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June 20th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 20, 2024

Sometimes the sense of unreality is so overwhelming it causes a range of reactions from nerves to panic attacks. Try a few drops of Rescue Remedy in a glass of water. Many people swear by the calming effect.

Sun Sign: Gemini/Mercury

Decanate: Gemini/Uranus; Numbers: 2, 8

June 20th Birthday Love Astrology

There may be magic in the eyes and hands of this character, but is it the black sort or the white? Sometimes June 20 is irrational and emotional and in both sexes there's an underlying instability which most grow out of in adolescence. But if they are mishandled in childhood - not loved enough - the crackle in the air around June 20 becomes as dangerous as a faulty electric cable. They wear charisma like a tailor-made cloak. No man or woman can resist the magnetic force field and nobody can feel neutral about this person.

At work they may seduce their way to the top. Both sexes use flattering trickery to get on, happily doing Christmas shopping for a boss, much better and more imaginatively than he would. Both sexes will also enhance the personal diary of anybody who can help them get on, procuring treasured theatre tickets, delivering and fetching clothes from the dry cleaners. If they could sit on the lavatory for their boss, you know they would.

At parties they flit from one to another, their eyes constantly flickering towards the door in a desperate search for someone they are afraid to miss. Yet all the while June 20 is the one with the magic and the sadness is that uncertainty, that old instability of judgement, makes them unaware of it. Once master of these personal powers, however, they make exciting leaders with a force field everybody wants to get inside. In this situation, the almost visionary powers of this individual radiate.

June 20 is ultra sensitive to emotion and extremely empathetic. Sometimes they use these qualities so well that they really do seem to create magic. Their generous character traits usually mean they use these powers to do good. But a few are born without concern for others, and this may emphasise the dark side of their star. These people can be destructive.

In Love

Partnership and sharing are vital to your happiness and well-being. Although too much intimacy can make you uncomfortable, a loving romantic union gives you a necessary sense of security. When you’re involved with someone you care about, you are generally loyal and dependable. However, you thrive on mental stimulation and may become quickly bored with a lover who has nothing to say. At times you tend to blow hot and cold in an intimate relationship. You want the love that family life provides, yet you also require the freedom to pursue your own dreams, plans, and ideas.

In Bed

A lover with a deep appreciation for the joys of the flesh, you make a very desirable bedmate. You may not be among the most adventurous of the Gemini lovers, but you are one of the most sensual. Unlike some members of your Sun sign, during foreplay you take the time to linger over each touch or kiss until it works its intended magic. Your quirky sense of humor and witty banter adds a light touch to your passionate lovemaking.


This individual is vulnerable to upset stomachs, making him or her nervous of travel or indeed, just going out. Observe key hygiene rules in the kitchen, to ensure that you are eating safely. Keep all work surfaces scrupulously clean and wash all utensils and chopping boards after they have come into contact with raw meat, poultry or eggs, to prevent cross-contamination. Wash hands before preparing food. Wash all fruit and vegetables. Leave washing-up to drain. It's more hygienic than using a tea-towel, although a dishwasher is best. Remember to defrost the fridge regularly and dont overload it or leave the door open for long.


Although basically stable yourself, you are fascinated by the idea of engaging in sexual activities that are wildly out of character. Any role-playing game that allows you to substitute a bit of naughty for a lot of nice is a guaranteed turn-on. In expressing your curiosity through play-acting with your beloved, you indulge your most exotic desires.


Sometimes the sense of unreality is so overwhelming it causes a range of reactions from nerves to panic attacks. Try a few drops of Rescue Remedy in a glass of water. Many people swear by the calming effect.

Reality Check

You like things to be safe and serene, yet you crave change and diversity.

A practical intellectual, your versatility and originality manifest most often on a mental plane. Emotionally, however, you flip back and forth. With your mind in control, you are flexible, logical, and somewhat detached. But you become extraordinarily stubborn and intractable when your feelings take over.

June 20 Date Share

John Goodman, American actor who makes fat sexy. Jacques Offenbach, French operetta music and cancan composer. Jean-Marie Le Pen, French ultra-right politician. Cyndi Lauper, singer, songwriter. Lionet Richie, singer, songwriter.Catherine Cookson, British popular romance writer.

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