June 16th Far-sighted Astuteness Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJune 16, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is not being suspicious of everyone and everything

☆The way forward is to understand that being too cautious can sometimes block creativity and spontaneity, key ingredients for your fulfillment and success.

The Birthday Of Far-sighted Astuteness, The Day Of Capital Investment

June 16th Far-sighted Astuteness Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of June 16th Birthdays

Sun sign: Gemini

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Twins

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Tower (breakthrough)

Favorable numbers: 4, 7

Lucky days: Wednesday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, blue, yellow

Birthstone: Agate

Those born on June 16 combine within their personalities a unique blend of adventurousness and caution. Although they have a vivid imagination and innovative inclinations, they are also extremely astute, possessing a willingness to be flexible without losing their vision.

Often having big plans and an uncanny ability to pick up on lifestyle trends before they happen, they rarely throw caution to the winds by speculating wildly. They are far more likely to plot their course in life carefully, laying firm foundations for the future one brick at a time. They are at their happiest when they can take risks within a controlled environment where their goals are clear and where they can receive constant updates or feedback on their progress. They are at their least productive, however, when they fail to find a balance between their enterprising and prudent qualities, and suppress their risk-taking tendencies in order to play safe.

Until the age of thirty-five, emotional security is likely to play an important part in their lives; they need to remember to leave some room in their structured lifestyle for fun and games. After the age of thirty-six, they grow in confidence and often become more assertive and self-expressive. It’s important during this period that they don’t block their incredible enthusiasm, will-power and determination with indecision. They should be sure of what they wish for, as this is the time in their life when they are most likely to have the power to make their ideas a reality.

Equally practical and imaginative, they tend to derive the greatest comfort and satisfaction from non-material pleasures, such as strong relationships or the beauty found in nature and the arts. They often live their life according to a strict humanitarian code, giving them compassion for those less fortunate and contempt for those who abuse their power. When they have learned to be neither too impulsive not too cautious, the strength of their desire for progress can be a remarkable power for good, not just for themselves but for all whose lives they touch.

☆ On the dark side:Inflexible, indecisive, anxious

☆ At your best:Earnest, patient, original

Those born on June 16 know how to capitalize on their investments. The words "capitalize" and "investment" suggest money, but can also serve as metaphors for other areas (career, family) into which those born on this day put their energies. Even if they are met with failure or stagnation, June 16 people usually manage to produce something positive from their projects or endeavors, as they so often turn misfortunes to their advantage.

In this respect they are true capitalists.

June 16 people have "the long breath" and invest for the future, rather than seeking immediate returns. They do not fear a lack of initial profit or results from their projects but are content to watch them grow. In some respects they are akin to gardeners. Careful preparation, sowing at the right time, cultivating and finally harvesting all come naturally to them.

They are also unafraid to switch horses in mid-stream if it is to their advantage.

Various forms of collecting and saving appeal to June 16 people, thus, for example, carefully building up a valuable inventory in a business is a happy preoccupation. They may err on the side of caution, however, and due to fear or indecisiveness fail to make those moves that would bring them greater success. They must also beware of the greedy impulse to pile up wealth for its own sake. Wiser June 16 people understand that money is fluid, that it is a form of energy, and that it must be kept moving, in and out, in a steady flow. They know that it is necessary to spend money (and energy) in order to get it back: two-, threefold or more.

June 16 people must also resist the temptation to make a quick killing on the market, a great but passing splash in their career, or a heavy but false impression on the one they care for. They soon learn that some short-term successes may only harm their chances in the long run. Thus, they have to strike a balance between being active and decisive on the one hand, and learning how to wait and be patient on the other. This means developing a feeling for the type of time called kairos by the Greeks (i.e., knowing the right time to do something).

Generally June 16 people choose their friends with great care. Their intuitions are strong about those with whom they associate and they have a sixth sense for people who are trying to take advantage of them. Certain June 16 people have very strongly developed psychic abilities and are interested in extra-sensory and spiritual studies. For them, there is no contradiction between the physical and the spiritual, the material and the metaphysical aspects of work. These June 16 people are at once practical and imaginative, and in touch with all worlds around them.

Power Thought:Today I will act with speed, good judgment and resolve,Sometimes we must learn to ask for what we need

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 16th day of the month are ruled by the number 7 (1+6=7), and by the planet Neptune. Those ailed by the number 7 sometimes fail to carry through their ideas and can get out of touch with reality. Neptune is the planet of dreams, fantasies and devotional feeling. A good accountant, bookkeeper and/or investment banker is worth his weight in gold to June 16 people, whose mercurial Gemini side both needs and appreciates sound advice.

