June 27th Protective Conviction Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJune 27, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is dealing with criticism

☆The way forward is to remember that constructive criticism can be enormously helpful because it can help you learn, improve and fine-tune your strategies.

The Birthday Of Protective Conviction, The Day Of The Defensive Developer

June 27th Protective Conviction Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of June 27th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior

Tarot card: The Hermit (inner strength)

Favorable numbers: 6, 9

Lucky days: Monday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, volcanic red, white

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on June 27 tend to be watchful, diligent and very capable of defending themselves and their interests from attack. They are competitive, driven and persuasive,and those who dare to criticize or argue with their convictions may find themselves out of their depth.

They feel they have a duty to guide and, if necessary, force others to follow the same uncompromising moral convictions that they themselves hold. The profound empathy they feel for those less fortunate arouses their fiercely protective instincts and a burning desire to effect social improvement. Such steadfastness does, however, have its drawbacks: they have a tendency to become inflexible and overly defensive when others try to offer their opinions or criticize them. If this happens, their favored response is to withdraw, shutting out everyone and everything in the process.

Emotions and family matters may occupy them into their mid-twenties, and they should take advantage of opportunities to become more sensitive to the feelings of others. Although they may appear self-assured, they may find that the solid confidence they seek is not forthcoming until after the age of twenty-five. It is important during these years that they keep their minds and hearts open, avoiding becoming too defensive or inflexible in their convictions, which could provoke unnecessary rifts in relationships and problems in their working life. After the age of fifty-five they become more practical, analytical and discerning. Remaining inquisitive and open-minded is the key to their happiness and success during this period.

The single-mindedness of these people can also mean that they miss out on opportunities to develop new assets or relationships. It is crucial for their psychological development that they remain open to the debates that their actions will engender, because learning to become more accommodating is the key to their personal happiness and fulfillment. It will unlock their intuition, giving them the inspiration they need to fulfill their progressive urge to effect real and significant improvements in the human condition.

☆ On the dark side:Inflexible, defensive, isolated

☆ At your best:Persuasive, protective, driven

Those born on June 27 believe that the most effective offense is supported by a good defense. Extremely protective of their personal kingdom (be it family or business), they venture out into the world cautiously and only after their home base is secure from external threats. Once their guidance system is locked on, however, they proceed inexorably to their target, rarely straying off course. Thus, June 27 people are unbelievably determined once they set their sights on something and tend to get it, no matter what.

There is usually a rock-solid set of moral convictions behind the drive and determination of June 27 people. Because of these convictions, those born on this day feel one hundred percent that their actions are just and correct, and they are rarely given to questioning themselves.

The goals of most June 27 people are, generally speaking, highly personal rather than worldly, but they also have a strong competitive streak which urges them to overcome those they regard as competitors or rivals. In doing so, however, they can make very powerful enemies who later obstruct their progress, or in rare cases destroy or defeat them.

At least in their philosophy and attitude, June 27 people have little capacity for admitting defeat. The benefits of such steadfastness are obvious, but may also result in an inflexible personality which is unwilling to accept unpleasant truths, and exhibits a kind of tunnel vision. When people are repelled by such a stance, or worse yet attack a June 27 person verbally, those born on this day may get bewildered, close down and withdraw into a kind of well-armored shell.

An intense desire to protect not only themselves but also their family, friends or social group is of course one of the prime characteristics of June 27 people. They may, however, appear overly aggressive toward others; indeed they are masterful at alternating quickly between attack and defense.

Because they are so firm in their convictions, June 27 people can make fine salespeople.

They could sell ice to the Eskimos or pasta to the Italians. Particularly once they have formed their ideological goals, firmed up their belief systems and sorted out their principles, they develop an overwhelming urge not only to share their values with others but to persuade, educate and convince.

Due to their marked empathic abilities, June 27 people pick up quickly on the feelings of others. But because of their somewhat antagonistic manner, they will often provoke less than sympathetic reactions from those with whom they live and work. Indeed, others may perceive them as so strong and invulnerable that they are somehow less deserving of compassion or kindness.

The spiritual path for those born on June 27 is long and hard. Perhaps only after they have battled and achieved some measure of success can they allow time to first examine and then remake themselves. Hopefully, they will still be free to change and grow.

