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June 27th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 27, 2024

People who successfully break their habits have one thing in common - they desperately wanted to break their bad habits. They made choices and sacrifices to get a life without the monkey on their back. Are you?

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Moon; Numbers: 6, 9

June 27th Birthday Love Astrology

These are very direct people and can be difficult company for those who are uncomfortable with too much reality. But they are the salt of the earth, the people who everybody turns to when they need help. June 27 often shoulders the burdens of a family that other members can't face, and they do this cheerfully. Usually physically and mentally strong, they can manage to live a full life themselves alongside whatever duties they may have to others.

June 27 has a strong creative streak which often manifests itself in domestic skills. They can be inspired cooks and gardeners, taking infinite care with the more delicate side of both pursuits. This person is more interested in sliced peaches soaked in orange juice with a dash of brandy, than a lengthily planned rabbit and game stuffed cassoulet. There will be violas, pansies and columbine straying through the borders in their garden, rather than towering conifers and azaleas. Steadfast in everything, this individual is a traditionalist and while perfectly alert to modern ideas, neither sex is seriously interested in contemporary fashion. They regard new ideas as a rehash of old ones and if pressed to get involved and made uncomfortable, or mocked, they dig in and withdraw. Some people born on June 27 are addicted to sulking, perhaps an aspect of their stubborn, rather unbending tendencies, and this is mindbendingly tedious for everybody else because June 27 likes people to know what they are feeling, so expect much sniffing and sighing and slamming down of plates.

These can be problem characteristics in some areas of corporate life, but this individual does very well in traditional types of business such as banking, transport and other industries which serve the community. In a local area or country village, this is the bank manager or postmistress, or policeman and woman upon whom the healthy and successful structure of ordinary living depends.

In Love

In matters of the heart you’re a romantic, and intimate relationships are never far from your thoughts. You’re either in love, looking for someone to love, or involved in a rich fantasy life where love rules. In a romantic partnership, you are cautious and vulnerable, but also extraordinarily loving and giving. People seek you out because they enjoy your friendly affability and charming sense of humor. You thrive when all goes well, but if your mate doesn’t live up to your expectations you may feel totally shattered. You want a strong partner who makes you feel safe and secure and encourages you in your efforts.

In Bed

The intensity of your emotions makes it impossible for you to have a sexual alliance based on purely physical attraction. For you, sex is about emotional melding and intimacy that goes beyond words. Sensitive and sentimental, you focus a lot of your energy and attention on matters of love and romance.

Tenderhearted and caring, when you love someone you want nothing more than to devote yourself to the needs and wants of your beloved. However, you expect the same consideration and devotion in return.


Sometimes this person just carit get to sleep because their mind is still racing with the tasks of the day. Experts suggest that you try to wind the body down an hour or so before you go to bed. For instancey try to stop working an hour earlier and if necessary start working an hour earlier at the beginning of the day. Avoid strenuous exercise before bed. Turn off the news. Cut down on tea and coffee during the day and don't drink either during the evening; some people cut both out after 4pm and say they sleep better for it.


The direct method rarely works with you. You want to be wooed and seduced; the more oblique the approach, the more readily you respond to it.

Your secret is that you’re extremely sensual and capable of intense sexual passion. You long to be swept away on a tidal wave of romantic love, yet it still takes a bit of coaxing to inflame your lusty libido.


People who successfully break their habits have one thing in common - they desperately wanted to break their bad habits. They made choices and sacrifices to get a life without the monkey on their back. Are you?

Reality Check

Most of your actions are dictated by instinct and intuition. You function like a psychic sponge that absorbs emotional vibrations. Sometimes you have tremendous difficulty separating your own feelings and emotions from the ones you’re picking up from other people.

June 27 Date Share

Helen Keller, educator, overcame being deaf, dumb and blind. Isabel Adjani, French film actress. Sally Priesand, first American woman rabbi. Charles Stewart Parnell, leader of the Irish Nationalist Party, imprisoned for policy of violence in 1881. Charles IX, 16th century King of France.

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