June 19th Activator Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJune 19, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is with being too confrontational

☆The way forward is to understand that the direct approach simply won’t work in every situation. The best way to get people on your side is often to approach them gently.

The Birthday Of The Activator, The Day Of The Spark

June 19th Activator Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of June 19th Birthdays

Sun sign: Gemini

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Twins

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Sun (enthusiasm)

Favorable numbers: 1, 7

Lucky days: Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Neon orange, red, yellow

Birthstone: Agate

People born on June 19 are blessed with the ability to stimulate and uplift others. Their resolve and courage, along with their patience, tolerance and generally good intentions, serve as an inspiring example. Whether they realize it or not, they are catalysts spurring others into action and moving situations forward in the process.

They may choose to fight vociferously or to quietly hold firm, but whatever strategy they choose they rarely crumble under pressure. Their resolve comes from their most outstanding characteristic: their self-belief. They are rarely beset by feelings of doubt which can arouse both admiration and irritation. Indeed their huge personality can intimidate those less confident; however, their single-minded determination is not the result of blinkered obstinacy but rather of supreme confidence engendered by the knowledge that they have evaluated every viewpoint and arrived at the best conclusion. And their confidence is well founded, as they are blessed with incisive analytical skills, intellectual inquisitiveness and profound intuition.

Less evolved types born on this day may express themselves in controlling or dictatorial behavior, but life usually ends up teaching them the benefits of a less confrontational approach. Until the age of thirty-one they may focus on emotional security, home and family. After the age of thirty-two, however, they enter a period of greater self-expression and creativity, with added assertiveness and boldness. It is important during this period that they learn the art of diplomacy; if they do, these are the years that they come into their own. At the age of sixty-two they may feel a desire to be more methodical and to offer practical service to others.

Above all, people born on this day have the ability to empower others with their compassion, sparkling wit and youthful vitality. They may have a tendency to push themselves too hard, but as long as they maintain a sense of balance and perspective they have the potential to make their mark on the world by guiding, improving and energizing others.

☆ On the dark side:Over-ambitious, unaware, inflexible

☆ At your best:Energizing courageous, persistent

June 19 people bring out the best and the worst in others. Rarely are they met with apathy but elicit strong responses, even when they do not seem to be acting in a provocative fashion. Just their presence alone can be somewhat intimidating and therefore arouse antagonism, but their intense drive and fortitude may also inspire admiration.

Women born on this day are highly persuasive, directed, and usually know exactly what they want, whether it be career or educational advancement, an emotionally rewarding relationship or financial stability. June 19 men, on the other hand, are generally steady types who hang in there regardless of what fate has in store for them (but are equally hard-driving).

Both men and women born on this day tend to set events around them in motion.

Though June 19 people are admirable in that they rarely, if ever, cave in to outside pressures, they can be inflexible at times, when a spirit of compromise might make it much easier on themselves. Whether their perception is correct or not, they can see such compromise as a selling out of their desires, beliefs or aspirations.

June 19 people are highly stimulating, capable of getting the most sluggish of individuals moving. Their strong convictions and courage to act definitely serve as a positive example.

Although their methods of motivating others may seem rather strong medicine, there is no denying that a good kick in the pants is what is required now and then. Also, though others may feel some resentment at being urged on. they will usually appreciate a June 19 person's good intentions.

A real problem for June 19 people may be an inability or a refusal to recognize limitations both in themselves and in their social role. Driving themselves too hard or too fast may not only put them at risk of breakdown but may actually land them in difficult situations.

Perhaps they do perform well under stress, even shine, but over time, such stress can take its toll. Those born on this day should consider the effect of their hard-driving lifestyle on their family and loved ones, who may not have bargained for so much struggle.

If those born on June 19 can heighten their awareness both of what is going on within themselves and in the world around them, they will avoid burnout and better their chances of success. Just allowing themselves the luxury of choice, the freedom to occasionally go around obstacles (rather than confronting them head on) is a major step in the right direction.

Power Thought:With practice my compassion deepens and my life becomes richer,Don't race a cheetah,Don't box a kangaroo

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 19th day of the month are ruled by the number 1 (1+9=10. 1+0=1). and by the Sun. Because June 19 people are born on the first day of the Gemini-Cancer cusp, which is strongly influenced by Mercury and the Moon, there may be conflicts between their mental and emotional natures. This coupled with the fact that those ruled by the number 1 tend to be ambitious and dislike restraint can lead to trouble at work. Learning how to quiet themselves internally and externally is an important part of their spiritual growth.

