June 29th Altruistic Visionary Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onJune 29, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is not giving too much of yourself

☆The way forward is to understand that only after you know how to take care of yourself can you take care of others.

The Birthday Of The Altruistic Visionary, The Day Of Airborne Dreamers

June 29th Altruistic Visionary Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of June 29th Birthdays

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: The High Priestess (intuition)

Favorable numbers: 2, 8

Lucky day: Monday, especially when it falls on 2 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, silver, white

Birthstone: Pearl

People born on June 29 are often highly intuitive and sensitive. They have a knack for anticipating other people’s words, actions and reactions. This is because they have the rare ability to put themselves into another’s shoes. As well as being intuitive, they also possess a dazzling imagination and the practical ability to transform their progressive visions into reality.

With their unique combination of altruistic intuition and imagination, these people give much to others and share their burdens. They are the people who will be a shoulder for their friends to cry on, a morale booster at work and a charity worker in their spare time. They will often be drawn to people who are lonely and insecure because they hope that offering their friendship will reinforce the self-esteem of those who feel fragile.

They often present a lighthearted, youthful and energetic face to the world, and others will love the fact that they rarely complain or drag people down with negativity. Their aim is always to uplift and help others, and while they may be accused of superficiality, underneath their charm and innocence they have all the drive and competitive edge they need to achieve their goals. They often have a talent for making money, and lots of it, although their competitive drive is motivated by a desire to share their vision and happiness with others, rather than gain personal success.

Although their dedication to bringing pleasure to others is admirable, they occasionally need to give themselves a boost as well. If their behavior becomes too self-sacrificing, they may suffer from bouts of indecision and anxiety about their own personal focus and motivation. Before the age of twenty they may be inclined to be shy or reserved but after twenty-three they will enjoy opportunities to develop their personal power and creativity. It is vital that they take advantage of these because in this period their intellect, imagination and understanding of the needs of others can help them make their own dreams, as well as the dreams of others, a practical reality.

☆ On the dark side:Self-sacrificing, indecisive, superficial

☆ At your best:Youthful, giving, intuitive

June 29 people are filled with visions and their life's purpose may well be making dreams come true. Thus they have an uncanny ability to find practical applications for their fantasies and in so doing share them with other people. Those born on this day are also highly sensitive to the desires of others and, like Santa Claus, may be expected to deliver. In this respect they are at once responsible providers and dreamers with their heads in the clouds.

Fortunately, an ability to come up with the funds they need to realize the success of their projects is characteristic of those born on this day. June 29 people most often display a thorough knowledge of technical matters in their given field, but they are not overly verbal people and, although eager to share, may find it difficult to communicate their methods to others.

The quality of the products they produce, however, is plain for all to see and the ease with which they accomplish tasks may earn them a reputation as "magicians" with their superiors, colleagues or employees.

Above all else, June 29 people are seekers of the truth, and as such deflate phoniness of any sort, defy false authority and expose spurious endeavors. June 29 people hope that the ends they serve, once established and made real, will reveal the true nature of things, or at least manifest a high degree of integrity. Those born on this day are rarely doctrinarily religious people, for they accept little at face value without investigating it for themselves.

Air, breath, flying, singing and dancing are recurrent themes in the lives of June 29 people.

Many born on this day have extremely lively, fun-loving and bubbly personalities.

Sometimes falsely accused of superficiality, they don't advertise their own underlying moral code. When a less highly evolved June 29 person inhibits the freedom or mobility of others, it is a particularly selfish act; such a double standard means that the June 29 person is free to fly, but that others are not.

Those born on this day often present a childlike demeanor to the world. In touch with the values of youth, they embody a certain innocence, charm and openness. Despite such an exterior, those born on this day are usually adept at making money (also at spending it) and establishing themselves in a competitive marketplace. Should they go far in this direction they must beware of becoming jaded or cynical. Though competitive, June 29 people make good partners and companions, preferring to share their lives with others rather than always putting their personal success first. Those born on this day are very generous in that they are truly happy when they are sharing their good fortune with others.

Power Thought:I owe it to myself to develop my many talents and abilities,At this moment, someone is flying

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 29th day of the month are ruled by the number 2 (2+9=11. 1 + 1=2). and by the Moon. Since those ruled by the number 2 are often good co-workers and partners, rather than leaders, this aspect will compliment the more agreeable qualities of June 29 people. However, it may also act as a brake on individual initiative and action, producing frustration. This maybe further enhanced by the Moon (emphasized for June 29 people by its rulership of Cancer) having strongly reflective and passive tendencies. The secondary number 11, (2+9=11) lends a feeling for the physical plane (grounding the dreamy and emotive tendencies of June 29 people). The number 11 may also indicate an interest in ruins, coincidences, and doubles of various kinds.