June 16th Birthday Tarot Card

The 16th card of the Major Arcana is The Tower, which in one version of the Tarot deck shows both a king falling from a lightning-staick tower and the builder of this tower being killed by a blow to the head. The Tower symbolizes the impermanence of not only physical structures but also of relationships or vocations in our lives. The changes wrought are often sudden and swift. The positive elements of the card include overcoming catastrophe and confronting challenges; however, the Tower cautions against rising unjustifiably high and risking destruction at the hands of one's own invention. June 16 people are again reminded by the Tarot to beware of fanciful enterprises, but also of greed.

☆Luck maker:(Pay attention to meaningful coincidences)Think of all the people you have met by chance or the situations you have found yourself in that went on to change your life in pivotal ways. You never know when good luck is about to strike.

Love Intelligent and restless

You’re drawn to people born on September 24 to October 23:This is a very natural combination, and the relationship will be full of intellectual stimulation and happy chat.

People born on June 16 have a tendency to swing between being demonstrative and detached; this can drive their partner crazy because they never know where they are. They need to make it clear to their partner that although they are in a close relationship, they still need to feel free and independent at times.

Health Preventative medicine

With their eye always on the future, people born on this day understand the importance of taking care of their health and they are likely to make sure that their diet is healthy, and their exercise routine is regular and challenging. There will be some less-evolved souls born on this day who ignore their bodies and their health, but the only way for them to feel truly energized is to take an active interest in their well-being. As far as diet is concerned, they need to stay away as much as possible from refined and processed foods and those high in sugar, as eating too much of these can lead to weight problems. All forms of exercise, in particular cross-training, are recommended. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the colors yellow and orange will encourage them to incorporate more fun and relaxation into their structured lifestyle.

Those born on June 16 will usually take a healthy interest in their body and diet, as they know that an investment in health is the best investment one can make. That is. of course, it they are sensible, for less highly evolved June 16 people can be very neptunian and blithely ignore their physical condition. June 16 people generally feel comfortable when firmly grounded and moderate exercise, food, sex, and all forms of sensuality keep them in touch with their bodies. Those born on this day are not highly addictive personalities but it may be difficult for them to manage one especially harmful vice (e.g., tobacco, alcohol, dmgs. sugar), which can be their undoing if not controlled.

Career Born doctors

These people have natural communication skills and could excel in careers in teaching, lecturing, education, the media, journalism, commerce, and financial advice. Alternatively they may get involved with humanitarian, healing or charitable organizations and work for worthwhile causes. Their individuality may also find expression in the creative world, where they are likely to be an original and accomplished writer, artist, photographer, film-maker, painter, or designer.

Destiny To inspire others with compassion and far-sighted vision

The life path of people born on this day is to strike a balance between their need for security and their need to take risks. Once they have found this balance, their destiny is to influence and inspire others with their compassion and far-sighted vision.

Don't get too comfortable; continue to take risks. Never lose your ability for change. Stay in touch with what's happening in the world. Keep your cash flew .nine Don'l be too suspicious of new friends and acquaintances.

Celebrities Born On June 16th

Geronimo(Mexican Apache leader and medicine man), Gustav V(former King of Sweden), Enoch Powell(British politician),

Adam Smith (Scottish economist, capitalist theonst, The Wealth of Nations, free trade and laissez-faire proponent), Barbara McClintock (US Nobel Pnze-wmning geneticist at age eighty-one), Roberto Duran (Panamanian world lightweight, welterweight, junior middleweight, middleweight boxing champion, 86-9-0 lifetime record, 60 KOs), Jennie Grossinger (Catskills resort, restaurant owner, cookbook writer, The Art of Jewish Cooking), Stan Laurel (comic film actor, Laurel and Hardy), Edward I (The Black Pnnce, Bntish 1 3 th c. king, soldier), Jose Lopez Portillo (Mexican president), Jim Dine (painter, sculptor), Lucky Thompson (jazz tenor, soprano saxophonist, bandleader), Joyce Carol Oates (novelist. Unholy Loves), Lamont Dozier (Motown singer, songwriter, producer, Holland- Dozier-Holland). Tom Graveny (British alltime great cncketeer), Erich Segal (novelist, Love Story), Nelson Doubleday (New York publisher), Katharine Graham (newspaper publisher), Mariano Rumor (Italian pnme minister), William F. Sharpe (economist), Gustav V (Swedish king, ruled forty-three years), Alice Bailey (theosophist, social worker). Robert P. Kraft (astrophysicist director of California observatories)

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