June 22nd Breathless Anticipation Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJune 22, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is dealing with disillusionment

☆The way forward is to understand that disappointment is likely if you credit others with qualities that they do not actually possess, so don’t place unrealistic demands on yourself or others.

The Birthday Of Breathless Anticipation, The Day Of Romantic Exaltation

June 22nd Breathless Anticipation Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of June 22nd Birthdays

Sun signs: Cancer/Gemini

Ruling planets: Moon, the intuitive/Mercury, the communicator

Symbols: The Crab/The Twins

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: The Fool (freedom)

Favorable numbers: 1, 4

Lucky days: Monday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 4 of the month

Lucky colors: Silver, white, chrome

Birthstone: Pearl

The romantic, affectionate and sensitive individuals born on June 22 tend to greet each new day, however ordinary, with breathless anticipation. For them every day is an optimistic new beginning where anything could happen; their imagination infuses everyday events and situations with excitement and potential.

Whether or not they realize it, people born on this day are constantly seeking their personal nirvana, be it the perfect love affair, lifestyle or a combination of both. Although they can be practical and will often excel in their careers, personal happiness typically takes precedence over professional success because they feel that if they have the love of a soul mate they can achieve virtually anything. Finding true love is therefore of paramount importance to their emotional and professional well-being, and they may sometimes pick unusual partners.

Until the age of thirty they focus on security, and if they don’t marry young they may prefer to stay at home or build up a network of supportive friends. After the age of thirty, however, they will usually gain in confidence and perform with skill in their chosen field. In their middle years, if they have not already used the powerful energies of their birthday, they will get another opportunity to achieve success.

Although they can keep romance alive long after the routine of daily life has stripped away much of its mystery, they do need to look at the surface as well as the depths of the people they are attracted to. If they don’t keep their feet on the ground by listening to other people’s perceptions, they may find that they are left feeling isolated in their fantasy world and doomed to disappointment in love. However, such is their zest for life and enthusiasm for intellectual and sensory stimulation that they will not stay down for long, finding consolation in their professional interests, friends, hobbies, and, of course, their belief that today may just be the day when something or someone wonderful enters their lives.

☆ On the dark side:Naïve, dreamy, confused

☆ At your best:Imaginative, sensitive, romantic

June 22 people are overtly or covertly taken up with life as romance, as adventure. They are drawn to the drama of life and find it very difficult to resist the temptation of an exciting journey, an intriguing situation or hidden love affair. Overtly romantic June 22 people wear their heart on their sleeve—the adventuresomeness they cherish is fully public.

The covert romantic finds the hiding of a secret the most romantic and special act of all.

Covert types are often quiet and shy, with a lovely soft demeanor. "No one shall know but I how I feel" may describe their attitude.

Those born on this day exalt passion and experience to the highest plane. When they are in love or in search of a new adventure they are no longer fully in touch with the mundane world. (When they are not in such a state they are remarkably practical at attending to daily matters. Both men and women born on this day can be excellent homemakers, for example.) The highs June 22 people feel are truly as intense as religious or drug experiences.

Unfortunately, their lows may be equally weighty and deep, and consequently they may suffer anxiety and depression. After several disappointments, those born on this day may begin to steel themselves to the world and to close off to their lovers by becoming more covert in their motives and actions. The danger is that as the years pass they will increasingly isolate themselves in a dreamworld where they infuse memories with a still greater romance than they once did the actual events in their lives.

June 22 people rarely realize how heavy their need is to control their emotional environment.

In their own mind they are at the mercy of their feelings. But for example, by telling someone they love them, or even by thinking it repeatedly, they can be exercising dominance and claiming the loved one. In the same way, their fantasy life can manifest as a very real entity to the extent that such thoughts have real power over their objects.

Many born on this day sail along on an uncharted course of desires or fantasy, searching always for the next exalted state (albeit unreal). More highly developed June 22 people will eventually wish to gather in their ego and develop a higher form of consciousness. It is only through practice of a higher awareness, that is, simply observing what is happening around and inside them moment to moment, that June 22 people can stop endlessly repeating themselves.

As mentioned, the power of a June 22 person's projected emotions is usually so strong that those around them immediately sense what is expected of them and what is forbidden.

In both setting up invisible boundaries and leaving invisible doors ajar, those born on this day are able to exert a strong influence on loved ones.

Power Thought:I already have all the wisdom and power I will ever need,If not in this lifetime then in the next

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 22th day of the month are ruled by the number 4 (2+2=4). and by the planet Uranus, which is both erratic and explosive. People ruled by the number 4 are highly individual. Because they so often take a minority point of view with great self-assurance, they may arouse antagonism and make enemies, perhaps secret ones. June 22 people are usually taken up with personal concerns and emotional matters (emphasized by the Moon's rulership of Cancer). Since 22 is a double number, along with 1 1 the only possibility for a double number date, people born on the 11 th and 22nd days of any month may develop an interest in twins. coincidences, symmetry and various other doubles.

