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June 21st Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 21, 2024

Counteract your flashes of anger by taking a few moments away from any stress which is revvingthe mind. No need to walkaway, just think yourself awayto a favourite place with happymemories.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Moon; Numbers: 3, 9

June 21st Birthday Love Astrology

This is another highly sexed date, but there is nothing frivolous about these individuals and they seek a mate with similar intellectual tastes to themselves. June 21 likes to hang out with close friends, happiest sitting in a pub or club, drinking, flirting and above all talking, far into the night.

Revolutionary thinking is a powerful characteristic. The Tarot is important here, because the 21st card of the Major Arcana is The World, which shows a goddess running, and holding energy-giving rods. She has unlimited power, and in her lies truth. Those born on this day are famously seekers of truth, will not accept conventional ideas until they be re-examined, and may strive to live their own lives by a new set of truths.

Some people show extreme bravery and strength of purpose, whether they simply choose to live in a way others condemn, or to overturn corruption and tyranny. An unfortunate few can be tedious, spotting non-existent problems, and being so studiedly unconventional that everybody gives a sigh of relief when they are gone.

Their sensuosity can also be a pain in the metaphorical bum. Not everybody wants to spend the whole time talking about sex, then doing it, then talking about it some more. And not everybody wants to experiment, preferring to make love in the old, pleasurable, ordinary ways that have delighted humans since the stars first sparkled down on them. June 21 can't understand this and is given to outbursts about other people's prudery.

They are at their best working in teams, where their energy and direct thinking make them excellent leaders. In a more creative, solitary life, they can be extremely content and self-confident. They are often not so good in areas where they have to deal with other people's problems. They can be dictatorial and get nasty if those in their care, for instance, fail to take their advice.

In Love

Sociable, warmhearted, and gregarious, you have many lively friends and acquaintances. In an intimate union, you are intuitive, perceptive, and caring. Naturally loving and affectionate, you want and need a stable romantic relationship in your life. A many-faceted, interesting person yourself, you are seeking a partner with whom you can share your numerous interests.

Despite your innate loyalty, if you get tired of a love relationship, you could decide to give up and move on. Although your significant other might tire of dealing with your emotional peaks and valleys, he or she will never find you dull or boring.

In Bed

You are a sensitive lover with a powerful need to establish a strong emotional link with your mate. Initially you approach your partner with caution, at least until you are sure that your feelings are returned. Along with your wit and sparkling conversation, you bring tenderness, warmth, and generosity to your bedroom frolicking. Although you are passionate and sensual, you’re also fun loving. You enjoy sex, and you’re as interested in having a good time in bed as everywhere else.


The intense work ethic of June21 often produces tired eyes, especially working on acomputer. Take care of your eyesby looking at colour, inparticular go out and look at thecolours in nature. Walk throughthe countryside, or into a gardenand study the flowers. Yellow, orange and red are warmingand stimulating. The flow ofblood to the eye is activated bystudying these colours. Green isharmonising, which is why youfeel good near lush vegetationand trees. Blue, violet andmagenta are relaxing. All ofthem de-stress your nervoussystem and make you see better.


Nothing turns you on like a romantic getaway. You prefer intimate and charming to elegant and luxurious. You’re happy in a picturesque country inn or quaint bed and breakfast. You truly love the strolls along the beach and drives out in the country, but it’s the sensual lovemaking in the cozy old-fashioned bed that really gets your juices flowing.


Counteract your flashes of anger by taking a few moments away from any stress which is revvingthe mind. No need to walkaway, just think yourself awayto a favourite place with happymemories.

Reality Check

When your emotions and intellect work together, each balances the other.

However, frequent mood swings and mind changes make it difficult for you to decide whether to follow your head or your heart. If either your mind or your feelings gain the upper hand, the resulting nervous tension can make you feel anxious.

June 21 Date Share

Gerald Kaufman, British Labour MR Benazir Bhutto, Pakistani president, firstwoman to head a Muslimcountry. Françoise Sagan, French novelist Bonjour Tristesse. Jean-Paul Sartre, French existentialist thinker, refused Nobel Prize. PrinceWilliam, son of the Princeand Princess of Wales.

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