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June 25th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 25, 2024

This individual should try to be aware that people are not like a pack of cards, to be constantly reshuffled. Many lovers could make perfect life-long partners and a chance lost will usually come again.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Moon; Numbers: 4, 7

June 25th Birthday Love Astrology

This individual is lucky in love, but changeable. One minute in pursuit, the next bored - pursuit and seduction are the essence of their sexuality. It's part of the June 25 sizzle. They think that nobody is unseduceable except when approached by an inept lover. Which this desirable creature is not.

Fun to be with, their greatest promises are best ignored for a few months until they have decided to stay. And they will only stay when the timing is right for them, when they are tired of the endless succession of different heads on the other pillow and the piles of unwanted CDs which played a brief part in some forgotten flirtation. They may also have a definite notion about when they should settle down. It's usually quite a conventional decision, not difficult for the eagle-eyed to spot, like when July 25 reaches 30, can afford to buy a house, discovers the first grey hairs, and that their waist size is three inches larger than it was at nineteen.

Because this date is often greatly attached to its parents, when a father or mother dies and leaves an emotional gap, June 25 often yearns to fill that gap with another love and dreams of a new future promised by the birth of children.

June 25 is an exciting lover, full of passion and a flattering need for instant gratification, but there's little taste for, or talent for niceties. No elaborate games here; no strawberries and cream eaten off naked skin and not much champagne in the bath. But after the event, it's different. June 25 adores post-coital bingeing and lovers already languorous with sensation can expect more pleasure with endless varieties of chocolates, delicious oysters and pieces of lobster, maybe slices of papaya, all served in the tumbled sheets. Expect all this to be accompanied by a powerful drink, such as whisky sour on the rocks.

In Love

Socially you are friendly, outgoing, charming, personable, and mildly flirtatious. In an intimate union, you are more cautious, yet genuinely affectionate and caring. Like many Cancer natives, you can be moody, secretive, and subject to emotional ups and downs. When real life doesn’t live up to your romantic view of how things ought to be, you have a tendency to become despondent or depressed. Although you recognize the importance of togetherness and compromise in a close relationship, you feel that each partner also needs some time alone to concentrate on his or her own interests.

In Bed

Sexually you’re a free spirit, and you enjoy making love whenever and wherever the desire seizes you. Because you can’t abide the idea of a love life that falls into predictable patterns, you’re happiest with a partner who is capable of going with the flow. On occasion, you may become withdrawn and disinterested in sex. When this happens, it’s best to leave you alone until you come out of your funk. Once the clouds pass, you’ll make up for lost time.


If you are often tired and your skin is muddy it may be that snatched meals of fast, or prepared food have left you low on zinc. Low levels of zinc can be caused by the contraceptive pill, steroids, cigarettes and alcohol. Trials have also shown that using zinc supplements can be as helpful as some antibiotics in treating skin conditions such as acne. But for ordinary run- downess and not brilliant skin, just try eating more zinc-rich foods. Look for it in mushrooms, eggs mustard and brown rice, which contains six times more zinc than the polished white variety.


You’re turned on by the promise of the unexpected. The lover who tantalizes you is the one who satisfies your appetite for variety with lovemaking sessions in unusual or inconvenient locations. You enjoy dancing around the edges of danger and adventure. You may not actually do anything naughty, but you like contemplating the possibility.


This individual should try to be aware that people are not like a pack of cards, to be constantly reshuffled. Many lovers could make perfect life-long partners and a chance lost will usually come again.

Reality Check

Essentially a subjective person, you are inclined to view the world from an exceedingly personal point of view. Despite your innate kindness, you are naturally clannish and mainly interested in helping those in your inner circle. In an intimate relationship, you are normally very loving and generous.

However, when you are hurt or disappointed, your nurturing, protective attitude can morph into possessiveness and jealousy.

June 25 Date Share

George Michael, singer, songwriter. Peter Blake, British Pop artist. Carly Simon, singer. George Orwell, British writer. Animal Farm. Antonio Gaudi, Spanish architect, Sagrada Familia cathedral.

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