June 23rd Improver Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJune 23, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is resisting the tendency to gossip

☆The way forward is to understand that if someone has told you something in confidence, you should resist the urge to share that information; it’s not your information to share.

The Birthday Of The Improver, The Day Of Interpersonal Enchantment

June 23rd Improver Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of June 23rd Birthdays

Sun signs: Cancer/Gemini

Ruling planets: Moon, the intuitive/Mercury, the communicator

Symbols: The Crab/The Twins

Birth date ruler: Mercury the communicator

Tarot card: The Hierophant (reflection)

Favorable numbers: 2, 5

Lucky days: Monday and Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 5 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, white, silver blue

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on June 23 tend to be highly sensitive and loving individuals who yearn to make the world around them a more beautiful place. With the vision of a peaceful world to inspire them, they devote their energy and intelligence to identifying areas that need improvements and then improving them.

They are extremely interested in the lives of others and are eager to help them in any way, be it emotionally, financially or practically. Not surprisingly they place great value on interpersonal relationships, treating both loved ones and strangers with great respect, consideration and warmth. Unfortunately, in their eagerness to connect with others they tend to become interfering and to repeat confidences. Although this is never done with malicious intent, it can make them appear untrustworthy, which they are not.

Up to the age of twenty-nine, they will be concerned with their home, family and their own emotional security; but after the age of thirty they are likely to be drawn into public situations which require them to be strong and confident. These are the years when they are likely to come into their own, realizing their dreams of improving the world in some way by enriching it with artistic endeavors or by bringing greater harmony, compassion and peace within human relationships.

They don’t just love to study other people; they also love to share their ideas about how life can be improved in some way. Some of these ideas may be particularly wacky, especially those about love and sex, but generally such is their insight and charisma that others often find their lives improved or changed after spending time with them because they have an ability to make others feel secure and loved. They should, however, resist the tendency to pry uninvited into the affairs of others; but once they are able to be more discreet and open-minded, they have the creative potential and the practicality to implement their romantic ideals and to effect not just their own emotional fulfillment, but the happiness of all they meet.

☆ On the dark side:Unreliable, unrealistic, over-involved

☆ At your best:Devoted, enchanting, altruistic

Those born on June 23 are often taken up with love relationships, either those of others or their own. Indeed they value a close relationship with their mate above all else and do everything they can to enchant the other party or to be super-appreciative of their charms. It is the intensely magnetic feelings of being in love which so mesmerize these people. Added magic is given to this day through the fact that June 23 is often celebrated as Midsummer's Eve. If students of love, those born on this day want to know the motivations of people in seeking each other out, what they are like physically, and every detail about their intimacies. Such a study does not imply voyeurism, but neither does it rule it out.

Relationships, of course, are the stuff of most people's lives but when it comes to the intensity of one-on-one romantic relationships. June 23 people are hard to match. Yet. it is not only their emotions that direct them but the entire social context of the affair. Those born on this day tend to be very much a part of society in both their interests and lifestyle.

Therefore, they are rarely found running off to the woods with their mate. They are not shy about sharing the news of their love with others and they enjoy the social benefits society has to offer couples. Unless their religion demands it, however, whether they are married or not is of no great importance to them, as the state's legal approval means little.

June 23 people are drawn to the enchantment of art, music and literature. It is always the splendid characters, the magical themes or orchestration, the enchanting colors and shapes which attract them. The arts often occupy a central position in their lives, as they are highly appreciative listeners, viewers and readers. Indeed, those born on this day frequently find such fascination in a character from a novel or an actor on the screen that it can temporarily replace feelings for their loved one.

Of course June 23 people must live in the mundane world as well, and they generally do so with equanimity. They are quite practical in running a household, and attending to the important daily tasks of life. But. of course, they never give the same energy to these matters which they grant to magical and magnetic affairs.

Those born on June 23 who study human relationships categorize and arrange information in their minds. They love to share their ideas, and have many wild and wacky theories about love and sex. They must guard against a tendency to be indiscreet and gossipy about what they know, and should avoid prying into the affairs of others. Yet this is difficult for them to manage, so avid are they in their interest. The students of love born on this day must beware of envy. Those deeply involved in relationships must guard against feelings of hatred and jealousy, if things fall apart.