June 19th Birthday Tarot Card

The 19th card of the Major Arcana. The Sun, can be considered as the most favorable of all the Major Arcana cards: it symbolizes knowledge, vitality and good fortune, and promises esteem and reward. This card posits the good qualities of clarity, harmony in relationship and fine reputation: it does, however, also hold the potential for pride, vanity and false appearance.

☆Luck maker:(Make others feel special)Lucky people understand that the more special you make people feel by listening to them and complimenting them when they do things well, the more likely they are to listen to and support you.

Love Young at heart

You’re drawn to people born on July 24 to August 24:You are both courageous, outgoing and sensitive, and this can be a passionate and exciting relationship.

Young at heart and outgoing, people born on June 19 are often sociable and popular. They are passionate and committed lovers but they can also be stubborn, vain and argumentative at times. However, should their partner face problems, there is no one more loyal or understanding than they are.

Health Burnout

People born on this day have a tendency to drive themselves too hard and, because they perform well under stress, they may not notice how run down they really are until poor health forces them to take time out. It is therefore important for them to make sure they include plenty of rest and relaxation in their lives and to practice stress-management techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, chatting with friends, or simply having a long soak in an aromatherapy bath. As far as diet is concerned, they should avoid eating on the run and go for plenty of wholesome, preferably home-cooked food. Exercise should be moderate to mild and low impact to help them stay healthy, calm and centered. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color green will help them feel more in balance, and carrying a rose quartz crystal can help them release pent-up stress and tension.

June 19 women should beware of running themselves down with their many activities and inviting illness. In addition they must avoid over-stressing their mental powers, and of becoming mired in negative criticism of their surroundings. Choosing a pleasant environment in which to live and work is important to their well-being. June 19 men must not ignore persistent symptoms of possible illness or fail to recognize indications of depression which may result in serious chronic ailments of all sorts. Rejection is particularly difficult for June 19 men to handle. Psychological balance of masculine and feminine qualities is essential to good health in both sexes. June 19 people do best with a highly diverse diet and should indulge their flair for imaginative culinary creations. Only moderate exercise is recommended for those born on this day: walking, swimming and low-impact sports are best.

Career Born teachers

People born on this day have the ability to inspire and motivate others and may therefore be drawn to careers in education, counseling, consultancy, or lecturing. Other careers that might appeal include sales, commerce, promotion, negotiation, business training, writing, research, social reform, and politics. Alternatively, their need for self-expression may draw them to art, design, advertising, and the media.

Destiny To share their sense of purpose and their vision of progress

The life path of people born on this day is to become aware of the influential effect they have on others and not abuse it. Once they have learned to be more tolerant and diplomatic, their destiny is to encourage others to share their sense of purpose and their vision of progress.

Be a bit more contemplative. Avoid getting locked into any one orientation or role. Stay in touch with the feelings of others, and remain open to compromise

Celebrities Born On June 19th

Kathleen Turner(American actress), Boris Johnson(British prime minister), Paula Abdul(American singer-songwriter),

Aung San Suu Kyi [name means "a bnght collection of strange victones"] (Burmese human nghts activist, Nobel Peace Prize winner, imprisoned), Kathleen Turner (film actress), Paula Abdul (singer, songwriter), Phylicia Rashad (TV actress), Salman Rushdie (British novel- ist, The Satanic Verses, sentenced to death by Islamic fundamentalists for blasphemy against prophet Mohammed), Lou Gehrig (Yankees baseball first baseman, "The Iron Horse," third all-time in RBIs, record 2,130 consecutive games played, AL batting, HR champ, MVP, namesake of fatal disease), Pauline Kael (New York Times film critic, writer), Gena Rowlands (film actress), Wallace Simpson (American socialite for whom Edward VIII abdicated British throne), Blaise Pascal (French philosopher, mathematician), James I (British 1 7 th c. king, expert on witchcraft, writer, Demonology), Moe Howard (film actor, Moe of Three Stooges), Louis Jourdan (French singer, entertainer, film actor), Guy Lombardo (bandleader), Francoise Gauquelin (woman statistician, psychologist horoscope collector), Charles Gwathmey (architect). Tom Wicker (journalist New Yotk Times editor, novelist, Unto This House). Pir Vilayet Inayat Khan (Sufi spiritual leader, musician, son of Hazrat Inayat Khan), Tobias Wolff (novelist, This Boy's Life), Alan Cranston (US senator, California)

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