June 17th Influential Example Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJune 17, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is explaining how you feel

☆The way forward is to understand that opening up to others does not weaken your position; it strengthens it, because other people will find you easier to relate to.

The Birthday Of The Influential Example, The Day Of Artful Force

June 17th Influential Example Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of June 17th Birthdays

Sun sign: Gemini

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Twins

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: The Star (hope)

Favorable numbers: 5, 8

Lucky days: Wednesday and Saturday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, coffee, sunset

Birthstone: Agate

People born on June 17 are often strong and inspirational individuals who believe everyone has it within them to follow their dreams. A fascinating combination of creativity and structure, they know how to conform but also have a vivid imagination that they want to explore and, if possible, profit from.

Demanding a lot of themselves and the people they live and work with, whatever situation they are in they are likely to be excellent performers and a forceful presence. Although they set a terrific example to others and people are drawn to their vitality and masterful demeanor, if they find themselves in the role of mentor they may struggle. This is because they are often too wrapped up in their own goals, lacking the patience and understanding to listen to others.

There is a danger that they might stretch the truth if they feel it serves their purposes. This isn’t motivated by a desire to deceive but simply so their arguments sound more plausible. But if they don’t control this tendency to manipulate the truth, they can become known as untrustworthy. Such is their influence, however, that even if their exaggeration is uncovered, others may still continue blindly to follow their lead. It is important therefore for them to impose a strict ethical code upon themselves. Until the age of thirty-four they may focus on emotional relations, security and family; for their own happiness they need to ensure that they take advantage of opportunities to discover their feelings and learn how to express them to others. After the age of thirty-five they enter a period of strength, power and confidence; these are the years when they come into their own as inspirational leaders or pioneers.

Above all, the forceful but imaginative and progressive individuals born on this day are fired by progressive ideals. Once they develop an understanding of the effect that their intensity has on others, not only will this give their ideals a better chance of gaining acceptance, it will also bring them greater emotional fulfillment.

☆ On the dark side:Impatient, detached, untrustworthy

☆ At your best:Influential, physical, creative

June 17 people take what they do seriously. No matter how relaxed or comfortable they may appear to others, they are intent on reaching their goals and being responsible family members and friends. They can give the impression of having their life pretty well figured out. Unfortunately, while the demands they place on themselves are high they are also likely to lay a heavy burden on those close to them. If they have outright followers or employees, they can be extremely moral, stern and demanding of obedience to their wishes.

June 17 people are facile in thought and action, and consequently somewhat impatient with those who work with them. Normally, those born on this day are not good teachers and lack the necessary patience and understanding to explain to the apprentice or student. It is even more difficult for June 17 people to stand idly by while a job is bungled. In the bat of an eye they have probably already done it by themselves.

Those born on this day can be extremely persuasive in their arguments. They are also adept at applying pressure, whether sensual or forceful, in getting others to do their bidding.

Highly talented or successful June 17 people tend to be influential in their area of endeavor, even after they have retired from the fray.

Usually a strong physical as well as mental presence is characteristic of those born on this day; emotional and intuitive capacities can be somewhat lacking, however. June 17 people may be hard, perhaps nearly impossible to reach on a deep feeling level. Many born on this day are alternately mistrusting and impulsive. Because they can so easily exchange a mature, responsible attitude for a petulant, childish one (usually when they don't get their way), they promote mistrust.

June 17 people make fine planners, designers, and travelers, as most have an innate sense of direction and understanding of spatial realities. In rare cases, they are so advanced in this area, their methods so unique, that they may sometimes seem to lack sense for not going the easy route. Usually their logic becomes clear to others after such methods have proven correct.

June 17 people have been known to stretch a story a bit, even to tell some mighty tall tales in order to get their way. In addition, some born on this day get a real kick out of deceiving others. This may be harmless play, but like any game must be kept light and under control. Those bom on June 17 should avoid gambling: though they may be clever, highly adept players they are still vulnerable to loss and being drawn into unscrupulous activities.

Indeed, less highly evolved June 17 people make excellent con-artists. Whatever their moral character, however, those born on this day seem to have no trouble attracting followers to their cause, whether public or private.

Power Thought:I don’t need external force or validation to feel at harmony with myself,Respect those you meet on the way

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 17th day of the month are ruled by the number 8 (1+7=8), and by the planet Saturn. Saturn carries a serious aspect, and combined with Mercury (Gemini's ruler) augments the severe and harshly critical tendencies of June 17 people. The number 8 holds a conflict between the material and spiritual worlds; thus those ruled by this number are often lonely, and prone to indulging in excess.