June 22nd Birthday Tarot Card

The 22nd card of the Major Arcana is The Fool, who in several versions of the Tarot is shown blithely stepping over the edge of a cliff. Some interpretations picture him as a foolish man who has given up his reason, others a highly spiritualized being free of material considerations. Positive meanings include renouncing resistance and following instincts freely; foolishness, impulsiveness and annihilation are the negative aspects. The highly evolved Fool has followed life's path, experienced its lessons, and become one with his/her own vision.

☆Luck maker:(The power is within you)Lucky people understand that ultimate fulfillment can never be found in the perfect relationship or lifestyle. True fulfillment can only come from within.

Love Affectionate and attractive

You’re drawn to people born on September 24 to October 23:You are energetic and exciting individuals with a love of beauty, and this can create an intense and fabulous union.

Since they are often affectionate and attractive individuals, people born on June 22 rarely have trouble attracting potential partners. There is a danger, however, that some of them will remain unsatisfied because their romantic visions are too unrealistic or because the intensity of their emotions frightens off potential partners who feel they can not live up to the ideal personality projected on them.

Health Serious thinking

Serious illnesses tend to creep up on people born on this day without anyone noticing until they have slumped into a profound depression or become so stressed that they simply can’t function. It is therefore important for them to make sure that they make plenty of opportunities for rest and relaxation and don’t burn the candle at both ends. They may be prone to digestive disorders, anemia and lowered vitality. Boosting the intake of iron in their diet, switching to low fat, cutting down on saturated fat and dairy products, and getting plenty of bone-strengthening exercise, such as walking and swimming, will help get them back on track. And because they also need to guard against emotional insecurity with objectivity and rational thinking, wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will help them when they want to appear cool or need some time out to do some serious thinking.

June 22 people must be attentive to their skin, as they may be prone to eruptions of the face and upper body. Allergies in general often plague those born on this day. Since most June 22 people have an equally sensitive digestive system, they may have adverse reactions to changes in their diet. Because they are picky about what they eat and their likes and dislikes may change fairly often, it is best if they prepare their own food on a regular basis As tar as exercise is concerned, only moderate activity such as walking or swimming is recommended. As Cancerians, June 22 people are susceptible to bronchitis and other lung difficulties, so they should go easy on phlegm-producing dairy products

Career Born designers

The sensitivity of people born on this day suits them well for careers in the arts where they can live their fantasies, and they may be drawn to writing, music or the theater. Other careers that appeal include interior design, photography, film-making, counseling, medical or alternative health, education, social work, and law.

Destiny To bring happiness to those around them

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to see the world not just from their point of view but from the point of view of others. Once they are able to be more realistic in their assessment of people and situations, their destiny is to use their imagination, sensitivity and boundless enthusiasm for life to bring happiness to those around them and to the world at large.

Recognize the projective power of your fantasies. Beware of jealous) and possessiveness; leam to let go. When you lose, admit defeat gracefully and move on. gaining from the experience.

Celebrities Born On June 22nd

Meryl Streep(American actress), Kris Kristofferson(American singer-songwriter and actor), Cyndi Lauper(American singer-songwriter),

Meryl Streep (film actress), Erich Mana Remarque (German-Jewish novelist. All Quiet on the Western Front), Billy Wilder (German-bom master film director, Sunset Boulevard, Some Like It Hot), Kris Knstofferson (singer, guitarist songwriter, film actor, Golden Gloves boxer, Rhodes scholar, US Army captain, helicopter pilot), H. Rider Haggard (British novelist King Solomon's Mines, forty adventure-love-supematural novels), Joseph Papp (off- Broadway producer, director, founder New York Shakespeare festival, Public Theater), Mike Todd (Broadway, Hollywood producer, Liz Taylor husband, killed in plane crash), John Dillinger (gangster, public enemy #1, gunned down), Jack Delinger (body builder, Mr. America, Mr. Universe), Klaus Mana Brandauer (Austrian film, stage, TV actor, director), Anne Morrow Lindbergh (pilot writer, Gift from the Sea, mother of kidnapped baby Daisy), Carl Hubbell (New York Giants baseball pitcher, first knucklebailer, 2x MVP, Hall of Famer, struck out Ruth, Gehrig, Foxx, Simmons, Cronin in succession in 1934 All-Star Game). Diane Feinstein (US senator, California, San Francisco mayor), Ed Bradley (broadcast journalist, 60 Minutes, 3x Emmy winner).

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