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June 16th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 16, 2024

June 16 should avoid a tendency to morbid thoughts and pessimism. Concentrate on the fine writing and music you so enjoy and remember the generosity of spirit that inspired people to write these things for you.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Uranus; Numbers: 4, 7

June 16th Birthday Love Astrology

Rather quiet and certainly thoughtful, this character is struck by the beauty of the world and deeply aware of the vastness of the turning universe. Generally this individual is not interested in material things, although their naturally studious nature can mean they understand the world's money markets and some play the stockmarket extremely well. They may also make millions if they market their own interests, often utilising their computer knowledge or the simple inventor's streak which is common to Gemini.

June 16 frequently takes refuge in books and this is a birth date which resorts to poetry - often writing it very successfully - to express feelings. Sometimes when they read a familiar phrase they are so struck by its beauty they are reduced to tears. And similarly with music, which they often adore, they are so personally moved by its familiarity that it feels like they wrote it themselves.

Both sexes use poetry and music to woo a mate, and their burning soul means that they like to mate for life. Crossed in love they may pine to the point of illness. If things don't go right, they may choose never to marry and resign themselves to the contemplative pleasures of the bachelor state.

Both sexes like to spend time haunting old churches, where they light candles for all their friends and sit for hours enjoying the peaceful calm. Some may even be drawn to the religious life, which can suit their quiet desire to understand the workings of the world. June 16 is ideally suited to life in the country rather than harsh crowded urban environments. They need the open spaces and skies and an ideal choice of profession for this birth date would be a country teacher or librarian. And for the slightly more sociable, the lure of a village post office and its involvement and service to community life may be overwhelming.

In Love

You have a mystical quality and poetic sensibility that sets you apart from the typical Gemini native. In love, you are idealistic and sensitive, and your feelings are easily engaged. You long for the fulfillment of a deep and transforming emotional involvement. In public you can be outgoing, vivacious, and entertaining, but in private you tend to be rather moody, dreamy, and solitary. More discreet and secretive than other members of your Sun sign, you’re not inclined to discuss personal matters with anyone other than your closest companion. Although you enjoy playing the field, when you settle down it’s usually for life.

In Bed

Because your recurring moodiness affects your libido, you can change from passionate and enthusiastic to disinterested and withdrawn in the blink of an eye. Sometimes you enjoy playing the aggressor in the bedroom, other times you may turn passive and prefer being seduced. You like pampering and want to be told that your mate truly appreciates and cares about you.

An understanding bed partner can help brighten your darker moments by taking a lighthearted, playful approach to lovemaking.


Many people born on this day worry about their health and tend to visit the doctor more than their friends. Yet doctors frequently dont have a solution for June 16, whose aches and pains often derive from spiritual upset. It may be best to develop an interest in alternative healing, which will fascinate this individual, if nothing ehe. They should consider trying some of the remedies suggested by the extraordinary healer Dr Edward Bach, now available in many health stores.


After a busy day or evening on the town, you want to relax and ease into lovemaking. A warm bath, followed by a gentle massage, calms you down mentally as well as physically. You get off on the tactile pleasure of slowly spreading aromatic or flavored oils all over your lover’s body, and then having him or her return the favor.


June 16 should avoid a tendency to morbid thoughts and pessimism. Concentrate on the fine writing and music you so enjoy and remember the generosity of spirit that inspired people to write these things for you.

Reality Check

The duality of the Gemini twins sometimes makes you feel as if you’re being pulled in two different directions. You often find yourself torn between the contradictory messages you receive from your head and your heart. The resulting paradoxes in your personality can be a puzzle, even to those closest to you.

June 16 Date Share

Stan Laurel, part of the comic Hollywood duo, Laurel and Hardy. Tom Graveny, British cricketer. Katharine Graham, newspaper publisher. Adam Smith, Scottish economist, capitalist theorist, author, The Wealth of Nations. Erich Segal, novelist Love Story.

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