Power Thought:I think the best of others and spread nothing but the joy of life,In the realms of love, the power of choice is jidly revealed

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 23th day of the month are ruled by the number 5 (2+3=5). and by the planet Mercury. Since Mercury represents quickness of thought and change (and still exerts a cusp influence on these early Cancerians). June 23 people may find themselves likely to both overreact mentally and to change their minds and physical surroundings with great regularity. The joint influence of the Moon (Cancer) and Mercury (Gemini) grants eloquence and wit to those born on this day, but they must sometimes restrain their desire to discuss the intimate details of people's lives. Whatever hard knocks those ruled by the number 5 receive from life typically will have little lasting effect on them. The number 23 is associated with happening, and for June 23 this enhances their quest for magical experiences.

June 23rd Birthday Tarot Card

The 5th card of the Major Arcana is The Hierophant. an interpreter of sacred mysteries who is symbolic of human understanding and faith. His knowledge is esoteric and he has authority over things unseen. Favorable traits conferred by this card are self-assuredness and insight; unfavorable traits include moralizing, bombast and dogmatism.

☆Luck maker:(Respect the feelings of others)Lucky people understand that if you are gentle with your honesty and respectful of others’ feelings you will gain the respect and trust of everyone you meet.

Love Love is all around

You’re drawn to people born on August 24 to September 23:You share a love of beauty and a need for security, and this can create an intense and romantic relationship.

Love makes the world go round for people born on June 23 and few can match their intensity when it comes to one-on-one relationships. They are prone to fall in love easily and may put their partner on a pedestal that is impossible to live up to. Although their need for absolute devotion may scare away potential partners, once in a secure relationship they have an extraordinary ability to keep romance and passion alive.

Health Home alone

People born on this day tend to be happiest when they are in a loving relationship or surrounded by friends and loved ones. They can suffer terribly if life forces periods of solitude upon them, but if they can learn to be as happy in their own company as they are in that of others, their potential for happiness and personal fulfillment increases significantly. As far as diet is concerned, they would be wise to steer clear of too much alcohol, and spicy and fatty foods, as these can irritate their digestive system and cause stomach upsets. All forms of exercise are recommended, especially when they feel their mood is in need of a boost. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to feel happier in their own company.

Generally, the time June 23 people spend at dances, parties and more intimate social gatherings will be good for their health, allowing them to express their desires and interests. However, drinking and smoking at such occasions can be debilitating to them, since they may be hypersensitive where their stomach and lungs are concerned. Also those born on this day must beware of drugs which impact on their mental and emotional state. For many June 23 people, sexual romance is immensely important and therefore frequent, varied and creative sex is recommended. As far as food is concerned, those born on this day are happiest with a variety of exotic, imaginatively prepared and served dishes, but must retain some control over their appetites if they wish to safeguard their health.

Career Born psychotherapists

Their natural orientation toward helping others draws these people to careers in health care, policing, counseling, and social work, as well as politics and law. They may also be drawn to the performing arts, poetry, writing, music, and painting. Other areas that might interest them include education, computer technology, research, catering, and commerce.

Destiny To influence, inspire and improve the lives of others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to step back every now and again and resist the tendency to become over-involved in problems that are not really their own. Once they have learned to be more objective, their destiny is to influence, inspire and improve the lives of others.

Deal regularly with practical, mundane matters Keep your life and living spate in order.Beware of having a loose tongue as far as others are concerned. Strive for discretion and taskin everything you do.

Celebrities Born On June 23rd

Frances McDormand(American actress and producer), Edward VIII(Former King of the United Kingdom), Alan Turing(British mathematician and computer scientist),

Alfred Kinsey (psychologist, sexuality authority, writer, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, Sexual Behavior in the Human Female), Duke of Windsor (reigned as Edward VIII of Britain, son of George V, abdicated to marry Wallace Simpson), Clarence Thomas (Supreme Court justice), Bob Fosse (actor, dancer, choreographer, film director, Cabaret, life the subject of movie Ail That Jazz), Wlma Rudolph (US 3x Olympic gold medal-winning sprinter), Ray Davies (British singer, songwriter, The Kinks), James Levine (New York Metropolitan Opera conductor), Josephine Beauhamais (Napoleon's wife, French empress), Milt Hinton (jazz bassist, photographer), Ranasinghe Premadasa (Sri Lankan pnme minister, first from low-caste background), Jean Anouilh (French playwright), Richard Bach (writer, Jonathan Livingston Seagull), Filbert Bayi (Tanzanian runner, 1,500 meter world record holder), Ted Lapidus (French fashion designer). Carfton Coon (anthropologist). Alan Matheson Tunng (Bntish mathematician, computer expert), Don Eisele (US astronaut navigator for Apollo 7 mission), Claude Goretta (Swiss film director, The Lacemaker), Irwin S. Cobb (humonst). Edward P. Morgan (film actor)

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