June 20th Excitement Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJune 20, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is avoiding extremes of emotion

☆The way forward is to understand that the only way for you to find any real sense of fulfillment is to temper your reactions with a heavy dose of self-discipline.

The Birthday Of Excitement, The Day Of Ecstatic Appeal

June 20th Excitement Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of June 20th Birthdays

Sun signs: Gemini/Cancer

Ruling planets: Mercury, the communicator/Moon, the intuitive

Symbols: The Twins/The Crab

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: Judgment (responsibility)

Favorable numbers: 2 or 8

Lucky days: Wednesday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, milky white, yellow

Birthstone: Agate

People born on June 20 are affectionate and spontaneous with everyone they meet, because expressing their emotions comes naturally to them. Indifference is something they simply don’t understand since, above all else, these people love and thrive on excitement.

Life is never dull when these popular people are around since everything elicits a passionate reaction from them. They are dramatic, charismatic, outgoing charmers who love to talk and adore being the center of attention. Excellent communication skills and an innovative mind crammed with insights make them vibrant, witty conversationalists. However, because they love excitement, they can sometimes provoke an argument for the sake of it. They can also be a little too needy of praise and if they don’t get the reinforcement they crave, they may respond with attention-seeking or irrational behavior. It is important for them to surround themselves with warm-hearted but level-headed people who can give them the balance they need.

Until the age of thirty there is an emphasis on home, family and emotional security, and they should take advantage of opportunities to find a sense of inner balance. After the age of thirty-one, however, they will become more creative and confident, developing the assertiveness to be more adventurous. If they can get a grip on their passionate responses to situations and their ability to churn up strong emotions in others, these are the years when they can really come into their own.

Although people born on this day can sometimes create fireworks unnecessarily, more often than not they are a positive force. The atmosphere seems lighter when they are around because they help bring out the repressed emotions of others. Excitement and passion seem to follow them wherever they go and they also have considerable intuitive powers, helping them to enchant, persuade and influence others. If they can find a worthy cause and ensure that they occasionally check in with their reason as well as their emotions they can transform their creative and exciting dreams into reality.

☆ On the dark side:Insecure, irrational, hypersensitive

☆ At your best:Dynamic, exciting, rousing

June 20 people have a way of arousing strong emotions and bringing others out.

Exceptional people born on this day can even experience or allow others to experience a loss of rational orientation or a heightened state. Such a state in extreme cases may be trancelike, ecstatic, even hysterical. Powers of ESP, psychic and predictive abilities are not uncommon among June 20 people.

Indeed, those born on this day must guard their rationality. They should periodically examine their logic, for if it is employed to serve purely emotional ends then it may not be reasonable at all. Persuading others, in and of itself, is extremely attractive to many June 20 people. Unfortunately, they may not have the highest tolerance for ideas contrary, or as they see it, threatening, to their own. In fact, some June 20 people wish there to be an unspoken feeling of consensus in their social environment which supports and sympathizes with their often extreme points of view.

No matter how sensible or rational June 20 people appear, there is usually an underlying irrationality in their make-up. Because of this, excitement and emotionality seem to swirl around them. Neither they themselves, nor those with whom they are involved may recognize the fact that much of the excitement, instability and adventure that arises may be a result of forces springing from deep within the June 20 nature. This is not to suggest that the lives of June 20 people need be chaotic or formless. Indeed, to the extent of their "magic" powers, those born on this day are not only capable of arousing emotion but of controlling and directing it as well.

Despite having a profound hold on the feelings of parents, friends, children and others close to them, those born around the time of the summer solstice are often unaware of the extent of their influence. Because of this, suggestions, preferences and wishes may be exchanged on a purely unconscious level. It is incumbent on June 20 people, therefore, no matter how much they would prefer to deny it. to become aware of their power to impact on others, and to direct this power away from wrongdoing.

Although June 20 people are ultra-sensitive to emotion they may not always be sensitive to the concerns of others at any given time. Thus it is important for them to work on promoting in themselves the simple human attributes of kindness, consideration and acceptance, while alleviating the root causes of jealousy, anger or envy. June 20 people must learn to express their emotions in a free-flowing yet moderate manner, and to cultivate a sense of calm internally and externally.

Power Thought:I don’t need a crisis to feel alive,Either forgive or forget

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 20th day of the month are ruled by the number 2 (2+0=2). and by the Moon. Those ruled by the number 2 tend to be gentle and imaginative, easily hurt by the criticism or inattention of others. They may also take offense easily and have a low threshold of irritation. Those ruled by the number 2 are strongly influenced by the Moon and therefore are likely to be impressionable and have mental processes colored by their feelings. This emotionality is further emphasized in June 20 people, since the Moon also rules the approaching sign. Cancer.

