June 21st Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onJune 21, 2024

There isn’t a single shift that has to do with achievement. It has to do with finding that balance between being happy with what you’re achieving and what you’re not.

Nature’s power to grow, even in unlikely places, will inspire me

June 21st Birthday Horoscope

You were born on June 21st

To a certain extent, you tend to feel responsible for others, for their happiness, for whether they’re enjoying life. This isn’t something you think about. It’s natural, and it’s a wonderful quality. However, the challenge for you is recognizing when you feel responsible, when actually, you’re meant to be encouraging them to look after their own interests.

And equally, it’s time for you to focus on what you need. In some cases, this is time for yourself. In other cases, it’s pursuing what’s important to you, whether it’s a hobby or an activity, or simply being able to be alone. For you, joy—true joy—comes from within. You know this, but you don’t always give yourself the gift of time to share that for yourself, and the balance between what you want to give to others and the gift of that time for yourself is one of the most important gifts for you in life.

Once you begin to recognize that, you’ll also have a clearer sense of what you need to do to bring joy in your life. You may have a job or even activities at home that are rewarding, but the important thing is for you to seek out that single passion that lifts your spirits, that you look forward to. It may be one thing. It may be a number of things. It may evolve. But the most important thing is, it’s entirely yours.

You and others

You are a natural diplomat, but that isn’t always the best way for you to deal with those around you. Being persuasive is one thing, but there are times when either frank discussions or getting others to just talk about their own issues openly is what is most important. That is the big lesson.

Health and well-being

When it comes to health and well-being, your tendency is to think that you can be either self-indulgent or austere. However, there is something in between that has to do with being able to enjoy each day and find activities that make you happy. It may be a walk. It may be exercising. It may be indulging yourself in eating something, or eating less. Whatever it is, it’s finding it that’s important.

Goals and challenges

There isn’t a single shift that has to do with achievement. It has to do with finding that balance between being happy with what you’re achieving and what you’re not.


For a long time you’ve managed to keep one particularly tricky issue under wraps. It hasn’t been easy, but you’ve felt strongly that this was nobody else’s business. Now it is and, in fact, you’ll need to ensure that certain individuals are aware of the full facts, including why you’ve said nothing until now.

Zodiac Sign

Cancer: JUNE 20 – JULY 21

Ruler: The Moon

Symbol: The Crab

Element: Water

Flower: Lily

The only sign ruled by the Moon, Cancer accents cycles —both nature’s rhythms, especially the oceans and tides, and those in our lives. The symbol, the crab, is linked to water, as are your sign’s flowers: the lily and the lotus. Your herbs are aromatic, tarragon and verbena, and your tree is the maple. Your jewel, the pearl, not only comes from the sea, it mirrors the Moon’s form.

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