June 21st Rhapsody Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJune 21, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is not to become obsessive about your interests

☆The way forward is to understand that sometimes when you throw yourself into things too deeply you lose a sense of perspective, excitement and enjoyment.

The Birthday Of Rhapsody, The Day Of Worldly Rapture

June 21st Rhapsody Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of June 21st Birthdays

Sun signs: Gemini/Cancer

Ruling planets: Mercury the communicator/Moon, the intuitive

Symbols: The Twins/The Crab

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the speculator

Tarot card: The World (fulfillment)

Favorable numbers: 3 or 9

Lucky days: Wednesday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Orange, lilac, purple

Birthstone: Agate

People born on June 21 tend to be intense, exciting and sensual individuals. Born on the longest and perhaps most magical day of the year, they are gregarious, sociable and relentlessly busy. They love every aspect of their lives with rarely the time to meet all their goals.

Fiercely individualistic, they detest pigeonholing of any kind and believe they can be a sex symbol, researcher, athlete, devoted parent, and talented artist all at the same time. Since it is almost impossible to achieve so much in one lifetime, they run the risk of driving themselves and others to exhaustion. They would not have it any other way, so determined are they to experience all the riches the world has to offer. They have terrific enthusiasm and determination to exceed, giving them the power and momentum not just to overcome obstacles but to grow stronger after surmounting them.

These highly sensual people take great delight in all that the world has to offer but they are not only devoted to physical and material pleasures; their thoughts and feelings are intense and passionate too. The big danger is that they can go to extremes, losing themselves in a world of sensation or obsession; they need to learn greater self-control. Until the age of thirty they may focus on emotional security, home and family, and they need to make sure they don’t become too dictatorial and impatient with others. After the age of thirty they become more creative and confident, developing the assertiveness to be more adventurous. If they can learn to keep a sense of balance and focus, these are the years when they will realize that they can have it all—just not all at once.

Their inexhaustible thirst for adventure and external stimuli makes them not only interested but also extremely interesting individuals. Blessed with natural charisma, if they can learn to develop their introspective gifts of empathy and understanding, and avoid becoming obsessive about what excites them, their capacity for original and creative thought gives them genius potential.

☆ On the dark side:Excessive, dictatorial, extreme

☆ At your best:Sensual, exciting, intense

Those born on June 21 are obsessed with life, with every aspect of existence. Whether intellectuals or sensualists, aristocratic or plebian, they thirst after the experiences of the world, and those who live in developed countries often come to symbolize all that is best and worst about modern capitalist society. Not infrequently they are money-wise, even brilliant with family or company finances. Extremely success-oriented, they have a tendency to become autocratic and tolerate little departure from their own ethical codes. The fact that June 21 marks the summer solstice, the longest day and shortest night of the year, symbolizes the rich worldly nature of this day.

Even June 21 intellectuals tend to be very sensual, sexually-oriented beings. No matter how cynical, ironic, or logical June 21 people may be, they can still be slaves to a private life of passionate love. Thus, many highly evolved June 21 people live in a rapturous state where they revel in the pleasures of the mind and the flesh. Indeed, their thoughts are passionate and their lovemaking artful, even thoughtful. These are some of the few people in the year for whom physical and mental matters are truly integrated and pursued avidly and uncompromisingly.

Needless to say, June 21 people are very intense. Either they themselves are thought beautiful and attractive to others or they are extremely attracted to physical beauty. In either case, a kind of Beauty and the Beast dynamic is frequently at work.

In their enthusiasm and drive to succeed, June 21 people surmount whatever obstacles stand in their way. Their personality seems to work a kind of magic on others, and they often occupy a key position in their family, social circle or professional life. Those born on this day would make excellent politicians, were it not that they so often find themselves at odds with the prevailing social system.

June 21 people must, of course, beware of going beyond the pale in regard to their passions— be they for criticism, ideas, sex or social involvement. They may find themselves involved in a world where anything is allowed—eaten up by their egos, destroyed by their sensuality, obsessed by their interests.

Addictive types, those born on this day are frequently workaholics and therefore carrying on normal personal relationships can be difficult, if not impossible. They can be highly demanding, making it hard for their mates, friends and children to relate to them. A quest for spirituality may be the only path that frees them from worldly concerns.

Power Thought:Every moment contains an opportunity for me to feel inspired,William Blake said, "The road of excess leads to the Palace of Wisdom. " This may be true—but will the traveler arrivt ?

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 21th day of the month are ruled by the number 3 (2+1=3), and by the expansive planet Jupiter. Those ruled by the number 3 are often ambitious, even dictatorial. The optimistic influence of Jupiter and combined influence of Mercury (Gemini's ruler) and the Moon (Cancer's ruler) may make those born on June 21 impractical, superficial and overly expansive. Particularly men born on this day love style and will not hesitate to spend good money to present a dazzling appearance. In keeping with this fact, the number 21 has marked associations with physical beauty.