June 20th Birthday Tarot Card

The 20th card of the Major Arcana shows The Judgment or Awakening in which people are urged to leave material considerations behind and seek a higher spirituality. The card, depicting an angel blowing a trumpet, signifies that a new day. a day of accountability, is dawning. It is a card which moves us beyond our ego and allows us to glimpse the infinite. The danger is that the trumpet call heralds only exaltation and intoxication, a loss of balance, and indulgence in revels involving the basest instincts. The challenge, again, for June 20 people is in how to express their feelings without being carried away by them.

☆Luck maker:(Stop exaggerating!)Exaggerating only makes you feel more out of your depth and sends other people the wrong signals. Lucky people understand the importance of describing situations as they are and not dramatizing them.

Love Make time for love

You’re drawn to people born on April 21 to May 21:Opposites attract here, as you can learn much from each other, creating a fulfilling and happy union.

People born on June 20 are often so popular that they simply haven’t got time for that special someone. However, once they do fall in love they find the experience incredibly fulfilling and so they should always remain open to the possibility of love. They are drawn toward intelligent and level-headed individuals who can help calm and balance them.

Health Cool, calm and collected

People born on this day tend to attract people and situations into their lives that are stressful and demanding; they need to find out why this is the case. Getting in touch with their own feelings and increasing their depth of self-understanding will help them attract more positive energy. They would benefit enormously from mind-control therapies such as meditation, yoga and counseling. They would also benefit from more quiet time alone thinking, reading or simply being in the moment. As far as diet is concerned, they need to make sure that they structure fixed meal and snack times into their day as this will help ground them. The same applies for their exercise routine; it should be timetabled into their weekly diary. Sticking to regular going-to-bed and rising times is also recommended. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will encourage them to be more cool, calm and collected.

June 20 people can be susceptible to many kinds of emotional and psychological problems, due to their tendency to attract and arouse strong energies in their environment. In order to understand themselves better they may need psychological counseling, although most are not comfortable seeking such help. In any case, strong emotional expression or suppression may wear June 20 people down and can lead to nervousness, anxiety and insomnia. They should make an effort to structure their lives so that their need for uninterrupted sleep and regular meals are met. Like most Cancer-influenced individuals, June 20 people are picky about their food, but should allow their eclectic Gemini tastes to take the lead in broadening food horizons. Only light to moderate physical exercise is recommended.

Career Born investigative journalist

People born on this day have the ability to think on their feet and sense the potential drama or opportunity in a situation; this will make them excellent problem solvers, investigative journalists, politicians, teachers, and researchers. Their easy charm and organizational skills will also help them succeed in people-orientated careers, whether in business or the public sector. Creative outlets are likely to be through the media, theater or music.

Destiny To encourage others to be more open and receptive

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to temper their restlessness and thirst for stimulation with a streak of realism and self-discipline. Once this is achieved, their destiny is to draw people to them with their sympathetic nature, encouraging others to be more open and receptive themselves.

Be aware of your deeper feelings and the effect you may be having on others, keep a cool head; use your brains and express your emotions. Don't try to stuff your feelings down inside—it won't work.

Celebrities Born On June 20th

Nicole Kidman(Australian actress), John Goodman(American actor), Errol Flynn(Australian-American actor),

Jean Marie Le Pen (French ultra-nght politician, lost left eye in election brawl), Enrol Flynn (film actor, idol), Cyndi Lauper (singer, songwriter), Lionel Richie (singer, songwriter), Eric Dolphy (jazz alto saxophonist bass clarinetist, flutist, died at age thirty-six). Audie Murphy (war hero, actor, known for single-handedly killing more enemy soldiers than any other WWII infantryman), Bnan Wilson (Beach Boy's songwriter, singer, record producer), Chet Atkins (country-western guitarist, singer, songwriter, producer of Elvis, credited with creating Nashville sound), Stephen Frears (British film director, The Hit). Olympia Dukakis (film actress, director, sister of Michael), Danny Aiello (stage, film, TV actor), Lillian Hellman (playwright), George T. Delacorte (publisher, philanthropist), Jacques Offenbach (French operetta composer, cancan music writer), Martin Landau (stage, film, TV actor, director, producer, writer), Catherine Cookson (British popular romance writer). Tadashi Suzuki (Japanese theater director, producer. Toga Theater builder, founder Japan Performing Arts center. What Theater /s). Len Dawson (football quarterback, led Kansas Oty Chiefs to Super Bowl victory [MVP]. 3x NFL passing leader). Kurt Schwitters (German dada painter, sculptor), Dons J. Hart (tennis player, Wimbledon, 2x US Open champion)

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