistible Charm, The Day Of Pleasant Seduction

June 15th Irresistible Charm Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of June 15th Birthdays

Sun sign: Gemini

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Twins

Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover

Tarot card: The Devil or (instinct)

Favorable numbers: 3, 6

Lucky days: Wednesday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 3 or 6 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, cerise, green

Birthstone: Agate

June 15 people are blessed with natural charm. They can easily bring others around to their point of view, often using their seductive power to win the support of co-workers, friends and family and indeed anyone they meet. Their charm and their appeal are so strong that even the most cynical and suspicious of people find it hard to resist them.

What makes these people so charming is their genuine interest in others and their remarkable ability to guess what they are thinking or feeling. This makes others feel good, in that they feel they are on the same wavelength as these attractive individuals. Their outstanding people skills will often fastforward them into positions of influence; if they do find themselves in such positions, they should devote their persuasive powers to worthy causes. If they don’t, others may resent being conned into questionable courses of action. They also need to ensure they don’t give others the wrong impression and charm them into believing a friendship exists when it doesn’t. In all their dealings they should observe a strict code of ethics.

Until the age of thirty-six they may focus on emotional security; during this time they should ensure they are as honest with themselves and others as possible, and don’t place being popular, wealthy or attractive over a sense of personal achievement. After the age of thirty-seven they become more confident and this may encourage them to use their people skills in a more assertive way. It is important during these years that they keep on the straight and narrow; if they do, they can direct their energy, intellect and inner power to influence others in productive and positive ways.

They have the potential to make great contributions to partnerships, groups and society as a whole, as long as they are aware of the power they have over others and make sure they are not manipulating them. If they truly believe in the cause they are promoting, their ambition and personal charm virtually guarantee their popularity, happiness and success.

☆ On the dark side:Calculating, misleading unstable

☆ At your best:Seductive, attractive, intelligent

June 15 people depend on their charm to get them where they want to go. Thus their principal talents are outwardly directed and involve others. June 15 people must be appreciated for their seductive charms to work. That is, their particular brand of seduction is overt rather than covert. Those born on this day have a way of winning others over to their point of view and then bringing the best out of them. Most June 15 people just want to feel appreciated; only the least evolved are more calculating and have a hidden agenda.

Money may be very important to this type of June 15 person.

Being attractive, in a broad sense, is a big issue for those bom on this day. If they do not have natural looks, they use their brains to seduce. If that doesn't work, they use their cunning, their speech, or their knowledge of human nature to draw interest. They have a way of making the opposite sex dependent on them, usually by a combination of the above mentioned charm and becoming indispensable. Any manipulation taking place is, again, clearly overt and in no way as underhanded as it sounds—the game is usually enjoyed by both players.

June 15 people specialize in knowing people, how they tick, what their dreams, aspirations and basic needs are. More importantly, they are able to make use of this knowledge.

Often people of this type working for a cause or a company can be of great value in attracting the public to a product or service; public relations and advertising seem to come naturally to them. Indeed, any profession involving "baiting the hook and catching the fish" is within their talents: evangelical work for example.

June 15 people are adept at guiding children, for they understand youthful motivations.

They usually make good parents but can have some glaring faults, such as spoiling their children terribly or manipulating them through being alternately unforgiving and apologetic.

If a club or organization is looking for a fundraiser, they need look no further; if a business depends on getting people into their store, June 15 people will usually know not only how to attract customers but how to make the sale as well. They have an instinct for how far to push and when to back off, and as the years go by they just get better at it. Rarely are those born on this day found pursuing immoral goals, perhaps because it is the pursuit itself, not the goal that interests them. Most often their charming manner is a delight to those around them. What they really are, however, their true identity, may forever be a mystery not only to others but to themselves as well. More highly evolved June 15 people are not locked into the role of seducer, however benign, but remain open to outside influences, perhaps higher forms of consciousness and thought.

Power Thought:I now choose to recognize the brilliance of my being,Most living things demand constant satisfaction

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 15th day of the month are ruled by the numbers 6 (1+5=6) and 15, and by the planet Venus. Those ruled by the number 6 are magnetic and sometimes can even inspire worship. This, as mentioned above, is characteristic of June 15 people. Since Gemini is ruled by Mercury. June 15 people tend to be both venusian (sensuous) and mercurial (clever).