June 17th Birthday Tarot Card

The 17th card of the Major Arcana is The Star, which shows a beautiful naked girl under the stars pouring refreshing water on the parched earth with one pitcher and reviving the stagnant water of a pond with another. She represents the glories of the earthly life, but also material enslavement to it. The stars above her are an eternal reminder of the presence of the spiritual world. In like manner, June 17 people should avoid overemphasis on physicality and keep in mind the higher goals of life, such as cultivating kindness toward others.

☆Luck maker:(Forgive others as yourself)Lucky people understand that there is something irritating about everyone, but they don’t let their own anger or impatience upset others and by so doing destroy their happiness and their luck.

Love Aloof

You’re drawn to people born on August 24 to September 23:You are successful, positive and intelligent people, and this can be a stimulating and fulfilling relationship.

Although they are often surrounded by potential partners, establishing a close relationship may prove difficult for people born on June 17 as they tend to be physically undemonstrative and emotionally aloof. They are attracted to people who are successful or living their dreams and, once they do find that special someone, they can open up to they make faithful, protective and loving partners.

Health Will-power needed

People born on this day often have a strong physical presence and they need to make sure they don’t succumb to addiction of any kind, be it drink, recreational drugs, sex, or food. Although they have terrific will-power professionally, when it comes to their personal life they don’t show nearly the same resolve. It is important that they take charge of their well-being by eating healthily, exercising regularly and refraining from activities that give them a temporary high followed by a prolonged low. Once they do get their diet and lifestyle on track, they will find that their need for stimulants fades away. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to look inward and think of higher, purer things.

Due to their physical and sensuous nature. June l 7 people must guard against addictions of all sorts, whether to alcohol, unhealthy food, tobacco or anything else that brings pleasure (even relationships and sex). Those born on this day must cultivate willpower, which may be firm when commanding others or pursuing goals, but weak or non-existent when controlling personal desires. The problem is often that June 17 people don't fully grasp how serious such addictions are for their physical and mental health, or they just don't care. The stabilizing influences of a regular diet and moderate exercise go a long way in reducing such cravings, as many now believe addictions are not only a cause, but a result of chemical imbalances.

Career Born conductors

These people have a quick mind and the ability to lead; this offers them many career opportunities where they can rise to prominent positions. Alternatively, they may prefer to work for themselves. They are well suited to intellectual professions such as law, research or writing, and to careers where they can be involved in humanitarian or social reform, whether in society, religion or health care. A desire for creativity may lead them to express their individuality in the arts, the theater, and particularly music or conducting orchestras.

Destiny To inspire others to fight for their values

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to get in touch with their feelings so that they can express them outwardly. Once they are able to be less detached in their dealings with others, their destiny is to inspire others with their courageous ability to fight for their values.

Try to leave others to try their own devices; you don't have to convince them all the time.Beware of being unscrupulous. Guard the truth, not illusion. Don't use others so readily for your purposes.

Celebrities Born On June 17th

Venus Williams(American tennis player), Igor Stravinsky(Russian composer and pianist), Barry Manilow(American singer-songwriter),

John Wesley (British religious reformer, Methodist Church founder), Igor Stravinsky (Russian-born innovative modem composer, ballet Rite of Spring provoked riot at 1913 Paris premiere), James Brown (soul singer, songwnter, entertainer, "Godfather of Soul"), M.C. Escher (Dutch modem graphic artist), Gwendolyn Brooks (African-American Pulitzer Pnze-winning poet), Anastasia (Grand Duchess of Russia, daughter of Nicholas II, historical controversy as to her murder in Russian Revolution), Charles Gounod (French composer), Barry Manilow (singer, songwriter), Dean Martin (movie actor, singer, entertainer), Eddie Merckx (legendary Belgian bike racer, multiple Tour de France winner), Elroy "Crazy Legs" Hirsch (Los Angeles Rams football receiver, league leader, Hall of Famer), Andre Derain (French fauve. abstract painter, sculptor), Joe Piscopo (comedian, film actor), Peggy Seeger (folksinger. The Weavers), Ralph Bellamy (stage. TV, film actor), Kingman Brewster (Yale University president US ambassador to Great Britain), Nicola Trussardi (Italian fashion designer), Newton Gingrich (US congressman, Georgia). John Hersey (novelist, The Wall), Alfred Knopf, Jr. (New York publisher)

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