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June 22nd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 22, 2024

It's very easy for this person to feel low, and the best cure is creativity. Ideally choose to work with colour or music, both of which have well-recorded soothing, healing powers for both mind and body.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Moon; Numbers: 1, 4

June 22nd Birthday Love Astrology

Romantic June 22 often gets carried away by a need for intensity. They fear boredom unless something amazing is happening most days. Such ethereal creatures always delight in surprises, often unconsciously demand them and lovers frequently try too hard to please. June 22 may be a thrilling sex bomb, but partners know that their blow-hot, blow-cold birth date, born on the Gemini-Cancer cusp, can have the attention span of a tadpole.

Some provide their own adventures. The entertainment industry nourishes their thirst for theatrical life and provides the highs and lows which give this drama queen a buzz. In the countryside, expect to find fireworky June 22 sorting a major community project. (Most don't like minor occasions; only those with the Canceremini solitary streak.) Some people have a logical streak and those who do like to organise such things as voyages or expeditions, where there's just a smidgeonette of danger.

Food will be planned carefully, nothing heavy, nothing starchy, but delicacies cooked with fruits and unusual spices.

Don't be cross if June 22 gives you a lump of rock for your birthday rather than expensive toys. Don't chuck it in the garden. Put it on the mantelpiece. To this individual a piece of quartz found on the beach is lovelier than any man-made thing. And cheaper. June 22 ain't a big spender. But beyond that, this imaginative creature takes pride in knowing where, in every country, certain semi- and semi-semi-semi-precious stones can be found lying about for the picking. In Scotland there'll be amethysts on your beach and sparkling pieces of fools' gold in Texas.

Some of these characters suffer bouts of depression which may be lightened by the affection of friends and a new enthusiasm. Those with acute feelings of sadness frequently flirt with professional magic and magicians, which is fine, but they should beware their natural attraction to the occult, which can sometimes prove overwhelming.

In Love

If ever there was a paradox, the individual born on this date is it. In a romantic relationship, no one in the zodiac sends out signals that are more confusing. In the blink of an eye you can change from outgoing and protective of others to withdrawn and self-protective. Basically loving and nurturing, you can also be extremely possessive. You have a terrific sense of humor about everything except your own foibles. Like most crabs, you are extremely touchy. When your feelings are hurt (which happens quite frequently), you retreat into your shell, often refusing to come out until your bad mood passes.

In Bed

Passionate on one hand and affectionate and tender on the other, in the bedroom you are enough of a sexual athlete to gratify your partner completely. However, you’re inherently conventional and not really comfortable with sexual experimentation. A genuine romantic, you don’t give your heart away easily. You prefer keeping your feelings under wraps until certain they are reciprocated. Consequently, you may require a little extra encouragement in the bedroom to help you overcome your fear of rejection.


Food related allergies can be a plague for this date. If the allergy is severe a doctor should be consulted. Minor allergic reactions can be tracked at home. Bad digestion, water retention and irritable skin can easily result from the delicious take-away mealy if the restaurant is using too much monosodium glutamate. Chocolate causes rashes and headaches in some people and so can tomatoes. The list is endless and very personal. Watch carefully what you eat and any consistently bad effects. If it's a favourite, cut it down slightly until you reach a tolerance level if there is one. Otherwise, eliminate.


Where lovemaking is concerned, you cannot be rushed or coerced. You need to be wooed before you are won. A wonderfully sensual, old-fashioned sweetheart, you like to kiss and cuddle. You enjoy romantic movies, candlelit dinners, strolling hand in hand in the rain, dreamy evenings on the beach, and nights of love in front of a blazing fireplace.


It's very easy for this person to feel low, and the best cure is creativity. Ideally choose to work with colour or music, both of which have well-recorded soothing, healing powers for both mind and body.

Reality Check

Generous and loyal to a fault, you are always there when needed. But, when you perform a service for a friend or relative, you want to do it your way and on your own terms. You never once stop to think that others may resent your proprietary attitude or consider you overly bossy.

June 22 Date Share

Meryl Streep, Hollywood actress. Erich Maria Remarque, German-Jewish novelist, All Quiet On The Western Front. Bill Blass, American dress designer and society darling. H Rider Haggard, British novelist, King Solomon's Mines.

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