June 15th Birthday Tarot Card

The 15th card of the Major Arcana, The Devil, indicates a fear/desire dynamic working where sexual attraction, irrationality, and passion are concerned. The Devil holds us slave through our need for security and money; he represents our base nature grasping for security; he controls us through the irreconcilable differences which exist in our male/female nature. With their mind as the aggressive part and their body as the more passive, pleasure-loving realm, June 15 people attempt a synthesis which can be both accepted and expressed in an easy manner without fear of irrationality—the Devil card. The positive side of the Devil card is sexual attraction and the expression of passionate desires. But the card reminds us that although we are bound to our bodies, our spirits are free to soar.

☆Luck maker:(All change starts with you)Lucky people understand that if they want to make a change in their lives the way to start isn’t with their wardrobe, their partner, their friends, or their job but in the way they think and feel about themselves.

Love Irresistible

You’re drawn to people born on April 21 to May 21:You share a love of beautiful things and intelligent debate, and this can create a refined but exciting relationship.

People born on June 15 are powerfully attractive as romantic partners and enjoy winning others’ hearts with their charming words and smiles. They are attracted to beautiful, intelligent people and enjoy a good debate but need to be careful that they don’t value outer over inner beauty, and get caught up in arguments and power games. Once they find the perfect partner, however, they can be loyal, gentle and loving.

Health Moderation is key

Their physical appearance matters a great deal to people born on this day and this can either manifest in careful attention to diet and exercise or in extreme, obsessive behavior. They should learn that true beauty comes from within and, instead of buying creams or exercising relentlessly, they may find that inner peace and contentment work wonders instead. Some of these people, however, neglect their physical appearance and live their lives in pursuit of pleasure; this can lead to weight problems and unhappiness. Moderation is key. As far as diet is concerned, they need to make sure they eat little and often to keep their energy levels boosted. Regular exercise is also important, as it will boost their self-esteem because, despite appearances to the contrary, they can suffer from nerves and insecurity. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to focus less on the material and more on higher things.

June 15 people recognize the need for maintaining physical attractiveness, certainly, but Venus influences may lead them to pleasure-seeking, laziness and self-indulgence. Weight gain, even obesity may result. Those born on this day should make an effort to exercise regularly, using walking, jogging or aerobics to keep fit. Most June 15 people have to watch their diet carefully for they heartily enjoy food, whether healthy or unhealthy, and eat what is offered them. Fortunately, mental health and nerves are rarely a problem here, as they are for most Geminis.

Career Born advertisers

These people will often find fulfillment in artistic careers, in particular drama, art or music, where they can gather a following and bring enjoyment to others. They may also be drawn to advertising, marketing, the retail trade, law, public relations, promotion, consultancy, agency work, and the leisure and beauty industries.

Destiny To uplift, inspire and motivate others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to use their people skills wisely and productively. Once they have a found a cause worthy of them, their destiny is to use their considerable powers of intuition and perspicacity to uplift, inspire and motivate others.

Internalize your values and build a strong system based on them, one that doesn't depend on the reactions of others. Learn to be alone and to enjoy it. Have more confidence in yourself.

Celebrities Born On June 15th

Courteney Cox(American actress), Ice Cube(American rapper), Helen Hunt(American actress),

Mario Cuomo (New York governor), Errol Gamer (jazz pianist, composer), Edvard Gneg (Norwegian composer, Peer Gynt, works incorporated Norwegian folk music), Xaviera Hollander (Dutch madam, Playboy journalist, writer, The Happy Hooker), Waylon Jennings (country- western legend, singer, songwriter, DJ, bass player, just missed fatal flight of Buddy Holly), Wade Boggs (baseball third baseman, 5x AL batting champ, entered 1992 with .342 caregr average) Claude Brasseur (French stage, film, TV actor), Erik Erikson (German- bom Amencan psychologist, Childhood and Society), Jaki Bayard (jazz saxophonist, pianist, composer), Jim Belushi (film actor), Lofti Mansoun (San Francisco Opera director), Saul Steinberg (cartoonist, artist, architect), Herbert A. Simon (US social scientist, Nobel Prize in Economics), Harry Langdon (silent film actor, come- dian), Amy Clampitt (poet Westward). Ernestine Schumann-Hemk (Czechborn contralto, film actress), Elizabeth F. Colson (anthropologist), Robert Russell Bennett (composer, arranger), Malvina Hoffman (sculptor), Carol Fox (opera producer)

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