June 29th Birthday Tarot Card

The 2nd card of the Major Arcana is The Priestess, shown seated on her throne, calm and impenetrable. She is a spiritual woman who reveals hidden forces and secrets, empowering us with that knowledge. Favorable qualities of this card are silence, intuition, reserve and discretion: negative values are secretiveness, mistrust, indifference and inertia, emphasizing certain passive tendencies found in June 29 people, who sometimes wait too long before taking action.

☆Luck maker:(Treat yourself)Treat yourself to something that you really want: a book, a film, a new outfit, a haircut. Make sure it’s something that makes you feel good, because when you feel good your chances of attracting good luck increase.

Love Exceedingly generous

You’re drawn to people born on June 22 to July 23:You both have much to give and take from each other, and this can be a dynamic and satisfying relationship.

People born on June 29 can easily attract people with their optimistic, upbeat, caring approach and they usually think in twosomes. They may be drawn toward partners who are insecure in some way but since they are prone to insecurity themselves, they might be better choosing someone less needy. Once in a relationship they are often exceedingly generous with those they love and may need to temper their giving impulse to allow their partner or children to stand on their own two feet.

Health Self-care

People born on this day have a tendency to put others before themselves, and although this is commendable they need to remember to take care of themselves as well. They are also prone to taking on the burdens of others and this can sometimes result in emotional difficulties or even co-dependent relationships. As far as diet and lifestyle are concerned, they may have a craving for sweet foods, foods high in fat, alcohol, or recreational drugs; they need to counteract this with a healthy, balanced diet and plenty of exercise. Any form of aerobic exercise is recommended as it will boost their cardiovascular and respiratory health. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color red will increase their self-confidence and help them distance themselves from those who might drag them down.

June 29 people are attracted to a wide variety of life experiences and therefore generally lead balanced lives. However, their imagination and empathic abilities are so highly developed, that they may take on not only the psychological difficulties of others but perhaps manifest physical symptoms as well. Such a tendency is most pronounced when those born on this day are invoked in co-dependent or destructive relationships and in such cases counseling is invaluable. Otherwise, the health of those born on this day is fundamentally sound (as long as they show no obsessive cravings for rich food, drink or drugs). All areas involving breath control (singing, yoga, swimming, dancing, jogging) are recommended as physical exercise

Career Born charity workers

These people are well suited to careers in education, the fashion, leisure, and beauty industries, and careers connected to the home and family. They also have natural skills in working for a charitable cause. Their imagination and quick intelligence may draw them to science, medicine, alternative healing, or business, and their need for creative expression may draw them to writing, music and art.

Destiny To inspire others with their generosity

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to find a balance between their own needs and those of others. Once they have found that balance, their destiny is to influence and inspire others with their generosity and their ability to make the impossible seem possible.

Don't get so hung up on the expectations of others Step out a bit more and trust in your ability to act autonomously. Develop more precise verbal skills. Hyperserious people are bound to get uptight around you, so try to be considerate of their difficulties

Celebrities Born On June 29th

Gary Busey(American actor), Little Eva(American singer), Nicole Scherzinger(American singer and TV personality),

Antoine de Saint-Exupery (French aviator, writer, illustrator, Wind, Sand and Stars; The Little Pnnce, died in plane crash over Mediterranean), Stokely Carmichael (African-American political activist, The Politics of Liberation in America). George Washington Goethals (US Army officer and engineer, supervisor of Panama Canal construction, namesake of New York bridge), Onana Fallaci (Italian journalist writer. A Man). Rafael Kubelik (Czech conductor, Czech Philharmonic and Israel Philharmonic exiled from homeland), Harmon Killebrew (baseball slugger, AL 6x HR, 4x RBI leader. MVP), William Mayo (physician, Mayo clinic co-founder with father and brother), Slim Pickens (film actor), Ray Harryhausen (film producer, special effects creator, Mighty Joe young, Dynarama animation system inventor). Anne-Sophie Mutter (German violinist), David Jenkins (US Olympic gold medalwinning. 3x world champion figure skater, brother of Hayes), Luisa Tetrazzini (Italian coloratura soprano), Gary Busey (film actor, survived helmetless motorcycle crash into pole). Little Eva (singer), Claude Montana (French fashion designer), current Emir of Kuwait, Howard E. Dahl (aviator), Giacomo Leopard' (Italian ! 9* c poet). Paul G. Clancy (astrologer, publisher), Nelson Eddy (baritone singer, film actor)

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