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June 15th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 15, 2024

Most people are more fascinating between the ages of 35 and 45, when they've won a few races and know how to pace themselves. Take your time about passing 45, and maximum fascination can continue indefinitely.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Uranus; Numbers: 3, 6

June 15th Birthday Love Astrology

June 15 cuts a swathe through life like a meteor with a thousand sparks in its tail. When these characters pass by someone usually says: ‘Who was THAT?' It's important to remember that although they are loaded with natural charm and their very own, custom personalised gravity force, ‘more’ is the third most dominant word in their psycheology, after T (number one) and ‘You’ (number two).

Good looks are usually given by the fairies at birth, but in cases where the wand slipped people born on this day are not shy about trying the entire range of beauty treatments currently available. And we use ‘beauty treatment' loosely here, to cover lotions, alternative wonder workers and richly skilled and richly rewarded doctors with sharp knives.

Forever conscious of their effect on the opposite sex, or whichever sex is appropriate, and sometimes both, people born on this day work hard on their charm. And actually there is very little more pleasing than somebody who is immensely attractive and who wants to charm the pants off you.

Most people born on this day are quick-witted and amusing, again talents which they practise to make more perfect. This makes them successful in corporate life, where they are terrifie to work for, but more important than this, they can ward of banks and attract money. This is an ideal sales and marketing executive, wonderful in any area of advertising, an insouciant entrepreneur who people can't wait to invest in.

So. What is the down side of June 15?

After a really good search, we can say that they may spoil other people, suffer from vanity (never actually overweening) and perhaps break a few hearts. And that's about it fellas. Because June 15 is usually in possession of a decent set of moral values and since their basic instinct is to watch the reactions of other people to themselves, they grow up to be sensitive to others.

In Love

Quick witted and shrewdly intellectual, those born on this day are considerably more mental than emotional or physical. For you, a spirited conversation with a friend can be as stimulating as a passionate sexual encounter.

You are, however, an incurable romantic and prone to falling in love with the very idea of love. Despite the part of you that longs to establish a permanent love union, your freewheeling Gemini nature generally prefers independence to serious commitment. Consequently, you may go through a string of romances before finding your soul mate and finally settling down to a life of domestic contentment.

In Bed

Because you are easily bored and distracted, a love affair that includes variety and spontaneity can keep your restless mind from wandering. Your inquisitive nature makes the very idea of sampling new physical pleasures endlessly fascinating. Although you like the freedom to roam, you also like the thought of sharing all your experiences with the one person who really matters to you. You thrive with a partner who understands your desire for innovation in your sex life and is willing to help you find it.


Since this date is very interested in sex there are a couple of ingredients in a daily diet which do help and they might like to read about. Zinc is very important for both men and women. The processing of food removes zinc and a zinc deficient, junk food diet should be boosted by the addition of peas, nuts, wholegrains, carrots, oysters and sunflower seeds. If you take zinc supplements do not exceed the recommended dose because toxic reactions are possible. Manganese is also necessary for a good sex life. Sources are nuts, cereals, vegetables and fruit.


Beautiful, luxurious surroundings in a harmonious atmosphere delight your senses and sensibilities. The rituals of courtship put you in the mood for love and romance. Your own dexterity with language helps you appreciate the lover whose seduction techniques run the gamut from poetic declarations of love to whispered words of torrid sexual desire.


Most people are more fascinating between the ages of 35 and 45, when they've won a few races and know how to pace themselves. Take your time about passing 45, and maximum fascination can continue indefinitely.

Reality Check

You’re a superb conversationalist, and self-expression is your forte. You know a little bit about a lot of things, yet you manage to give the impression of being deeply knowledgeable. A quick study, you absorb the pertinent facts with surprising ease. Your agile mind makes it possible for you to field questions with clever off-the-cuff remarks.

June 15 Date Share

Edvard Grieg, Norwegian composer, Peer Gynt, music incorporated Norwegian folk influences. James Belushi, Hollywood actor. Xaviera Hollander, Dutch brothelkeeper, author, The Happy Hooker.

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