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June 1st Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 01, 2024

Tarons card in the Major Arcana for June 1 is The Magician. Love Magic experts give this card the power of safe judgement in love matters. You will know when it’s safe to trust a new partner.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Venus; Numbers: 1, 7

June 1st Birthday Love Astrology

These individuals are extremely passionate about whatever they do, brave and experimental, in spite of inner doubts. This birthday provides the celebrated cook, the glamour goddess, the great romantic, and the top advertising executive.

The cook will specialise in something simple but exotic-sounding. They may rustle up frozen almond cream (made with VA pints of double cream, whipped, two egg whites, beaten until stiff, caster sugar, pinch of salt, 4oz chopped toasted almonds and a large dash of Marsala, all beaten until stiff, then popped in the freezer for four hours). Or they may do something extraordinary with figs! There is always an innate sensuosity to whatever June 1 does.

The goddess purrs in silk, shows off her handspan waist and her shining hair. The god makes sure his credits are complemented by the tightest of jeans. The romantic looks on the bright side of life.

Most June 1 people escape the depression which plagues their star. Simply not understanding what depression is can be the best talent in business. Not easily intimidated, they think the best of colleagues and bosses, and have such sunny dispositions that everybody wants to promote them and they are never sacked. In particular this person shines in tense jobs such as advertising, or television, where success is based on those frail things, hunch and flair. If somebody rejects an idea, June 1 goes off and has another one.

This individual adores children, and is often happiest simply reading to them, singing with them and loving them. June 1 people may marry a few times, so there is a great chance they will have lots of children and step-children to care for. Quite a few won't marry and still have plenty of babies. Fertility is not usually this individual's problem, so much of June Ts life may be spent trying out different contraceptives with varying degrees of success.

In Love

Individuals born on this date are the whirling dervishes of the zodiac.

Intellectually curious, mentally sharp, and physically agile, you think and act with lightning speed. Friends and lovers have a hard time keeping up with you. Although you delight in the idea of love, you may not stay in one place long enough for a permanent relationship. You enjoy the moonlight-and-poetry approach to romance, but it is your silver-tongued patter that endears you to prospective partners. When you make a promise, you expect to keep it. And you will, so long as nothing else comes along to divert your attention.

In Bed

Always on the lookout for interesting information and new experiences, you’re attracted to the suitor who teaches you new things, either in the bedroom or out of it. Sexually, you are a nimble, innovative lover. You get off on sharing what you know with your bed partner. However, you need to be able to communicate with your lover verbally as well as physically. You like talking about what feels good to you, and you want to be told which moves gratify your partner.


Both sexes born on this day have a sweet tooth. Many canyt resist chocolate. June 1 should understand why craving comes so it can be resisted. There are several categories of chococraver. The first is the Sensuosity Snacker, someone who likes chocolate to accompany sex. Lots of sex equals lots of weight gain. Desperate desire equals a Michelin Man figure. Try peppermints. Try strawberries. Try keeping your mouth shut. The second is the Office Chocohog, who can't get through mid-morning conference without it. The third is the Weekend Wobbler. They indulge at weekends. It speaks for itself.


You respond most readily to a soft, gentle touch, accompanied by seductive verbal enticements. Playful flights of fancy keep your imagination engaged while you indulge in acts of physical pleasure. You might like to try crafting a tale of torrid sexual adventures together with your lover, and then acting out the story you have just created.


Tarons card in the Major Arcana for June 1 is The Magician. Love Magic experts give this card the power of safe judgement in love matters. You will know when it’s safe to trust a new partner.

Reality Check

People seek you out because you’re fun to be with, and there’s never a dull moment when you are around. You particularly enjoy participating in activities that are exciting, unusual, or dangerous. Sameness and routine activities bore you to tears. Consequently, you’re a lot better at starting projects than staying with them.

June 1 Date Share

Marilyn Monroe, probablythe sexiest screen starHollywood ever produced, sadly gave in to despair anddied young. Brigham Young, Mormon leader, founded SaltLake City, had seventeenwives and fifty-six children.Morgan Freeman, handsome, talented, stylishactor. Ron Wood, wild manof the Rolling Stones.Norman Foster, Britisharchitect. John Masefield, British poet laureate.

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