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June 28th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJune 28, 2024

Relax so much that you allow yourself to feel pleasurably dimwitted. It's a joy that often goes uncelebrated. Stay in bed until midday. Lie in the bath reading. Swing in a hammock in a country garden.

Sun Sign: Cancer/Moon

Decanate: Cancer/Moon; Numbers: 1, 7

June 28th Birthday Love Astrology

June 28 is usually a joy to be with, both at home and at work. They are generous minded, quick to compliment others and equally quick to foster other peoples' talents. This star sign is noted for its perception and people born on this day are blessed with many of the Cancer virtues. In any kind of work or community activities this individual will shine at organising, drawing the best out of people, and overcoming difficulties with charm. Many are talented with money. They can frequently make money seem to go further than others do, yet they are usually safe hands with financial affairs, rarely having difficulties with a budget.

Quick to love, this individual is often extremely romantic and will shower a chosen partner with attention. They are good listeners and most of them are astute where other people's feelings are concerned. Some born on this day, however, may not be blessed with quite the same talent for assessing other people so they may make wrong judgements in their relationships. If this happens too often, June 28 can take betrayal too much to heart and the result is a dangerous temper. All people born under this sign may have a streak of aggression which they can sometimes find hard to control. Romantic betrayal may be the raw nerve here and often leads to long periods of resentment and sometimes enmity.

Because these people are good money-managers and leaders, they enjoy travelling and do so with imagination. They frequently like to go off the beaten track and avoid package tours, preferring to plan their own itinerary which allows them to see more closely how other countries live. June 28 will take care to find out about local customs and interesting places to see and some have a talent for learning languages which they see as a necessary courtesy to the natives of whichever country they are visiting.

In Love

Your emotional life resembles a roller coaster. You’re pulled between a desire for continuity and security and a love of freedom and independence. You can be sensitive and nurturing one moment, explosive and demanding the next. The changeable aspect in your nature makes you moody and apprehensive. When you’re insecure in a love relationship, you react like most other members of your Sun sign. First jealousy rears its ugly head, and then you turn weepy, clingy, and possessive. It may take the comfort and support of a home and family to make you feel truly safe and secure.

In Bed

You radiate a type of sexual magnetism that makes you much sought after as a lover. Considerably bolder and more adventurous than other Cancer natives, you have a flair for the theatrical that adds drama and humor to your bedroom antics. When you feel genuinely comfortable with your bedmate, you will let down your guard and reveal the surprisingly sensitive, romantic side of your nature. You’re at your best with an intuitive partner who is tuned in to your wavelength.


June 28 sometimes eats indiscriminately and this frequently leads to indigestion, heartburn and a chronically unsettled stomach. Pay more attention to your own body and a little less to everybody else's, and these problems can be solved. Avoid overeating, then try to cut down on dairy products, fast-food which contains additives and preservatives, and sugary treats. Instead try to introduce more fibre into your diet of the sort contained in oats, brown rice and beans. Add sesame oil, whkh contains vitamin E to lightly steamed vegetables and cooked salads. Drink a measured amount of hot tea and broths to help digestion.


You’re a romantic with the soul of an adventurer. The lover who turns you on is the one who can walk a thin line between passionate lovemaking one night and tender sensuality the next. Sexual spontaneity can provide you with endless thrills. By initiating impromptu moments of playful eroticism, you keep your relationship fresh and exciting.


Relax so much that you allow yourself to feel pleasurably dimwitted. It's a joy that often goes uncelebrated. Stay in bed until midday. Lie in the bath reading. Swing in a hammock in a country garden.

Reality Check

Your personality is genial and outgoing, and your freewheeling, adventurous spirit is complemented by a shrewd mind and a remarkable memory. You think fast and reach important decisions quickly. However, you have a volatile, artistic temperament that often causes you to act on impulse, without rational consideration. When you speak or act without thinking, you sometimes do or say things you later regret.

June 28 Date Share

Henry VIII, whose six wives mostly came to unhappy ends, Composed ‘Greensleeves'. Jean Jacques Rousseau, Swiss-French 18th century philosopher, educational theorist, thought toys were bad for children. Mel Brooks, comedian, actor, film director, Blazing Saddles. Gilda Radner, comedienne, Saturday Night Live. John Cusack, film star.

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