Power Thought:My understanding is clear, but my opinions are flexible,We are not always aware of what a tremendous effect not only our actions, but also our thoughts, have on our environment

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 27th day of the month are ruled by the number 9 (2+7=9). and by the planet Mars. The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that number (e.g.. 5+9=14. 4+1 = 5) and any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9 (e.g., 9x5=45, (+5=9). and June 27 people are similarly able to influence those around them. The planet Mars is forceful and aggressive, embodying male energy, thus June T7 women may be somewhat threatening to those who think of women as passive. The combination of Mars with the Moon (ruler of Cancer) lends strong financial skills and an expressive nature.

June 27th Birthday Tarot Card

The 9th card of the Major Arcana is The Hermit, who walks carrying a lantern and a stick; he represents meditation, isolation and silence. The card signifies crystallized wisdom and ultimate discipline. The Hermit is a taskmaster who uses conscience to keep others on their path. The positive side of this card is stick-to-it-iveness, purpose, profundity and concentration; negative meanings include dogmatism, intolerance, mistrust and discouragement. June 27 people should learn from The Hermit the value of withdrawal from the world and periodic reexamination of their values, but should also beware of becoming too isolated.

☆Luck maker:(Open your eyes and ears)You must explore new possibilities if you want to strike lucky. Lucky people are always hungry for experiences, knowledge and new insights because they have learned that they will eventually find something wonderful.

Love Fluctuating moods

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 20:You both have a strong will and bags of energy; this can create a hot, fiery but intensely rewarding relationship.

Charming and friendly with a warm and caring personality, people born on June 27 are often loyal and devoted partners, as well as being loving parents. Although they find it easy to make friends and attract admirers, they can have fluctuating moods and be quick to take offence at any form of criticism, and this vacillating touchiness can affect their relationships negatively.

Health Limber up

People born on this day have a tendency to be inflexible in both mind and body, and this can manifest itself in physical discomforts such as joint pain, backache, sciatica, and headaches. They would benefit enormously from all forms of stretching, such as yoga and dance, or any form of exercise that encourages them to be more flexible. As far as diet is concerned, they need to optimize their intake of health-boosting nutrients. In addition, they need to make sure they include a wide variety of foods in their meal plans and don’t just keep repeating the same menu week after week. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color yellow will encourage them to be more open, optimistic and confident.

June 27 people often carry a saturnian rigidity about them. More healthy people born on this day work to eliminate or soften this stance. Those that remain mentally indexible are likely to suffer from an accompanying physical rigidity that can manifest in discomforts from headaches and backaches to quite crippling disorders like arthritis. They must also guard against stress-induced gastric and duodenal ulcers. June 27 people are in need of fluid exercise, such as yoga, tai-chi or swimming, that reduces tension and blockages in energy flow. It is best that June 27 people avoid more intense competitive sports, unless serious athletes.

Career Born charity workers

People born on this day may express their humanitarian concerns in a range of careers, including nursing, teaching, therapy, social work, or charity work. Alternatively, they may choose to spread their message more overtly via the arts in music, acting or writing, although their theatrical side conjoined with their idealism may also lead them into politics.

Destiny To devote their energy to helping and inspiring others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to be more open-minded in their approach to people and situations. Once they have become more flexible, their destiny is to devote their considerable energy to helping and inspiring others.

Examine yourself periodically; question your views. Listen to others, and loosen up a bit.Never underestimate your opponent and admit weakness when appropriate Above all. find your spiritual path and keep on it.

Celebrities Born On June 27th

Tobey Maguire(American actor), Isabelle Adjani(French actress and singer), India de Beaufort(British actress and singer-songwriter),

Helen Keller (educator, overcame being deaf, dumb, and blind, writer, TTie Story of My Life), H. Ross Perot (US presidential candidate, billionaire, software developer), Willie Mosconi (perhaps all-time greatest pocket billiards player, I4x world champion), Emma Goldman (socialist revolutionary), Crystal Fauset (race relations specialist, first African-American woman state legislator), Sally Priesand (first Amencan woman rabbi), Isabel Adjani (French film actress), Juan Trippe (founder of TWA), Geoffrey C Harcourt (Australian economist, Dymanics of the Wealth of Nations), Alice McDermott (novelist, At Weddings and Wakes), jonkheer J.H. Loudon (Shell Oil president), William Thomas Grant (merchant), Charles IX (French king), Louis XII (French king), Charles XII (Swedish king), Philip Guston (abstract expressionist painter), John Turner Sargent (publisher), Elmo Hope (jazz pianist), Sylvan Scolnick (embezzler), Bob Keeshan (TV actor, Captain Kangaroo)

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