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June 23rd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 23, 2024

A broken heart makes life wonderful five years later, when you meet your old lover in the lift, now fatter and braying ‘long-time-no-see'. If your heart hadn't been broken, you couldn't relish the glorious relief.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Moon; Numbers: 2, 5

June 23rd Birthday Love Astrology

This is a lover's birthday. June 23's whole life is devoted to romance and there will be a lot of it because this individual starts early and finishes late. Added magic is given to this date because it is often celebrated as Midsummer's Eve.

Expect this child to have idealistic playgound passions, not to be discounted. A child's heart can dream and be broken just as powerfully as an adult's. These early loves will be cherished life-long memories, the adored one often encountered again in old age with sweet affection.

Most prefer to show off their love, so secret affairs and adultery are a turn off. Heart on sleeve, June 23 is vulnerable to jealousy - love's twin - and may become obsessive.

Don't take chances with this big heart. The aggression that accompanies their jealousy comes from June 23's propensity to attack when threatened. If they are unlucky in love, expect fireworks at least, maybe a stream of telephone calls. At worst, they may go through wallets and hangbags, checking up on the defaulter.

Open hearted June 23 adores gossip. They care about friends and their talent for advising on problems is usually kind, perceptive and helpful. But this little plum sometimes gets its nose too far into others' affairs and could get it squashed.

June 23 is not, however, so romantic that work takes second place. They are well organised, and straight-dealing team members. Work flirtations may be a weakness. Love in the office often backfires and everybody else always knows more than you think and certainly more than you'd wish.

Our romantic often takes lovers on a magical mystery tour of the arts. Financially blessed people shower their squeeze with beautiful things. They are also devoted to making a comfortable elegant home and since no labour saving device has yet been invented that can match any rich lover, grab a wealthy June 23 and hold on.

In Love

People born on this date tend to have a wide range of interesting associates but few close friends. Your emotional needs are so contradictory, you don’t always know what you want. Basically a traditionalist, you are home and family oriented. Yet in an intimate union, you may feel conflicted between a desire for roots and commitment and a yearning for freedom and independence. Moreover, there is a part of you that craves intellectual companionship and is attracted by less-than-conventional lifestyles. Your ideal relationship is well rounded and appeals to both the emotional and intellectual sides of your nature.

In Bed

You like to take your time before exposing your deepest feelings. Sometimes you are tender and loving, on other occasions cool and distant. Although you want warmth and nurturing, you’re afraid of the emotional vulnerability that intense emotions can reveal. You do best with a sensitive, caring partner who is capable of loving you without attempting to smother or cage you.

The lover who engages your mind and imagination with humor and lively conversation also enlivens your spirits.


Fitness is important to June 23 and they are usually active and, especially in later life, look after themselves well Many adore outdoor sports and other sociable activities in the fresh air, particularly, because they are a water sign, the pleasures of swimming in the sea, or rivers and lakes. They should take great care to check with one of the many guides published that the water they are bathing in is clean. Walkers and tennis players must also be sure to wear a high factor barrier cream and sunglasses with properly formulated lenses for maximum eye protection.


In the right situation, with the right lover, you’re capable of throwing yourself into sensual pleasure with complete abandon. Behind closed doors, detached coolness turns into smoldering passion as you indulge in erotic foreplay or play out a torrid fantasy before moving on to a superb night of spontaneous and uninhibited lovemaking.


A broken heart makes life wonderful five years later, when you meet your old lover in the lift, now fatter and braying ‘long-time-no-see'. If your heart hadn't been broken, you couldn't relish the glorious relief.

Reality Check

Your basic character is a complex blend of a rational intellect with the empathy, intuition, and sensitivity of the Sun in Cancer. These contrasting characteristics give you an elusive, paradoxical quality that is difficult to pigeonhole or define. On one hand, you’re independent and self-contained, and on the other you’re extraordinarily susceptible to the moods and feelings of those around you.

June 23 Date Share

Alfred Kinsey, sexologist, author, Sexual Behaviour in The Human Female. Duke of Windsor, abdicated as Edward VIII to marry Wallis Simpson. Empress ‘Not tonight' Josephine, Napoleon's wife. Alan Matheson Turing, computer inventor. Ray Davies, British singer, songwriter, The Kinks.

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