June 21st Birthday Tarot Card

The 21st card of the Major Arcana is The World, which depicts a goddess running while holding energy-giving rods. She surmounts the world and displays the truth; she has unlimited power. This card symbolizes all that is attainable on the earthly plane. Although reward and integrity are assured, traditionally the card can also indicate monumental obstacles and setbacks of fortune, as well as negative traits of distraction and self-pity.

☆Luck maker:(Minimize addiction)An addiction is a demand that makes you feel angry or fearful when it is not met. Creating luck is about having preferences and doing what it takes to get them satisfied, without getting totally attached to them.

Love Don’t set the bar too high

You’re drawn to people born on October 24 to November 23:You are adventurous, intelligent and fascinating individuals, and this can be an intense and magical union.

People born on June 21 are often highly sensual and will attract many admirers. They do, however, set themselves extremely high standards when it comes to potential partners, and this can make them dictatorial and controlling. They need to stop looking for perfection because it does not exist and appreciate the qualities that make others special.

Health Look within

People born on this day will often take things to extremes and push themselves rather hard so they need to make sure they have a more balanced and moderate approach to life. Addictive behavior is a concern and they should guard against this. They would benefit enormously from meditation, cognitive therapy or counseling, as well as more time spent with family and friends to give them a sense of healthy perspective. As far as diet is concerned, they should steer clear of alcohol and limit their intake of sugar, salt, processed and refined foods, although they should avoid extreme dietary measures as eating disorders are a potential risk. Moderate to mild exercise, preferably in the fresh air, is recommended. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to look within for comfort and a sense of fulfillment.

June 21 people can be consumed by their desires and passions, and therefore must guard against burnout. Pacing themselves is the key. In addition, if any of one of their activities assumes an addictive cast it can crowd out everything else in their life, and require higher and higher "doses" to satisfy them. This kind of activity can lead to sociopathic behavior, or at least to alienation from family and friends. A vegetarian or semi-vegetarian diet, on the mild side rather than spicy, with an emphasis on grains and root vegetables, will help keep June 21 people grounded. Only very moderate physical exercise is recommended. Workaholics must beware of stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as other secondary stress-related ailments such as lung disease resulting from smoking, or cirrhosis of the liver from alcohol.

Career Born reformers

Whatever career these people choose they will have a need to express their creativity. They also need jobs that offer them variety, travel and human contact. Often humanitarian by nature, they may be drawn to education, counseling, healing, or social reform. Their love of knowledge may also attract them to law, religion and philosophy. Usually good with their hands, they may excel in design, and with their communication skills they may make excellent writers, journalists, advertisers, presenters, and promoters.

Destiny To share their vision and intensity with others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to avoid excessive extremes and to cooperate with others. Once they have learned this, their destiny is to make their mark on the world by sharing their vision and their intensity with others.

Don't let your ego run away with you. If you allow yourself freedom, what about everyone else? Let each person have their due; don't be so overwhelming and controlling. Keep your appetite for pleasures and enjoyments appropriate to the occasion. Maintain your poise.Allow yourself to vegetate occasionally.

Celebrities Born On June 21st

Juliette Lewis(American actress), Jane Russell(American actress), Prince William(Duke of Cambridge),

Jean-Paul Sartre (French existentialist philosopher, novelist, playwright, No Exit, declined Nobel Prize). Benazir Bhutto (Pakistani president, first woman to head a Moslem country), Francoise Sagan (French novelist, bonpur Tristesse), Mary McCarthy (novelist, critic, Memories of a Catholic Girlhood), Maurice Saatchi (advertising executive, financial wizard), Carl Stokes (Cleveland mayor, TV newscaster, lawyer), Remhold Niebuhr (German Protestant theologian, Nature and Destiny of Man), Rockwell Kent (painter, illustrator), Norman Cousins (editor, Saturday Review), jane Russell (film actress, sex symbol), Judy Holliday (stage, film actress, comedienne), Nils Lofgren (singer, guitarist keyboardist), William A. Shea (lawyer, namesake of Shea Stadium, brought baseball back to New York), Arnold Gesell (child psychologist, founder Yale Child Study Center, writer, Mental Growth of the Pre-School Child), James Short (British maker of the reflecting telescope), Robert B. Stacy- Judd (architect), Gerald Kaufman (British Labour shadow secretary). John O'Neukk (Pulitzer Pnze-winnmg journalist writer. Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla), Adele Simmons (president MacArthur Foundation). Pnnce William (British royalty)

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